Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1310: There is a place

The old man thought for a while, and said: "Just herself, she turned the wheelchair and went over there. There was a little girl who helped her when crossing the road."

Su Xiangwan looked in the direction the old man pointed, and after earnestly thanking him, he sent his location to Xiaoxiao and his brother, asking them to check the nearby surveillance.

Su Xiangwan followed this direction and asked many people.

Just at this time, Song Ziming's car passed this section of road.

Because there is some congestion in the evening peak, the stop time is a bit long.

He just saw on Weibo that someone said that he ran into Su Xiangwan in this area, and he asked the driver to detour.

Unexpectedly, he actually ran into him.

Oh, but it's rare that Mu Beiting is not there.

Song Ziming couldn't help but remember that some people had been secretly collecting all kinds of criminal evidence against the enterprises under his name.

Song Ziming raised his finger and touched the corner of his mouth, heh, he was beaten severely when he came to his house the day before yesterday. He was simply close to home, and the bodyguards and guards rushed to hear the sound, but even so, he was still in the hospital. After lying down for a day, I broke two fingers.

Don't think about it, he knows who did it.

But as long as he thought of Mu Beiting treating her so well, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Su Xiangwan wore sunglasses and asked the driver door to door.

I just asked the owner of a small supermarket. Her 20-year-old son couldn't help but leaned forward and said, "You... are you... Su Xiangwan?"

Su Xiangwan was startled, and smiled back at him: "Yes, there is an elder in the family missing. I am looking for it."

Su Xiangwan was worried about causing chaos, so he briefly explained the reason.

"You...what do your elders look like?" The young boy was a little bit shy, his face flushed when he opened his mouth.

Although Su Xiangwan had too much hope, he still described the appearance of some cold mothers to him.

"I... I seem to see an aunt in a wheelchair taking a taxi at the embarkation station over there, no... but I didn't see her clearly, but when she got in the car, she was picked up by the driver, and then she The wheelchair is folded in the trunk, so I have some impressions, but I don't know if it is what you are looking for..." The boy said nervously, his eyes were clean, but he couldn't help but keep looking at Su Xiangwan.

"Thank you...thank you." After Su Xiangwan thanked him seriously, he immediately sent this location to Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao moved very quickly. It happened that there was a camera at the nearby intersection. She quickly dropped the video and the license plate number, confirming that it was Aunt Han.

Mu Beiting immediately sent someone to contact the driver and inquired about the destination where Han Mu was going.

Not long after Su Xiangwan got the answer, Han Mu went to the university where she was studying.

Only more than two decades later, the school has been turned upside down.

There was still no news from the person who was sent to the school to investigate. Mu Beiting and the school explained the situation. The school used the radio to seek the help of school eyewitnesses. Unfortunately, until now, nothing has been found.

Song Ziming sat in the car and watched her talk with others, as if looking for something.

He couldn't help but want to get out of the car to ask about the situation, but when he thought of something not long ago, he stopped his hand to the car door.

At this time, the driver was asking Su Xiangwan: "Madam, where are we going now?"

Before Su Xiangwan could answer, Han Che called again.

"Late night, I remember... there is another place..." Han Che's voice was a little hoarse.


Han Che lowered his eyes lightly and said, "It's a small duplex building on Huyang Street. It's the property under his mother's name, and it's also the home of his grandparents. The house was always empty when the grandparents went early."

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