Why did this virtual world not collapse even after Chen Yu'an and Ji Ji knew her true identity.

438 is actually not too sure about the reason, and can only guess that the number of people has not yet reached the limit of causing the world to collapse.

The unknown is often the scariest.

If she doesn't know the boundaries, she will never know when she will expose her identity due to her own negligence and force the world to stop...

Maybe in the next second, the people and things in front of you will disappear without a trace, turning into bubbles, leaving you alone.

"Don't get wet, come back."

Seeing Mo Wanggui standing in the rain, it was rare for her to say anything more.

Mo Wanggui returned to the narrow cave again, and the two squeezed together.

"I always feel that you have something to hide from me."

Li Qinian was shocked by his sudden words: "Huh?"

Could it be that the other party already knew her identity when she didn't know it?

"Don't be afraid." Mo Wanggui carefully studied her expression, "I don't know the specifics."

Li Qinian did not dare to relax his vigilance.

Mo Wanggui took out a pack of compressed biscuits from his backpack and handed it to her:

"I just wanted to test your reaction."

Li Qinian remained expressionless, with no flaws on his face.

Mo Wanggui looked at him for a long time, and finally looked away.

"It's boring, that's all, let's wash up and sleep."

He just wanted to trick her reaction. If she really had something to hide from him, then the other party would definitely be panicked or surprised when he asked this question just now.

But Li Qinian's expression didn't give him any information, no matter what he said, the other party always had the same expression.

Li Qinian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, ate two biscuits, leaned against the stone wall behind him, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

Mo Wanggui maintained the same frequency as her.


The distant horizon slowly reveals a touch of orange glow.

Li Qinian felt her soul floating in the air, knowing that the time was up and she should get up, but her whole body was so heavy that it was difficult to lift a finger.

She felt someone touching her forehead, and then cursed something in her ear, but she couldn't hear a word, and her consciousness was blurred.

Mo Wanggui looked at the young man whose face was as red as a lobster, and couldn't help pinching her face hard.

He asked her to change clothes last night, but she refused to listen!

"stand up."

He raised his hand and patted her cheek. In just two seconds of contact, his palm seemed to be on fire.


He cursed again.

"For this effect, it must be at least 41 degrees."

He came in a hurry and didn't have time to bring the antipyretics.

"Hey, wake up, the SOG team lost the game and will be disbanded immediately..."

He tried to wake her up.

Li Qinian only felt a mosquito buzzing near her ear, it was very annoying, she exhausted all her strength, raised her hand and slapped it!


The sound is loud and crisp.

Mo Wanggui: "..."

He stared fiercely at Li Qinian's slender and fair neck...

Many times, he really wanted to strangle this bastard, for example...


The image of Li Qinian smiling at her flashed in his mind, Mo Wanggui tried to take a deep breath, and kicked the stones on the ground vigorously, only then did he regain his strength.

This brat keeps pushing his boundaries.

Wearing a hacker vest, making a fuss about his company; proactively calling the police, disrupting his business; and now slapping him directly...

His eyebrows twitched.

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