She stubbornly wanted to know the answer.

Mo Wanggui and her stared at each other for a long time, before being defeated: "You really want to know?"


Mo Wanggui seemed to be planning to break the jar: "Okay, since you have to go, then I will take you there."

He stood up and twisted on the stone lion head next to the throne, the wall behind him turned 180 degrees, revealing a long downward ladder.

Li Qinian followed behind him, the further down he went, the more familiar the surrounding environment became, it was actually the dungeon he passed by at the beginning.

The children in the dungeon had disheveled hair and messy clothes. When they saw Mo Wanggui's face, they all showed solemn expressions. When they caught a glimpse of Li Qinian behind him, their eyes showed a little more vigilance.

Mo Wanggui directly took out a key from his coat, opened the door closest to Li Qinian, and when the chain fell, he raised his chin:

"Don't you want to know?"

Li Qinian stood at the door of the cell, looking at the situation inside.

A total of five people were imprisoned in this dungeon. They were all children around twelve or thirteen years old, three boys and two girls. At this moment, their eyes were fixed on Li Qinian, their eyes were sharp and fierce, and they were not innocent at this age. It made Li Qinian unconsciously think of the eyes of the wild wolf...

"Who to choose?"

One of the girls spoke suddenly, her voice was dry and calm, not like a minor at all.


Li Qinian didn't understand, so: "Then you."

The girl's expression changed rapidly when she heard this, and before Li Qinian could react, she pulled out a dagger from her boots and flew towards her.

In an instant, killing intent arose everywhere.

Li Qinian fought her a few tricks, and the more shocked he was in his heart.

Every move of the girl is a killer move, neat and fierce, without any pretentiousness, as if all the goals are to kill, exactly the same as the three men in black she met at the beginning.


After ten strokes, the girl took the initiative to throw away the dagger and sat down on the cell floor.

"I won't fight anymore. I'm willing to bet and admit defeat. I can't beat you."

"Are you a killer?"

Li Qinian guessed the identities of the people in front of him.

The girl looked at her in surprise: "You don't know? You don't know and you come to compete with us..."

As she spoke, she looked at Mo Wanggui.

"Let's go."

Mo Wanggui never intends to explain.

Li Qinian probably had a guess in his heart:

"Desperate Island is a killer training camp? You screen the children on the core island, and those who have qualified physical fitness will be sent to training on Desperate Island... and the children who fail to meet the requirements will be sent to you. In a dungeon, eh?"

Don't forget to return: "Eight or nine is not far from ten."

"Why does she want to compete with me?"

Li Qinian felt an unknown anger in his heart, remembering the competition just now, and asked patiently.

"Only the strong can gain freedom and move freely on the ground, and those who lose the game will be imprisoned in the dungeon. Every once in a while, there will be three places on the ground, which can only be won by competition."

Mo Wanggui Showdown explained.


Li Qinian grabbed his collar.

"Don't forget to return, why do you decide the fate of others? Lou Chengxiao's ability to quickly establish a solid foundation in Jiangcheng depends on these people... right?"

According to Dick, Lucy was taken away out of nowhere.

"Just because these children are physically stronger than their peers, are they doomed to become killers all their lives, and lose the chance to be an ordinary child forever?"

Li Qinian raised his eyes and asked sharply.

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