He specially emphasized the pronunciation of the word "third time".

Li Qinian blinked: "He didn't torture me for a year, so he shouldn't torture me, right?"

"Can you compare with Shen Nian?" Mo Wanggui looked at her with disgust.

"Well, I can't."

Li Qinian simply denies herself by giving up on herself.

"Is it about the Jiang family?"

Don't forget to explain Li Qinian's purpose today in one sentence.

Li Qinian said succinctly: "Jiang Yi, I want his people, please make a price."

In fact, she can also catch people, but she only has one person, and it takes too much effort. With Mo Wanggui's help, things will be much easier.

Mo Wanggui has obviously done such things a lot, so he is not surprised to hear that, he raised his teacup and savored a sip of Yuqian Longjing:

"Alive or dead?"

"How could it be so easy to let him die." Li Qinian narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly.


Mo Wanggui reluctantly agreed.

This little bastard finally asked him for help, but it was because of that wild man from the Jiang family. What is so good about a man, he knows how to eat soft food. Even Jiang Yi can't handle it, so the little bastard has to do it himself...

"How much?"

Li Qinian is keen on spending money to buy money.

The Mo Wang Gui lion opened his mouth wide: "One billion."

Li Qinian paused when he was about to transfer the money, and asked suspiciously, "How much?"

"One billion." Mo Wanggui repeated lightly.

Li Qinian: "..."

She suddenly looked at Mo Wanggui seriously: "You said that extortion of money can be handled by Ji Ji?"

One billion, she might as well do it herself!

One billion, wouldn't it be nice to buy a car, a house, and a bag for her elder brother? !

"It's okay if you don't pay back..."

Seeing her blowing hair, Mo Wanggui was inexplicably happy, and laughed in a low voice.

Li Qinian immediately understood the pitfall here: "Say it."

"Come with me to Western Europe."

He stated his ultimate purpose.

Western Europe?

Li Qinian immediately thought of Betty, a woman.

"What are you doing in Western Europe?"

"Kill me~"

Mo Wanggui's tone was relaxed and cheerful.

Li Qinian: "Betty?"

"Tsk, it's not stupid."

Mo Wanggui gave her a look.

"Okay, I'll go with you when I settle the Jiang family's affairs."

Li Qinian never mentioned Betty, but it doesn't mean she forgot about it.

It's not that I didn't report, the time has not yet come.


Mo Wanggui's efficiency was surprisingly fast. In less than a day, Jiang Yi was tied to the pier.

"Who are you? Let me tell you, I am from the Jiang family. If you do something, the Jiang family will never let you go..."

With a sack on his upper body, he struggled frantically on the ground.

"What a coincidence, we meet again."

Li Qinian smiled and knelt down to remove the sack for him.

Breathing in the fresh air, Jiang Yi was quite awake, and when he saw Li Qinian's face clearly, he was struck by lightning:

"It's you!"

"Yes, it's me."

There was always a soft and harmless smile on the corner of Li Qinian's mouth. In the silent night, he looked a little weird and scary.

"Jiang Wang asked you to come? He is a waste, and he can only let you out..."


With a loud slap, three blood-stained teeth fell to the ground.

Li Qinian wiped her fingertips gracefully with a handkerchief: "Sorry, my hands are slippery."

Jiang Yi's mouth was full of blood, and he stared at him coldly.

"Let's play a game." Li Qinian suddenly changed the subject, "If you win, I'll let you go."

Let him go?

Jiang Yi's eyes showed vigilance: "What game?"

Good night, everyone is welcome to continue watching the large-scale serial program "The Revenge of the Seventh Brother" tomorrow~

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