Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1369: Outside of 吃 艒

Dai Shengchang was full of ferocious eyes, emotionally excited: "You have been waiting for me to do it! Are you?"

Hearing this, Su Xiangwan just curled his lips and smiled indifferently.

Yes, they are just waiting for Dai Shengchang to do it.

But such a thing cannot be said.

They have been guarding Su Zhiguo for the past two days, but they are actually waiting for Dai Shengchang to do something.

Liu Yuerong stayed here for so long, but couldn't find a chance. Seeing that Su Zhiguo was about to wake up, she would definitely contact Dai Shengchang to find a way.

And the best way is to use Liu Yuerong to attract their attention and change their hands.

But now that time is tight, Dai Shengchang is anxious, most likely to do it himself.

After all, the interests are moving, and Dai Shengchang has been planning for a long time, so how can he sit still?

Sure enough, Dai Shengchang came, decisively and fiercely.

This kind of wolf-hearted man faced a life without giving up.

Decisively, he killed Su Zhiguo.

What other so-called oxygen masks were nothing more than what the doctor deliberately revealed to Liu Yuerong.

For the first forty-eight hours, he was weak and really needed oxygen.

But after twenty-four hours passed, Rong Chen said that his condition was basically stable, and even if he took off the oxygen mask, he shouldn't endanger his life.

Su Xiangwan simply took the plan and waited for Liu Yuerong and Dai Shengchang to take action.

What she didn't expect was that Dai Shengchang would cooperate with herself in this way. Seeing that removing the oxygen mask was ineffective, she wanted her father to suffocate and die.

Now, he stepped into their design step by step, fearing that he would have to go to jail for at least ten or eight years.

"Is it? Is it all that you designed for a long time?" Dai Shengchang struggled constantly, but he was not a strong person, and he was always a little weak. Where is the opponent of the two police officers and got caught After the handcuffs, he couldn't move at all.

Su Xiangwan just curled his lips and sneered.

They wouldn’t admit it, because Dai Shengchang was convicted of intentional murder. There were surveillance cameras in the ward early to take pictures of his actions clearly. Even if he had 10 mouths all over his body, the evidence was conclusive and the explanation was unclear. of.

Yu Guang swept past the trembling Liu Yuerong, Su Xiangwan narrowed his eyes, stepped forward and took Liu Yuerong's hand and said warmly: "Aunt Liu, thank you for cooperating with us this time. I know you did it before, sorry for our family. But since you are willing to help us this time, the previous things have been completely wiped out."

Liu Yuerong was startled, staring at Su Xiangwan blankly.

For a while, he didn't even realize what Su Xiangwan's words meant.

Su Xiangwan faced Dai Shengchang, a coldness flashed across Liu Yuerong's eyes, but his smile became more concerned.

"Father will give you another chance. Knowing your mistakes can improve you greatly, not to mention that you have been with your father for so many years."

The softer Su Xiangwan's voice, the more ugly Liu Yuerong's face became.

She finally understood what Su Xiangwan was going to do when she came over, and she instantly became panicked!

When Dai Shengchang heard this, his eyes were scarlet, and he stared at Liu Yuerong ferociously: "It's you! You **** deliberately brought me here? You eat something inside and out, I killed you! I can't spare you!"

Liu Yuerong kept shaking her head, but looking at his distorted face, and then at the pale Su Zhiguo on the hospital bed, she couldn't speak at all.

Dai Shengchang laughed out loud, then suddenly turned to look at Su Zhiguo, sneered: "Su Zhiguo, do you know..."

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