Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1381: Hate to marry

With his low voice, Su Xiangwan gradually fell asleep.

The next day, when the genius was slightly bright, Su Xiangwan was knocked on the door quickly, and before he opened his eyes, he was dragged out of the quilt by Gu Xiangsi.

"Don't sleep, get up and put on makeup!" Gu Xiangsi held Su Xiangwan by one arm.

Su Xiangwan opened his eyes in a daze, thinking that it was time for him to sleep for a while.

Until they were pushed into the bathroom, they remembered that they couldn't sleep with Mu Beiting last night, and they kept talking on the phone.

What time did you fall asleep?

Is it zero or one point?

Looking at the two patches of gray under the eyes in the mirror, Su Xiangwan couldn't help but grinned and smiled.

It is estimated that the guests visiting today will surely think about how the bride and groom are both listless.

Although thinking like this, Su Xiangwan became sober after holding a handful of water on his face.

Thinking that today is the day to marry him, the corners of his eyes and brows are inexplicably dyed with joy.

Because the house I bought for Su Zhiguo was not too big, the one hundred and sixty-square-foot house was extremely lively and busy with people coming and going.

After Su Xiangwan washed, he was pushed into the bathroom by Xiaoxiao again, and Li Xiaoxiao seriously helped her wear the wedding dress, carefully tidying up.

"Late night, what a beautiful wedding dress." Li Xiaoxiao squatted halfway in front of her, tidying up her skirts, and exclaimed.

On the cascading dazzling skirt, gold and silver threads outline the complicated patterns of dragon, phoenix and peony, exquisitely like a beast that transforms into nine days, with golden light and luxury.

Su Xiangwan squeezed Xiao Nizi's baby fat in a good mood: "When are we Xiaoxiao going to get married?"

Li Xiaoxiao's face blushed, and he stubbornly said: "I...I'm not in a hurry..."

"Look at your good points~"

"Has Si Mocheng not proposed to you yet?" Su Xiangwan asked warmly.

"Hmm...not yet." Li Xiaoxiao nodded seriously.

"You kiss me, I'll give you a way to make him propose to you, okay?" Su Xiangwan teased her badly.

Li Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up for a few minutes, and the flickering deer eyes were watery and people's heart followed Hua: "What can you do? Tell me later?"

Su Xiangwan raised his eyebrows silently.

Li Xiaoxiao immediately leaned in quietly, making a sip of Su Xiangwan's face with her moist little mouth, and then whispered quietly: "Late night~"

Su Xiangwan couldn't help but laugh: "Why do you hate marrying so much?"

Li Xiaoxiao said with a twist: "I am not thinking about the happiness of my little uncle. After all, he is not too young, but I am still young and beautiful."

"Come here, let me see how thick our Xiaoxiao's face is." After that, Su Xiangwan stretched out his hand and squeezed Xiaoxiao's face again.

Xiaoxiao blinked her watery eyes and avoided: "Don't you always pinch me, pinch my melon seeds into sunflower seeds."

Su Xiangwan couldn't help but chuckled, only that the little girl grew up and knew that she hated marriage and loves beauty.

"You haven't told me it's late~"

Su Xiangwan leaned in her ear and whispered: "You told him you were pregnant."

"Ah...huh?" Li Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, staring at Su Xiangwan in a daze.

After the two came out of the bathroom, the makeup artist grabbed Su Xiangwan and pressed them to the dressing table.

Li Xiaoxiao was dragged away by Gu Xiangsi to change the bridesmaid's dress, and immediately began to ponder how to toss the best man and Mu Beiting with Yuan Xue.

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