Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1204: Why abandon me

"Pretty~" Mother Han said to Su Xiangwan with a smile, her smile a bit like a child who didn't know the world, and she was a little stupid.

Su Xiangwan nodded: "Yes, very beautiful. You are still beautiful now."

The Han Mu talked about her beauty excitedly, but she kept on flipping back.

After turning a few pages, the albums were basically photos of Han Mu when she was young, and some girls whom Su Xiangwan didn't know, who wanted to come were all Han Mu's friends back then.

Su Xiangwan carefully looked at every photo, after all, who knows if these things will be used suddenly one day.

Until the album turned to one third, a handsome and tall man suddenly appeared in the photo.

Rao is a long time ago, but Su Xiangwan can still tell at a glance that the man in the photo is not someone else, it is Mu Yusheng!

Su Xiangwan's heart sank, and it seemed that the relationship between Han Che and the Mu family really happened to Uncle Mu.

But why does Han Che hate Mu Bei Ting's itchy teeth?

Su Xiangwan thought about it for a while, then withdrew his mind, his eyes fell on the photo.

In the photo, Han Mu and Mu Yusheng are standing side by side, but there is not much intimacy, but it can be seen that Han Mu was very happy at the time.

As for Mu Yusheng, he just smiled.

But I don't know if he already had a small city at that time, so Su Xiangwan couldn't judge his emotions.

The album is turned sideways, and there can be eight on each page.

In this whole page, Mu Yusheng appeared in three full pages.

There is a single photo of Mu Yusheng, and another photo of Mu Yusheng, Han Mu, and a very old man.

Su Xiangwan frowned. Although she didn't know Mu Beiting's father very well, she had also heard that he was highly educated.

And this photo was obviously taken on campus, which means that Han Mu is probably a classmate or alumnus of Mu Yusheng in university.

In that era, when entering that kind of college, Han Mu must be a well-known talented girl, how could she become what she is now.

Su Xiangwan had been thinking about it, but forgot to pay attention to Han Mu's reaction.

Until she came back to her senses, she saw the cold mother staring at the man in the photo in a daze, her fingers trembling lightly, and slowly falling on the man's face.

Su Xiangwan snorted in his heart, could it be said that Han Mu really had something with Uncle Mu?

But who is Han Che's father?

At this moment, the cold mother, who had been quiet and obedient, suddenly went mad, threw the album to the ground, and shouted with red eyes: "Get out! Get out of here!"

Su Xiangwan and the servants were shocked, Su Xiangwan quickly got up and squatted beside her: "Auntie Han, what's the matter with you?"

The Han mother suddenly raised her head, her eyes fell on Su Xiangwan, a bit hideous.

Then, without waiting for Su Xiangwan to react, he grabbed her skirt and burst into tears: "Why did you abandon me! Why abandon me!"

Su Xiangwan was slightly startled and forgot to react.

Fortunately, the servant quickly stepped forward, broke her hand, and hurriedly said: "Madam, it's time to take medicine."

The servant brought the water cup and the pills, but was pushed away by the Han mother.

"Why did you abandon me... why... why did you abandon me!"

"You can't abandon me... You can't..."

Mother Han seemed to be particularly in pain, closing her eyes and tears falling drop by drop.

Su Xiangwan regretted his recklessness, and shouldn't look through the photo album with Han Mu.

But then I thought about it, if I asked Han Che something, she would never say, so even if I saw this photo, I still had to ask Han Mu in the end to see her reaction.

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