Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1353: result

Su Xiangwan was still silent, but there was already a faint guess in his heart.

Seeing that she never spoke, Su Zhiguo was a little uneasy, and said again: "Oh, don't you have a stern face, it's just a small tumor, not to say that there is no chance of cure."


Su Xiangwan's heart sank.

Isn't there no chance of cure?

That is to say, the hope of healing is very small?

Thinking of this, Su Xiangwan's eye circles were a little red, watching him choked up and said, "What did the doctor say?"

Su Zhiguo still had a calm smile on his face, and he didn't seem to be very afraid of death.

"The doctor said that the problem of the tumor itself is not too big, but that it will compress the nerves and cause some other bad consequences."

"How do you solve it?"

Su Zhiguo was silent for a moment, and said: "It is best to have a craniotomy."

Su Xiangwan became more and more silent, and his hands hung beside him tightly clenched his clothes without making a sound.

Su Zhiguo also fell silent this time.

It was just the company's routine physical examination before, and he hasn't taken a good examination for several years.

Unexpectedly, a brain tumor was found in this investigation.

He is not afraid, but it has been a while since he learned the result, so he is ready to accept it calmly.

The doctor said that this tumor is benign, but it has grown quite a bit now.

If it continues to develop, it will eventually compress the nerves and he may first cause dementia or hemiplegia and other consequences, and eventually it will be severe enough to cause death.

But if he had a craniotomy, his age, coupled with the location of the tumor is not convenient for the operation, even if the operation is decided, there is only a 20% chance of success.

He also pondered for a while, and finally decided not to do it.

After all, if you decide to operate, you must arrange it as soon as possible, otherwise the more the tumor grows, the more difficult the operation will increase.

If he doesn't do it, he can probably last for two or three years, and how much time he will be able to cherish the last time.

After listening to Su Zhiguo's words, Su Xiangwan calmed down and put on his coat for Su Zhiguo and said, "Dad, I will accompany you to the hospital. We will check it again."

After all, regardless of whether Su Zhiguo was willing or not, Su Xiangwan took the lead to go out.

Su Zhiguo sighed, but in order to make her feel at ease, he still followed out according to Yan.

But Su Zhiguo still couldn't figure it out. He had always been very cautious and didn't tell others how did he know it late?

After Su Xiang got in the car at night, he first called Mu Beiting and talked about the situation.

Mu Beiting contacted Rong Chen, told Su Xiangwan the time, and immediately rushed over.

Because Rong Chen was contacted early, a series of inspections proceeded very quickly.

Just need to wait another half an hour or so for the filming results.

Seeing that Su Xiangwan was not in a high mood, Mu Beiting took her in his arms and said warmly, "We will get treatment early and nothing will happen."

Su Xiangwan nodded and couldn't help thinking in a muddled manner.

It seems that Su Zhiguo had never found a tumor in his brain in his previous life. How could this be the case in this life?

However, the time when Su Zhiguo chose to commit suicide in his previous life seemed to be two years later.

At that time, the Su family's property had been taken away by Liu Yuerong. She had a notorious reputation in the entertainment circle, and everyone shouted and beaten her, and her brother was also muddled all day because of the amputated leg.

At that time, Su Zhiguo chose to commit suicide.

Su Xiangwan was thinking about it, and when the results of the examination came out, her heart was instantly pulled together.

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