Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1355: Burden

Su Xiangwan let out a sigh of relief.

She had always thought that Su Zhiguo's jump back then was either to escape or cowardice, and to choose to escape alone after being overwhelmed.

Pingbai left her and her brother in this world, helpless, and walked alone.

But now, she suddenly understood.

At that time, although he was discouraged after the severe injury, but more, he did not want to be a burden to them.

Because they can't get the money, and because they don't want to drag them down.

That's why I was lonely and courageous, and chose that to jump.

Thinking of this, Su Xiangwan felt uncomfortable.

It was obvious that she didn't care enough about him at the beginning, but she kept blaming him for leaving them like that.

Fortunately, now there is a chance to come back, this time, the result will be very different.

After returning to the ward, Su Zhiguo had already put on a hospital gown, but he was still muttering: "I still have to go back to the company first. There are still many things I haven't settled in. Why should I settle down first?"

Mu Beiting said in a deep voice, "I'll let you deal with it when you turn around. You can recover from the illness with peace of mind."

Su Xiangwan rushed over when he heard the words: "When are you still thinking about the company, you can make more money if you don't have money, and you have nothing if you don't have a life!"

Seeing her daughter go crazy, Su Zhiguo rubbed his nose in a nonchalant manner.

Then he thought about it, and then sighed: "Haohao hasn't seen me for so long, and I don't know if he will miss me. I haven't told Yue Rong about this, but don't tell her yet, lest she worry about it."

Su Xiangwan didn't say anything, but just remembered Liu Yuerong's plan from Chen Changyi.

Su Zhiguo stayed in the hospital completely and disappeared for several days.

Liu Yuerong became more suspicious, and after asking his secretary and the itinerary, he intuitively felt that he was not going abroad.

She was already set up with pinhole camera, but Su Zhiguo never came back, which made Liu Yuerong anxiously like an ant on a hot pot.

In the end, Dai Shengchang gave an idea.

Thinking that Su Zhiguo was not at home anyway, he hired a professional to open the code lock to come and open the lock.

Liu Yuerong was very hesitant at first, always worried about what to do if Su Zhiguo came back and found that the password box had been moved.

But as the day passed, Liu Yuerong became more anxious, and even more worried about whether Su Zhiguo was planning something behind her back. Or did you discover the identity of Hao Hao?

Under anxiety, she finally agreed to Dai Shengchang's idea.

After all, it is really uncomfortable to be immersed in this unknown anxiety and panic.

That day was the day Su Zhiguo was preparing for surgery.

Liu Yuerong finally called someone who specializes in unlocking.

Liu Yuerong waited in the study eagerly, uneasy in her heart, for fear that Su Zhiguo would not come back suddenly, with a guilty conscience.

But in fact, she totally thinks too much.

At this moment, Su Zhiguo has been pushed into the operating room. Su Xiangwan, Mu Beiting and Su Jincheng have all come over. Several people waited outside the operating room, feeling equally disturbed and anxious.

Before long, the door of the safe was opened.

Liu Yuerong looked happy and immediately paid the money and asked the other party to be tight-lipped.

After the person who opened the lock left, Liu Yuerong immediately took out the contents of the safe.

There are no precious jewels, but paper documents.

Liu Yuerong flipped through it quickly.

The few outside are deeds of house and land, and they are all real estate under the name of Su Zhiguo.

Liu Yuerong turned her eyes on the sealed kraft paper bag after flipping it for a while.

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