[Is it because my undercover army can't wield a knife? This is the official cp that has been stamped and given sugar, except for the undercover, the rest are all cult cps! 】

[It’s easy to knock if you can’t forget it ~ there is also Wang’s wife (seven) stone ~]

【Jiang Wang is already on the way with a knife in hand, I advise everyone to take care of themselves】

[Speaking of which, someone picked up Jiang Lu, all I know is that he is a high school student, as for the family situation, I heard that it is not looking good? 】

[Ahhh, so Gu Xizheng's family background is better than Jiang Lu's? ! 】

Li Qinian laughed contemptuously when he saw the comment that Jiang Huan's family was poor.

The way of heaven is reincarnation, who will be spared, she has been cheated for so long, and finally it is the turn of this group of fake fans, no one can escape the sanctions of Jiang Goudan!

She wandered around on Weibo, and when she returned to the homepage, she found that there were more comments, so she clicked on it——

【Ahhhhhhh! Gu Xizheng just paid attention to the female goose! 】

[I bet he definitely saw the trending search, so this is the meaning of secretly poking sugar! 】

[It's the feeling of knocking, I thought it was unreliable for CP, so I will return to Gu Xizheng! expect! 】


Expect shit!

Li Qinian doesn't even need to think about it, if she pays attention to Gu Xizheng, what a miserable end will happen tonight...

Thinking of the man who was still soaking in the vinegar vat, she resisted the urging of the netizens to go back to the customs, and she just didn't pay attention to Gu Xizheng, and threw an emoticon pack at Jiang Damei——

【whisper: Rose.jpg】

[Big Beauty: What did you do to apologize to me again? 】

Seeing Jiang Lu's reply, Li Qinian was choked by saliva and coughed frantically.

Can't she simply miss him? !

【Big Beauty: Screenshot.jpg】

Without Li Qinian opening his mouth, he threw over a screenshot, which was her and Gu Xizheng's most popular Weibo searches.

Li Qinian: "..."

It's over, I can't explain it clearly.

[Great Beauty: They all said that my family was poor, and I was the little boy you took care of. I eat soft food every day, and I am not worthy of you (comment screenshot.jpg)]

Li Qinian: "..."

How could she have the ability to let the heirs of the Jiang family eat her soft food?

Clicking on the screenshot, it turned out to be a Yizhong forum from a long time ago——

【Student and his semi-permanent white shirt】

It probably means that Jiang Lu’s clothes have never had a famous brand logo, they are all the same style, he walks or takes a taxi to school every day, and even analyzed his mobile phone, toys and backpack, at least they have not been replaced for many years, they look worn out ...

In the end, everyone came to the conclusion that -

On the campus of No. 1 Middle School where rich people are as numerous as dogs, Jiang Zhuantuo is the representative of a poor family!

Li Qinian: "..."

It's no wonder that netizens believe that she also read these posts at the beginning, so she preconceived that Jiang Huan's family was poor.

It's really that the post is too convincing, and Jiang Wang himself is too low-key!

Just like that old pencil case!

It is the final work of Italian designer Marco Denicolo at the age of 80. He specially carved the mottled lines with precious sandalwood, implying death and ending. Its artistic value cannot be estimated by money!

The reason why no one knows about this work is because the old man and Mr. Jiang have been friends for many years. When the work was completed, he directly gave it to 15-year-old Jiang Lu.

The moment Li Qinian knew the truth, he just wanted to slam his head against the wall to death.

She weakly clicked on the dialogue box——

[whisper: Then what do you think of this matter? 】

As for men, they have relatively strong self-esteem, and they are definitely not happy to be known by the whole world as being soft.

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