Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1371: You miss me so much

Su Zhiguo's figure was a little shaky, and the hand pointing at her was trembling, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

When Dai Shengchang saw his appearance, he laughed quite proudly: "Yes! Not only is he not your child, Liu Yuerong also plans to get rid of you with me this time, and then I will get rid of Su Jincheng in order to get you more points. Property!"

"You...you..." Su Zhiguo was obviously very angry, and his face was particularly ugly.

Su Xiangwan was a little uneasy, and Rong Chen simply guarded the door, which made her feel a little more at ease.

"Do you think we can't get the inheritance if you made a will? Your will has been ruined a long time ago, and you haven't been to the notary office to be fair, and there is no legal effect!" Dai Shengchang has broken the jar and cares all about it. Looks like.

On the contrary, looking at Su Zhiguo's irritation, he felt like he had won.

Su Zhiguo slowly lowered his eyes and remained silent for a long time.

Later, he finally opened his eyes, his face showing a touch of fatigue, but he was quite calm.

He ignored Dai Shengchang's clamor, but looked at the woman beside the bed who had been with him for more than 20 years.

He couldn't help but whispered: "Yue Rong."

Hearing him calling herself this way, Liu Yuerong's heart was moved and she raised her eyes to look at him.

Su Zhiguo trembled and said, "Do you... love him?"

Liu Yuerong suffocated her heart, and she didn't expect this to be what he wanted to ask her.

Do you love Dai Shengchang?

Maybe loved...or just blinded by his appearance.

It was indeed a joy to be together at first, but the originally thin feelings have long since disappeared in the day-to-day calculations and interests.

In the end, all that was left was full of resentment.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Su Zhiguo chuckled, "If you love him, you can tell me directly. Although I...even though I will annoy you, I will definitely do it for you, so why bother...why bother..."

Liu Yuerong felt uncomfortable in her heart, and there was another stream of tears in her eyes.

She burst into laughter, and looked at Su Zhiguo sarcastically: "It's all this time, so why do you behave like this anymore!"

There was still hatred in her voice.

Su Zhiguo was in a daze, looking at her blankly: "I have never been sorry for you, so how can I be confused?"

Liu Yuerong sneered: "For so many years, you have never regarded me as your family member! Why put on a look of sadness, don't you feel sick?"

Su Zhiguo was quite hurt: "I asked myself I never owed you anything. I didn't expect you to resent me so much."

Liu Yuerong sneered and said: "Yes, never owe anything! Since you treat me sincerely, have you considered for me and your children? You left all the company to Su Xiangwan, and most of the money to Su Jincheng. So just a little bit of money and real estate, I want to send our mother three. How do you let us live in the future? You treat me so sincerely? Oh, Su Zhiguo, you are hypocritical!"

Su Zhiguo's face darkened a bit, and he laughed at himself: "So you actually miss me this way...you actually miss me this way."

Liu Yuerong looked at him blankly, with a faint remorse in her heart.

But then, he was denied by another voice.

He never took them to heart and couldn't blame her!

Since he is ruthless, why can't she be unintentional?

Men are just nice liars!

When Su Zhiguo looked at Liu Yuerong again, his eyes were completely cold, revealing endless disappointment and injury, but because of this, he calmed down instead.

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