She has grown up so much, she has never had a birthday, and in her cognition, there is no such thing as a birthday party, so when she received a call from Lou Chengxiao, she didn't think much about it.

Chen Yu'an knew where the problem was when he heard it: "There are still two days, before I have time, I will take you out to order clothes."


Li Qinian reluctantly agreed.

These people in the upper class like to mess around, throwing banquets at every turn, typical people are stupid and have a lot of money.


Resplendent and resplendent, the most luxurious winery in Jiangcheng, the banquet hall was full of people at this time, and men and women in expensive dresses shuttled among them.

Different from being unknown in the past, this rumored youngest adopted son of the Lou family has become a resident member of the Weibo trending list, attracting a lot of small fans.

As soon as Li Qinian entered the banquet hall, he found that there were a lot of guests tonight, and most of them were staring at him.

"Brother, do you know these people well?"

Except for a few classmates from Class 3, Li Qinian didn't know anyone else.

Chen Yu'an: "I know half of them."

He is usually busy with filming and doesn't have much social time.

"That should be Mr. Lou..."

Before the word "friend" was finished, a group of gorgeous ladies walked up to them, all of them were fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged. As soon as they came up, they warmly greeted Li Qinian.

"Whisper, I've known you for a long time, I'm your fan."

The leading woman stretched out her hand and looked at the light in her eyes.

Li Qinian extended her hand to shake me out of politeness: "Hello."

"Ah, ah, Nian Nian, I am also your fan, can I take a photo with you?"

"I want to shoot too!"

"And I!"

Five or six women spoke at the same time, and the excitement was like chickens flying like dogs jumping.

Before Li Qinian could react, he was surrounded by a group of women enthusiastically, and various scents of perfume wafted into his nostrils.

"Don't be distracted, baby, look at the camera and smile!"

The celebrity holding up her mobile phone reminded Li Qinian who was in a daze.

Li Qinian: "..."

Who and who are these people?

She doesn't know any of them.

"Let's change the angle and take another picture!"

Like a mascot, Li Qinian was surrounded by several girls and took several pictures in different poses.

The gentleman's smile on her face was a little stiff, and she was about to get away when one of them grabbed her arm enthusiastically.

"It's the last one, please please!"

Li Qinian nodded, just as he looked up at the camera, he saw a cold and dignified figure walking towards him from outside the door, and Jiang Lu stared at her expressionlessly.

Li Qinian: "..."

The picture suddenly became strange.

She was surrounded by a group of gorgeous women, while her empress looked at her coldly from the opposite side, as if she had witnessed the scene of a scumbag cheating on her.

"Brother Wang, you're here!"

Li Qinian quickly got away from the group of women to show his innocence.

Jiang Zhuang was dressed very formally today, a white shirt with a black tie, a vest over the white shirt, and a black dress over the vest. His 1.8-meter long legs were well-proportioned and slender, and his brows were full of indifference.


The tone is neither cold nor light.

Li Qinian couldn't guess whether he was angry or not, so he could only try to coax him:

"They are my fans."

Jiang Lu: "Oh."

His tone became lighter.

Li Qinian secretly thought that it was not good, so he quickly changed the subject: "You are alone, and you have traveled thousands of miles?"

"I lost it halfway."

Li Qinian: "?"

Such a big person, how could he lose it?

Just as she was about to ask, Lu Qianli came late.

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