When Li Qinian heard the word "unlucky", he immediately felt that he was in danger...

"Listen to me, you better shut up."

438: "Hey, you're pissing me off again~"

Li Qinian looked cold and heartless: "If you have a body, I can beat you to death, do you believe it or not?"

438's small mouth deflated, and he decisively closed it.

Twenty minutes later, there was a sudden rustling sound outside the cave, as if something was pressing on a small stone on the ground...

Thinking of the conversation between the two just now, Li Qinian's back felt numb, his muscles tensed, and he entered the tenth level of preparation!

The sound got closer and closer, and she heard it more and more clearly. It was the sound of something heavy rubbing against a stone...

Wolf? tiger? Bear?

With a tense face, Li Qinian put the backpack in his arms on the ground, picked up a sharp stone from the ground and held it in his hand, staring at the entrance of the cave!

There is no way to run, two legs are destined to not run with four legs, so she can only bite the bullet and fight this "beast" to the death!

"Da da……"

The sound is getting closer.

Holding her breath, she raised the stone in her hand, and when she saw a blurry black shadow appearing in front of the cave, she smashed it down! !


Soi Ying blocked the blow with something, but he was not hit. The two objects collided and made a loud noise!

Li Qinian looked at "Black Shadow" in surprise.

This lump of unknown thing is actually a person?

"get out!"

The man's cold voice floated into her ears.

this voice...

It seems to sound extraordinarily familiar?

"Sexy fox?"

Li Qinian threw away the stone in his hand and stared at Mo Wanggui's face in disbelief.

"Aren't you in Jiangcheng? How did you appear here?"

The Mo Wanggui in front of him is not at all the same person as the aloof Mo Boss.

The originally clean suit shirt was stained with mud. The mud seemed to have been washed by the heavy rain and washed away into large yellow stains. The stains were dried by the strong wind and wrinkled together, like pickled sauerkraut...

Mo Wanggui was almost hit on the head by a stone, and his tone was furious:

"Do you also want to take care of Lao Tzu's affairs?"

Seeing Li Qinian's face clearly, he snapped back the trekking stick he was about to hit.

"Why are you here?" He was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger.

Li Qinian went back to the cave and sat down: "The car was almost buried by the mudslide. The mobile phone has no signal, so I can't contact anyone. My teammates are walking slowly, so I will go ahead to explore the road first."

Mo Wanggui followed behind her, the cave was narrow, and it was already the limit to fit two people, Li Qinian's arms had to squeeze together with Mo Wanggui's.

"You haven't said, why are you here?"

Li Qinian was even more curious about why people who were originally thousands of miles away appeared in this place.

Mo Wanggui threw away the trekking stick in his hand and put the flashlight aside.

"Mo's chooses impoverished mountainous areas for donations every year, and this year's choice happens to be here."

Li Qinian immediately thought of the men and women who had dinner that night: "Two days ago, you also lived in the camping base?"

Mo Wang returned her look of "Are you mentally retarded":

"It's time for you to lose weight, why are you so fat?"

Such a good cave, two people can't fit in it.

Li Qinian: "???"

"You have such a poisonous mouth, you deserve a mudslide."

She thought that Mo Wanggui had the same experience as her.

Mo Wanggui sneered angrily, and was about to scold someone when he saw Li Qinian hugging his arm because of the cold evening wind.

Good night

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