Dressed As the Younger Brother of Four Pet Sisters and Crazy Demons

Chapter 924 Don't forget to return to the soaring favorability value

"Not often, I heard from my mother that disobedient children are sent to the island every year. My good friend Lucy was sent to the island, and she never came back..."

Dick looked a little lonely when he thought of his good friend.

"How long has Lucy been sent away?" Li Qinian asked.

Dick remembered the days clearly: "It's been more than a year."

"Then do you know who sent them to the island?"

Dick shook his head: "Only when Lucy was sent away, I saw it once. It was a group of men in black who came to us in a boat and took them away."

It's not that he didn't want to go to find his little friend, but there are no private boats on the island, and all boats that can go to sea are strictly controlled.

Li Qinian looked at the small island in the distance, under the afterglow of sunset, the small island was shrouded in a layer of shadow.

As the leader, it is impossible for Mo Wanggui not to know the origin of this group of men in black. This group of men in black is very likely related to him, and even directly obeys him...

"Because this island is so scary, we secretly named it Dead Island."

Dick whispered in Li Qinian's ear.

Dead Island...

Li Qinian narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, staring at the island in the distance, her eyes thoughtful.


When she returned to the castle, she happened to meet Mo Tezhu who came back from outside.

He was the only one, and Mo Wanggui was not there.

"Young master, it's getting late, you should go to bed early." Assistant Mo Te respected Li Qinian very much.

"My brother told me to find you if I need anything."

Instead of going upstairs, Li Qinian sat down on the sofa in the living room.

The special assistant nodded: "Please give me your instructions."

Li Qinian stared at his face, not letting go of his every expression:

"I just went for a walk on the beach and saw a small island in the distance. It seems to have a nice view. I want to go up and have a look."

Hearing her words, the special assistant's face froze for a moment.

"It's just an isolated island. If you want to see the scenery, tomorrow I will have someone accompany you to take a sightseeing bus and take a stroll around our island."

"It turned out to be an isolated island..."

Li Qinian looked bored and immediately lost interest.

"Forget it, I won't go, I'm sleepy, I'll go upstairs to sleep first."

She turned and entered the elevator.

All the way to the door of Room 411, Li Qinian began to call 438 in his mind.

"Little Sanba, is Mo Wanggui on Jueming Island now?"

438: "Old rules."


Anyway, she doesn't plan to return to the real world, so the favorability point is useless to her.

Almost in the next second, 438 said, "That's right, Sao Fox is there~"


Li Qinian was not surprised.

"Check to see if there are loosely supervised ships on the island."

"Xiao Niannian, favorability value..."

"Buck button!"

Li Qinian nodded frantically, "In the future, don't ask me about transactions with less than 100 favorability points, just deduct them."

438's mouth shrugged: "Didn't they want to talk about this..."

"Then what do you want to say?" Li Qinian was puzzled.

438 opened the favorability interface, and was a little confused:

"Didn't you notice that the progress bar of Sao Fox's favorability value has suddenly increased a lot?"

Li Qinian: "???"

She glanced at the progress bar, good guy, the favorability value that was originally thirty or forty suddenly rose to ninety-one? ! !

"Fuck, you have to save Mo Wanggui's family to have this effect, right?"

She was dumbfounded.

"Isn't your progress bar broken?"

good night!

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