"Hi, hello, my name is Lu Li, brother, I've known you for a long time!"

Lu Li got close to the familiar routine.

"This is my girlfriend, Yun Sheng."

Li Qinian looked at the only girl in the astronomy department and guessed their identities immediately. She introduced herself:

"Li Qinian."

Lu Li: "Hey, of course I know, my girlfriend is still your father..."


Yun Sheng bumped his arm suddenly.

Lu Li quickly braked and changed his words abruptly: "Where are the fans!"

Li Qinian was in a complicated mood.

Why are daddy fans always sweet and soft girls?

Is it really reasonable that a father fan who is so filthy on the Internet is actually a cute and soft girl?

Yun Sheng scratched her head in embarrassment: "I followed you in the first month of your live broadcast, and I have always been your fan."

Li Qinian: "..."

If she remembers correctly, she had very few fans in the first month of the live broadcast, and they were all the most disgusting best...

"What's the id of your live broadcast room?"

Li Qinian asked hesitantly.

Yun Sheng's face suddenly became weird, hesitating again and again, and then hesitatingly said:

"...the number one daddy."

Li Qinian: "..."

She remembered this man.

The top 50 in the live broadcast room list, with sharp words and cruel words, once scolded one of her black fans for three days and three nights, without saying a single dirty word, in the end, the other party who scolded her was directly canceled forever!

Of course, he was also very sharp when he yelled at her...

"Cough, my account, sometimes my younger brother is logging in."

Yun Sheng felt that he could still save him.

Brother, I'm sorry!

Li Qinian: "...my brother is so cute."

Feel free to pull out the blame, have you asked your brother how he feels?

Yun Sheng: "Hahaha, you are so humorous."

Land from:"……"

"Okay, let's go through the security check."

Yun Sheng quickly changed the subject.

Several people went through the security check and saw other students at the boarding gate. Li Qinian looked around and asked, "Where is the teacher leading the team?"

She wanted to see if there was any Yi family.

"Professor Yi still has something to do. He will join us in two days. His assistant is leading the team now."

"Professor Yi?"

Li Qinian was sensitive to this surname.

"Well, he is a highly respected professor in our college with strong scientific research ability... Well, maybe his personality is not very good."

Someone shared the news with her.

Li Qinian became curious about this professor who had never met before, but he was not around now, so she couldn't ask any more questions.

"Okay, students, everyone is here, let's start boarding."

The assistant began to urge everyone.


After the plane landed, a group of people were directly picked up by local herdsmen, and the bus wobbled for three hours before arriving at a loess village in the mountains.

Assistant: "Recently, we all live here. The room is a two-person room. Everyone can choose roommates freely."

Before Li Qinian had any idea, Lu Li followed him: "Brother, let's live together!"

Although he also wants to live with his girlfriend, it is a school project after all, and it's not good to be too loose.


Compared with other strangers, she was more inclined to chat with Lu Li.

Everyone put their luggage into the room one after another, and began to ask about the next arrangement.

"Huangtu Village is the nearest village to the filming location, but the distance between the two places is still more than 40 kilometers. Tomorrow, if the weather permits, we can consider setting up tents in the wild, which can also save the time of going back and forth."

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