Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1337: Want to raise you up

Su Xiangwan sighed for a while, but he was also a little grateful.

The years of getting along, even if it is not love, must have meant different meanings for Mu Yusheng.

Fortunately, this man has his usual decisiveness and cruelty.

When he realized that his concession and tolerance would not make Han Yun truly recover.

So cruelly broke.

I would rather have been silently burdened with resentment and debt for so many years, rather than wronged my wife and children.

Until these two decades have passed, Mu Yusheng has silently carried his hatred and revenge in order to prevent Han Che from knowing his own life experience, even implicating his own son, presumably he was also extremely miserable in his heart.

Su Xiangwan couldn't help but sighed, a love and hate, and he had to sigh that fate had made others.

Was it true that if Han Yun went abroad smoothly, he would meet another excellent man who would be with him for a lifetime and be happy?

Or is it because she has been alone for several years, still unforgettable, and will never meet a person who makes her heart fascinating again?

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Even if there is, the love path is especially unknown...

Su Xiangwan returned to his senses and suddenly remembered the bottle of wine Han Yun had said.

She was worried that Han Che would not be able to think about it, so she immediately called the servant at home, telling her to pour out the bottle of wine.

It wasn't until she got a reply from the servant that she felt a little bit relieved.

On the other side, Mu Yusheng chased far away before stopping Han Che.

Han Che's reputation is not small, and he was recognized by many people after running on the road for a while.

Some people even came up untimely to ask for signatures and group photos.

Mu Yusheng frowned and dragged him into the car, choosing a box in a tea house to take him over.

Throughout the whole process, Han Che just looked out the window in silence, full of sadness and loneliness.

By the time he arrived at the teahouse, Han Che was still lifeless, motionless like a wooden man.

Mu Yusheng first ordered a pot of Pu'er, and when the tea was ready, he poured a glass for Han Che, and said warmly: "Drink some water to warm it up."

Han Che slowly recovered, and didn't move.

He laughed self-deprecatingly, and said softly, "Uncle Mu, you don't care about me...this kind of evil kind."

After speaking, his pale face still showed a light smile.

Mu Yusheng frowned, and said solemnly, "Ache."

Han Che looked at him with red eyes, never thinking that one day everything he believed in would collapse like this.

The belief he firmly believed in was wrong, and the hatred and hatred he gave him tolerance.

Look, how ridiculous.

Mu Yusheng said in a deep voice: "How do you think about your mother in this matter, I won't ask, but I want you to know that when I decided to cut off contact with you, I actually wanted to bring you to your side to raise up."

Han Che looked at him in a daze.

Mu Yusheng sighed slightly. How could he really have no feelings when he took care of Han Che and Han Yun every day?

But he could not live up to Lu Zhixuan, he could not live up to the soft and kind woman who made him want to hold it in his hand forever.

He thought about keeping Han Che behind and raising him like his own child. After all, after he found out the truth, Han Yun's condition was really not good.

But by then it was a little late.

Han Che had memories and thoughts, and was a half-year-old child.

He tried several times and knew that he would never leave his mother.

He was even more afraid that because of his misunderstanding of his own life experience, once he was taken home, he would resent Lu Zhixuan and Mu Beiting, and would think that they had destroyed his family.

So after thinking twice, he let him go with Han Yun after all.

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