Dressed As the Younger Brother of Four Pet Sisters and Crazy Demons

Chapter 867 Go to the stars and chat for a while

I really can't blame her for thinking about it, the original body's life experience is mysterious, Lou Chengxiao, as a financial crocodile, left a lot of good seedlings in the upper class and didn't cultivate them, so he went to a border town to adopt a man with a lot of shortcomings. Orphans, things are inherently weird.

Jiang Lu: "The two heads of the Yi family, one is free and unrestrained, never married; the other is a loving couple, full of children and grandchildren, and has never had any scandals about his life."

In other words, don't think about it.

Li Qinian picked up the binoculars and walked towards the door:

"I'm just talking casually. If I really want to meet such a troublesome grandpa, I will lose an extra hair every day."

Jiang Wang followed behind her: "Where are you going?"

"Go to the stars and chat for a while."


In the retro European clock tower, the hour hand points to 11.

On the 100-meter clock tower that rose from the ground, the night wind swept past wildly, and lifted the corners of the clothes of two figures.

After Li Qinian set up the binoculars, he clapped his hands and took a step back:

"It's tuned, Brother Wang, do you want to take a look?"

Jiang Wang leaned closer to the eyepiece, and what caught his eyes was a sky full of stardust, countless billions of stars blinking and jumping.

"The stars you see now, they came from many light-years ago."

Li Qinian looked up at the universe, and the night sky was vast and boundless.

"Even the sun seen in the blue sky is not the immediate sun. The distance between the earth and the sun is 8.3 light minutes, and the sunlight we see when we look up is 8.3 centimeters, the previous sunlight."

The universe is vast, and light takes an extremely long time to reach us and be seen by us.

The light in Jiang Wan's eyes became soft, the boy beside him looked up at the starry sky, while he stared at the boy beside him.

"Brother Wang, do you know why I chose Tianwen?"

Li Qinian suddenly looked back at him.

In the eyes of ordinary people, astronomers just observe the stars with instruments every day, as if there is nothing special.

But in fact, astronomy is a subject that integrates physics, mathematics, and computers. It needs to write programs and estimate the trajectories of stars. Many outstanding astronomers are also outstanding physicists.


A cold voice came to her ear, but it was an answer she didn't expect.

Li Qinian's mouth curled up, his eyes were shining like stars: "Oh, why?"

Jiang Wang didn't explain, he raised his hand to tidy up the broken hair around her ears, and his arms hung down to hold her fingers:

"The clock tower is too windy, let's go down."

Li Qinian raised his eyebrows and followed him downstairs without saying a word.

On the street at night, there are only a few busy figures occasionally, and the summer evening wind carries the remaining warmth, blowing the hot and dry youth.


The road they walked was getting more and more remote, but Li Qinian didn't ask him where he was taking him.

Until there was a tinkling sound in the dark night, and bunches of lights lit up in the night...

It was only then that Li Qinian could clearly see the "colossus" in the distance——

A majestic and magnificent castle, you can't see the side at all.

The sleepy old castle revived in an instant. The colorful lights on the tower, the quietly parked carriages below the tower, the snow-white horses, and the bells around their necks were the source of the "crispy sound".

Li Qinian suddenly felt that he had come to a fantasy paradise.

Jiang Wang suddenly said: "Follow me."

"Brother Wang, are you moving Disneyland here?"

Li Qinian's eyes were full of smiles.

She understands the romance of a straight man in science.

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