She took out her mobile phone, but there was still no signal, so she simply turned off the phone, took out the bread in her pocket, took a bite, and waited quietly for the rain to stop.

But the rain has been pattering for three hours, and it still has no intention of stopping.

Seeing that the sun was setting and night was coming again, Li Qinian decided to stay in a small cave for the night.

"Xiao Sanba, can you contact Brother Zhuang?"

Li Qinian sat on a big rock, looking at the heavy rain outside the cave, feeling a little worried.

If there were no accidents, counting the time, Brother Wang should have arrived at the campsite by this time. If she knew that she was trapped in the area severely affected by the mudslide, she might become crazy.


438 explained angrily.

"The network signal will fluctuate. Usually, I judge the location of other people based on the signal fluctuation. Now the signal source has stopped and there is nothing around. I can't get in touch..."

If Jiang Wang was okay in Jiangcheng, he could at least give it a try, but when the other party came to the campsite, his own signal was cut off.

Li Qinian sighed leisurely: "It's all right now, I don't know how long it will take to get out..."


the other end.

Time went back to three hours after Li Qinian left.

The few people who woke up found that Li Qinian was gone, and they were all anxious.

After searching for a long time, I finally saw the note she left behind.

[Time is running out, I will explore the way first, and leave a mark along the way, you follow]

"Why did Brother Seven leave alone?" Yun Sheng looked at Lu Li anxiously.

Lu Li gave her the note:

"He went to find out the way. In fact, I knew it even if he didn't say it. Our situation is very bad, but I didn't expect that he would take the responsibility on himself."

"Blame me."

After reading the note, Yun Sheng guessed Li Qinian's intention.

"If I hadn't slowed down everyone's speed, maybe you could still walk with Seventh Brother..."

"Say what?"

The teacher retorted disapprovingly, "I haven't exercised all year round, and my physical strength is not as good as these young people. According to you, I am also an oil bottle."

"Okay, don't blame yourself. What I'm most worried about now is Brother Qi's food problem. He brought half a bottle of water and a piece of bread, and left the rest of the supplies for us."

Lu Li counted the remaining supplies and found that Li Qinian took away very few things.

The teacher also discovered this: "Then let's set off quickly and see if we can catch up with him before dark. The food he brought is not enough for a day."

"Okay, then let's go quickly."



A 7.8-magnitude earthquake occurred in no-man's land, which induced mudslides and led to the news that the mountain road was cut off.

Li Jin was sitting on the sofa at the base, and the TV series opposite Xiao San'er was showing the rescue progress of the disaster area.

Hearing the place name "Huangtu Village", the more he heard it, the more familiar it became...

"Boss, have we been to this place before? Why do I hear this place name so familiar?"

Li Jin glanced at the TV screen and said calmly, "No."

"Is there really no..."

Xiao San'er shook her head in disbelief, "No, I must have heard of this place...but where is it..."

He stared at the TV screen, trying to remember.

The camera flashed by, and just caught a few students who were carrying the binoculars. Xiao San'er slapped the sofa and stood up suddenly!

"Fuck, I remembered! Huangtu Village, isn't this where Xiao Niannian went??!"

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