"However, the current situation is not bad enough, and the novel world has not completely collapsed."

Although 438 cannot explain why Jiang Wang is not here, it knows what to do next.

"Nian Nian, you go out and have a look. 438 suddenly proposed.

Li Qinian walked towards the door of the living room, the sky was clear outside the door, the birds on the branches were chirping and singing, and a gardener watering the flowers passed by in the garden from time to time.

"It didn't collapse..."

Separated by a door, it has become two worlds.

438: "Yes, the collapse of the novel world has stopped. The main system is not trying to destroy the world, but is warning you."


Even if the collapse stopped, Li Qinian's mood would not be much better.

"The main system stipulated at the beginning that as long as something that seriously affects the plot of the original world occurs, it will be judged by the system as a mission failure and the world will collapse... So, Brother Wang knows that I am a girl, which will seriously affect the original world of the novel. The direction of the plot, so it will be judged by the main system as a mission failure?"

But why?

Why Chen Yu'an, all seasons are fine, but Jiang Huan is not?

"Then will they come back?" Li Qinian stared at the debris in the air.

"This is just a warning from the main system. As long as you don't reveal your identity, they won't be in danger for the time being."

As a tasker, Li Qinian is like a sea-fixing needle. As long as she is still alive, the plots in the novel world will revolve around her.

"For example, in your impression, Mr. Jiang is in good health, and he can be at least another twenty years old. As long as you are still alive, he can be another twenty years old."

As long as Li Qinian is still alive, the main system is not qualified to intervene in the plot of the novel world, nor is it qualified to let Mr. Jiang die.

Li Qinian tried to give up the idea of ​​"revealing his identity" in his heart, and focused on other things: "Xiao Sanba, have you seen the main god?"

"No, Lord Lord God was born very early, and I was born too late. As a newborn in tens of thousands of systems, I am not qualified to meet Lord God."

It has heard many stories about the main god, but it has never seen anyone.

"However, other systems have seen Lord Lord God before. It said that Lord Lord God's face has been covered with a cloud of white mist, and his face can't be seen clearly at all, only his voice can be heard..."

Li Qinian hastily continued to ask: "What happened next?"

"There is no later. After I left the mission, I never saw that system again."

438 stays by Li Qinian's side every day, and has no chance to return to the main god's space.

"If you see that system again in the future, remember to tell me."

Li Qinian wanted it to imitate the voice of the Lord God.

She always felt that this main god was not simple.

438 immediately agreed: "Well, I will definitely tell you when I see it, but the chances are not high. The system bound to the host rarely returns to the main god's space. For example, I haven't been back for a year."

"Why don't you go back?"

438: "It's not necessary. The system's primary purpose is to do tasks. If the bound host fails to complete the task, the system will be recalled soon even if it returns to the main god's space."

"Is this broken rule set by the Lord God?" Li Qinian expressed contempt for the boss who oppressed the employees like this.

438: "That's right, but Lord God can't help himself. To stabilize the order of the world, he is working hard every day."

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