Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1359: No retreat

Dai Shengchang thought for a while, and said: "Since he made a will some time ago, it shows that his situation is not optimistic. But he recently concealed your disappearance, which shows that his illness has changed. Then contact him and he is now in the hospital. This analysis shows that he was probably undergoing surgery during this period."


Dai Shengchang nodded, and replied, "Well, do an operation."

Liu Yuerong frowned: "Then if he gets better... wouldn't it be..."

As soon as he mentioned this, Dai Shengchang was obviously nervous, and he tightly grasped Liu Yuerong’s hand and said: “Yue Rong, if he gets better, you will not be able to get a penny from him in the future. Look at him now Guarding you is the same as guarding against thieves. If he doubts Haohao's life experience in the future, I'm afraid you won't get a penny."

Liu Yuerong's face sank: "Then what do you mean?"

"If there is a chance, we must not allow Su Zhiguo to recover. Only in this way can we have a chance." Dai Shengchang said confidently.

Liu Yuerong remained silent.

She knew that what Dai Shengchang said had the element of deceiving her, and the ultimate purpose of his deceiving was for money.

But in the same way, her purpose is also for money.

So when the purpose is the same, she knows what Dai Shengchang said is right.

Liu Yuerong thought quietly.

Suddenly I felt that I had fallen into a trap.

She had never thought about giving birth to a boy to fight for the family property. Dai Shengchang only mentioned it once at random, but did not mention it again after seeing her objection.

But in the end, she was pregnant with his child and gave birth to Haohao under his persuasion.

Only in this way, she never retreated.

Even if she sometimes feels that it is good to be Mrs. Su in peace. Although Su Zhiguo will not give her a lot of money to let her squander, her life is still very satisfactory after all.

But now... she has no retreat.

Liu Yuerong fixedly looked at the man in front of her, and suddenly smiled.

He pushed himself to this step step by step, wasn't it just because she was afraid that she and Su Zhiguo would really develop a relationship and live in peace and stability from now on?

Yes, after this, who will pay him back?

Liu Yuerong slowly closed her eyes, not knowing how she would blindly look at such a man before.

She thought of Su Zhiguo inexplicably, thinking that he actually treated her well.

But then, when she thought of his will, her heart chilled again.

Heh, men don’t have a good thing, and instead of looking at people’s faces every day, it’s never as good as making the decision on their own!

A look of cruelty flashed through Liu Yuerong's eyes, as if she had made a decision.

When she got the inheritance of Su Zhiguo, the first thing she did was to find someone to buy Dai Shengchang's life.

From then on, her life will be a brand new beginning.

After a thousand thoughts, Liu Yuerong said in a warm voice: "Okay, I will go to the hospital to see how Su Zhiguo is now, and then see if there is a chance..."

Upon hearing this, Dai Shengchang's expression became more diligent.

Liu Yuerong and him perfunctorily found the hospital in a hurry.

All the way up to the seventh floor.

Liu Yuerong saw Su Xiangwan in the corridor at a glance, calmed her emotions, and suddenly looked worried and concerned.

"Late...late! How is Zhiguo?" Liu Yuerong hurriedly stepped forward with a worried expression on her face.

Hearing Liu Yuerong's voice, Su Xiangwan frowned and said dissatisfied: "Why are you here?"

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