Someone in the room couldn't help laughing out loud:

"Pfft, this is too funny, he..."

Halfway through the laugh, the laughter and gunshots stopped abruptly! !

Not only him, but everyone stared at Pei Changfeng's character, pupils of magnitude 10 earthquake!

"Fuck, this is okay??!"

Someone couldn't help but burst out.

On the computer screen, the standing figure slowly fell to the ground, and the energy in the blood bar began to decrease and empty...

【Good luck, have chicken tonight】

When a few large characters appeared on the computer screen, everyone was taken aback!

He was shot by Pei Changfeng, fell to the ground, and died in less than a dozen seconds. It happened so suddenly that no one could react!

How could a dignified professional player lose like this? !

The most unbelievable one was Pei Changfeng, he stared at the gray screen, his cool and elegant mask began to crack!

He actually lost?

Lost to a panicked normal person?

Li Qinian took off the earphones, surprised with joy:

"Huh? I actually won? Student Pei, did you let me go on purpose?"

Li Qinian's words were like a sharp sword, piercing Pei Changfeng's heart full of holes!

He knew it himself, he definitely didn't release the water!

"This... must be an accident, right? Classmate Li is really lucky. Chang Feng was accidentally shot by you."

Some students from class two began to find replacements for Pei Changfeng.

"Hahaha, no one is so lucky, you can hit it with random operations."

Someone continued to take the call.

Pei Changfeng's ugly face improved a lot.

Li Qinian raised her eyebrows and frankly admitted:

"Indeed, I am too invincible."

"No problem."

Pei Changfeng forcefully squeezed out two words from his throat.

Although he lost, everyone understood that Li Qinian was not his opponent.

Li Qinian suddenly became considerate, and said seriously:

"No, it's clear that you have to win to win. In my opinion, let's play another game!"

Of course Pei Changfeng couldn't wish for it!

This time he puts all his energy into it and will never lose!

The two quickly started again, and ten minutes later, the two sides met again!

Li Qinian panicked again, even seeing Pei Changfeng, he ran out of the room, and fled in an open and honest manner!

【Fuck! Are you a monkey? Can you have some backbone! 】

[Screenshot the background of the escape, as a souvenir~]

As soon as Li Qinian ran outside, he aimed his gun at the gate.


Pei Changfeng, who didn't expect her to shoot suddenly, showed a look of shock, and could only watch helplessly as his blood bar slowly emptied...

The screen in front of me went gray again.

The room was silent, and no one expected his second death.

Only Li Qinian frowned tightly, seeming very distressed:

"Student Pei, I'm sorry, I didn't intend to shoot at first, but I accidentally slipped my hand, alas..."

Pei Changfeng: "..."

There was a depression in my heart, stuffed in my chest.

This man is too wicked.

Every time he is about to lose the game, he can always "accidentally" turn defeat into victory.

"Shall we do it again?"

Li Qinian generously proposed again.

Pei Changfeng: "...OK."

The third inning begins.

Li Qinian played even worse than the previous two rounds. He was half a beat slower when he was running the poison, and lost half of his health.

Pei Changfeng let out a long breath, finally regaining his face.

This time, he will definitely win!

He raised his hand and aimed at Li Qinian in the distance.

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