Dressed As the Younger Brother of Four Pet Sisters and Crazy Demons

Chapter 856 Who is the number one student in the college entrance examination

drink a fart!

Mo Wanggui looked down at the milk tea in his hand, feeling more and more irritable.

What broken milk tea?

He handed it directly to Jiang Lu: "Hey, Jiang family boy, do you want it?"

Jiang Wang took it smoothly: "Thank you."

Mo Wanggui glanced at him in surprise, did he really want to drink?

It's just saccharin and coloring, but there are still people who like it?

Li Qinian raised his eyebrows, but he didn't care: "Forget it if you don't drink, you've seen the others, then I'm leaving."

"Walk slowly."

Mo Wanggui raised his head and stared ahead, but didn't even look.

Li Qinian dragged Jiang Lu away, but couldn't help complaining.

"Brother Wang, do you think that Sao Fox is like a dead duck with a stubborn mouth?"


Jiang Wang absolutely agrees with what his children said.

Li Qinian turned back to look at Ferrari's position, only to find that the car had left and disappeared.

"It runs pretty fast."

"Nian Nian, here!!"

Not far away, Xiao San'er got off the car and waved at him.

When Li Qinian saw the car, he instinctively stepped in front of Jiang Huang.

It's over, the uncles are all in the car.

Afraid of what to come, before Li Qinian walked in, the people in the car got off, and naturally they could clearly see Jiang Lu behind her.

Season's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly: "How did you do in the exam?"

It was actually Jiang Yao who asked.


Jiang Wang is neither humble nor overbearing, calm and composed.

"Nian Nian, it's time for us to go home." The sister-in-law Chen Yu'an took care of the cub online.

Li Qinian looked at Jiang Lu: "Then I'll go back first, where is Grandpa Jiang, did he send someone to pick you up?"

With a few cold gazes, Jiang Lu put one hand in his pocket, and chatted with Li Qinian to himself:

"Here we are, waiting by the side of the road."

"Then go back quickly, and pay attention to safety on the road."

Li Qinian blinked at Jiang Huang where the villains could not see.

Cherish life and stay away from perversion.

Jiang Wang received her hint, and a smile flashed in his eyes: "Report me safe when you get home."

"it is good!"

The two groups of people dispersed.


Waiting for the results of the college entrance examination is always a long time, Li Qinian finally does not have to go to school, lying in the base every day, not going anywhere.

Until the day of the college entrance examination results, a group of people suddenly appeared in the base.

"Wow, is this the room where I, Li Shen, trained? It's so cool..."


"There are so many computers here, so will we have to check the results collectively later? Isn't this too social?"

A group of people from the third shift were chattering, causing Li Qinian's ears to thump and set off fireworks.

"Don't mess with Li Jin's things, or he will definitely kill me when he comes back."

The results of the college entrance examination came out today, and everyone planned to gather together after checking the results, but after asking everyone where they wanted to go, they said they had no idea.

In the end, it was Li Jin's little fan girl who weakly raised her hand, expressing her desire to visit the SOG base that thousands of homeboys dream of.

After Li Qinian discussed with Li Jin, the other party reluctantly agreed and only gave everyone a day to play.

"I understand! Seventh brother, don't worry, I will definitely not make it difficult for you!"

Everyone promised.

Li Qinian: "There is a lawn behind the base, you can have a barbecue there at noon, the ingredients are in the kitchen, you can carry them yourself."

"Wuwuwu seventh brother, you are simply an angel!" Someone rushed up and hugged Li Qinian.

"Long live Seventh Brother!"

The screaming boys are all boys, and they can play freely in the training base of the world champions. This is a dream they never dared to dream of before!

A group of people rushed to the kitchen immediately, moved out the grill, looked for seasonings, and skewered ingredients.

"Seventh brother! Where is the spoon!"

"Seventh brother! Where's the cumin powder?"

"Seventh brother, there are not enough chopsticks!"

The whole world is calling for Li Qinian.

Li Qinian was dizzy in a hurry, and finally finished tossing and sitting at the dining table, too tired to move a finger.

"Hey, it's ten o'clock, and the results of the college entrance examination are out..."

I don't know who said it first, and everyone's busy movements stopped.

"Ah, I used my mobile phone to go in, but I was stuck out."

"This is a spam website, it's not easy to check the results."

Li Qinian: "Try the computer."

Ever since, a group of people walked towards the training room on the first floor.

The training room on the first floor belongs to the trainees, and there are more than 30 computers in it. Everyone didn't mess with things, and consciously opened the webpage and went straight to the college entrance examination results.

"Found it, it's actually only 703, woo woo woo woo..."

"I'm only 690, why don't you cry!"

"Where is the squad leader, at least 710?"

Li Qinian and Jiang Huan listened to everyone's discussion, stood aside and did not move.

"Brother Seven, Brother Jiang, don't you want to check?"

Some students stared at the two suspiciously.

Li Qinian shook his head: "It's okay, someone will check for me."

As soon as she finished speaking, the phone in her hand rang.

She didn't answer the phone immediately, but turned to look at Jiang Lu:

"Remember our bet?"

The person with the low score has to promise one thing to the person with the high score.


Jiang Yu's cell phone also rang.

A smile flashed across Li Qinian's eyes, not surprised: "It's over, things are going to be difficult now."

"It's still too late to change people." Jiang Wan's mouth curled up.

"No change."

Li Qinian persisted to the end, "I'll just push myself, what about you, do you want to change?"

Jiang Wang's tone was also firm: "No change."

"Okay, then answer the phone."

Li Qinian pressed the answer button.

"Hello, is this student Li Qinian?" A soft female voice came from the opposite side.

Li Qinian: "It's me, hello."

"Student Li, it's like this. You must know your score. 749 points is the highest score in Jiangcheng's history..."

Li Qinian didn't listen to the rest of the words, and a smile burst out of her eyes: "Okay thank you, I will think about it for a while."

After she hung up the phone, she shook the phone at him.

"Brother Zhuang, I am willing to bet and admit defeat."

Jiang Lu's eyes flickered: "I would like to bet and admit defeat."

"How many points do you have?"

Li Qinian still wanted to know his score.


Li Qinian: "It's only one point away, so dangerous."

"So what does Nian Nian want me to do?" Jiang Wang didn't care about grades.

Li Qinian's eyeballs rolled: "Let's owe it first, and I'll let you pay it back later when there is a chance."

"Brother Seven, Brother Jiang, you don't need to check, the school has already issued a notice!"

The students held up their mobile phones to show them.

"Warmly congratulate Li Qinian from our school for winning the top spot with 749 points, and warmly congratulate Jiang Huang from our school with 748 points..."

"Damn it! Seventh brother is actually the champion?"

"Brother Zhuan didn't pass the test of Brother Seven! Goose goose makes me laugh!"

"Congratulations to the two old perverts, this result is against the sky!"

"Congratulations to Brother Seven, congratulations to Brother Jiang!"

Li Qinian and Jiang Jue stood in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by congratulatory classmates.

"Pfft, I didn't know that I thought it was a wedding scene..."

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