Mr. Jiang, who had just walked out of the box, heard Jiang Zhu's "rebellious" words before he reached the door of the coffee shop!

"He's your grandfather after all, I have a sense of propriety." Li Qinian didn't hate everyone.

Jiang Lu: "Sometimes, you don't have to be too cautious. Grandpa is not a person who cares about everything."

Mr. Jiang: "???"


He is also a human being, so why should he be bullied?

Is this unlucky boy in front of him really the beloved grandson of his family? !

Mr. Jiang's high blood pressure suddenly came up, coughed heavily, and said in a stern tone:

"You still have the face to come and see me?"

Jiang Lu: "You know very well that I didn't come here to see you."

He was here to see Li Qinian.

Mr. Jiang: "???"

Blood pressure seems to be a little higher again.

Li Qinian secretly gave Jiang Huang a look - big brother, stop making trouble.

If this really made Mr. Jiang angry, wouldn't she be a sinner through the ages?


Jiang Lu suddenly turned serious.

"You know what I'm trying to say."

He respects him, loves him, and respects him because he is his last relative, and he gives him all the respect.

But Mr. Jiang asked Li Qinian out behind his back, trying to make Li Qinian give up his relationship with him. Did he respect him by doing this?

Mr. Jiang knew his grandson's temperament too well, so he didn't explain too much, but just left a sentence: "Go back with me first."

Li Qinian: "I..."

"Shut up." Mr. Jiang interrupted her, "This is the Jiang family's family affairs, and it is inconvenient for you to interfere."

Li Qinian knew he was wrong, and his worried eyes fell on Jiang Lu's face.

Jiang Lu shook his head: "Don't worry, I'm just going home."

There are some things that he has to talk to Mr. Jiang about.

"okay then……"

Li Qinian reluctantly agreed, lowered the volume, and said in a tone that only Jiang Huang could hear, "If anything happens, please remember to notify me as soon as possible."

"rest assured."

Jiang Lu rubbed her head, and then left with Mr. Jiang.


Jiang's old house.

When Mr. Jiang and Jiang Wang arrived home, there was already a group of "forced palace" people in the old house. Seeing Jiang Wang walking from outside the door, the leader showed a disgusting look in his eyes.

Jiang Yi: "Jiang Lu, you have the face to come back after doing such a shameful thing?"

Jiang Jue glanced at him coldly, treating him as nothing but air.

This defiant appearance made Jiang Yi even more angry.

"Look at what you've done! Now there's an uproar on the Internet, saying that my heir to the Jiang family is a disgusting homosexual!"

He directly threw the phone in front of Jiang Lu.

Jiang Huang picked up the phone with five fingers and browsed the news on it.

The content of the news not only exposed his relationship with Li Qinian, but also revealed his identity as the heir of the Jiang family and the current family situation of the Jiang family.

The marketing account posted a blog an hour ago, but now, this Weibo has already ranked first in the hot search list.

"Second Uncle is worried."

Jiang Lu didn't click on the comment, loosened his fingers slightly, and the phone fell to the ground with a "thud".

Jiang Yi snorted coldly: "It's good that you know, I'll clean up the mess for you, I..."

"Do not."

Jiang Yu interrupted him.

"I mean... Second Uncle is worrying about sending this Weibo to the hot search list."

Who else knows the Jiang family's current family situation better than the Jiang family?

Jiang Yi was exposed face to face, not embarrassed at all: "It's better not to talk about things without evidence."

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