Dressed As the Younger Brother of Four Pet Sisters and Crazy Demons

Chapter 927 What exactly does Mo Wanggui want to do?

In the remote and uninhabited sea area, it takes so much effort to build a prison, who is Mo Wanggui trying to detain?

Footsteps came from behind, it was the three people who fought just now came in, the leader made a gesture to the nearest sentry, the sentry immediately raised his gun, adjusted the direction to aim at Li Qinian, and was about to shoot immediately!

Without even thinking about it, Li Qinian rushed in towards the nearest entrance!

At times like this, fools don't run away!

Unexpectedly, Li Qinian escaped so fast, the three of them were taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted, and followed her all the way, chasing after her.

"Fuck, Xiao Niannian, more and more people are chasing you..."

438 looked at the dozen or so people behind her, feeling nervous all over!

"Don't worry."

Li Qinian turned left and right in the alleyway of the prison, circling around, making 438 dizzy.

"Nian Nian, how did you get away? I'm about to faint..."

"Didn't you see? There is a channel defense map at the entrance."

The path she's taking now is the one with the fewest defenders.

438: "???"

Didn't you get shot at at that time?

During this kind of escape, can you still write down the complete prison defense map?

Are you still human? !

Li Qinian seemed to know what it was complaining about, and explained:

"After you find the pattern, it's actually easy to remember."

438: "..."

Oh, I see, you still don't forget to find the rules at the critical moment of life and death.


The more it thought about it, the more perverted it became, it couldn't help but sneered.

Li Qinian's feet kept moving: "Forget it, the most important thing is to run for your life."

While fleeing for her life, she did not forget to look at the situation in the prison.

There were not many detainees in the prison. After running for five or six minutes, she only saw one or two prisoners, a white-haired old man and a teenage child. It can be said that the number was pitifully small.

Seeing Li Qinian passing by, the two of them didn't react at all, and they didn't call for help. The expression on their faces was not the numbness of giving up "life", but a calm indifference.

"Hurry up, the person is going to the left, notify the guard at the exit, once you find the target, shoot him immediately on the spot!"

The voice of the intercom came from behind.

Seeing that the exit was approaching, two roads appeared in front of Li Qinian.

One is marked "exit" and the other is marked "forbidden".

Without even thinking about it, Li Qinian ran towards the road in the forbidden area.

When the pursuers came here, they immediately stopped, with a hesitant look on their faces.

"What to do, he actually entered the forbidden area..."

"It's over, the leader is still in the forbidden area!"

"I can only wait. Without the leader's order, anyone who enters the forbidden area will only have a dead end."


Li Qinian walked in along the path, and the surrounding road became narrower and narrower, and finally only one person could pass through, and the surroundings became darker and darker, so she had to turn on the flashlight of her mobile phone to illuminate it.

After walking for more than ten minutes, a glimmer of light finally appeared in front of my eyes.

"This is an underground city."

Li Qinian's tone was firm.

She could feel that she was going down.

The layout of the dungeon is similar to that above, it is also a row of prisons, the only difference is that it is full of people.

A dense crowd of people.

Most of them are seven or eight years old, teenagers, and a small number of adults and elderly people.

Numbness, hatred, madness, insidiousness...

As she walked forward, countless eyes fell on her.

Li Qinian's heart sank wildly.

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