Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1386: Lie down, boys

Su Xiangwan's already blushing face became hot again, and his eyes dropped slightly.

How can Xiaoxiao, this stinky girl be so rude!

There was a screaming roar from the surrounding guests, waiting for Mu Beiting to answer!

Mu Beiting squinted his eyes, staring at Li Xiaoxiao's thin lips and opening lightly: "Naturally, night and night are on the cusp of my heart."

Li Xiaoxiao wanted to ask again, but Rong Chen stood up behind him, stuffed a big red envelope and whispered: "Xiaoxiao, be careful that Bei Ting asks Mocheng to file a complaint and go back to clean up you at night."

Li Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, but did not react.

Rong Chen has already pulled her away: "Alright, the next one!"

Li Xiaoxiao clenched her small fists vigorously, but her heart was a little uneasy, my uncle... my uncle wouldn't be with them!

The next one was Gu Xiangsi's turn. Gu Xiangsi pinched her waist with both hands, looking proud and delicate: "I don't make it difficult for you. Come on, the two pairs of best men will do twenty push-ups for their sister first. ."

When the words fell, the guests began to make noise again.

Mu Beiting touched his nose. This time he was fine, except that he had a few brothers who hurt him a little bit.

Mu Beiting turned his head slightly to look at the people behind him, and the guests around also made room for it.

Li Mubai raised his eyes to look at Gu Xiangsi, smiled evilly, and said faintly: "Or you can do it with me, it's not a big problem after doing it twenty or thirty times."

Li Mubai's words were extremely ambiguous, and some guests around even whistled and even started to make noises.

If you were someone else, you would probably have been afraid of him a long time ago.

But Gu Xiangsi has never been an ordinary person, and smiles particularly coquettishly: "You are not my man, what are you doing with me?"

When the words fell, he immediately greeted: "Can't you pick up the bride? Don't blame your sister for not being affectionate if you missed the lucky time.

"Fuck!" Li Mubai cursed in a low voice, then looked at Rong Chen and said, "Lie down!"

Rong Chen still had a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes under the lenses, and he slowly said, "Xiao Bai, you are sure you are talking to me."

Li Mubai rubbed his eyebrows with a headache. His fourth brother was the most insidious. If he was allowed to lie down today, he would be sure that he could not cry for half a year!

Immediately, Li Mubai turned his head to look at Han Che, meaning it was self-evident.

Han Che smiled and said, "I just said okay with Shen Zhou, he is coming."

Mu Chenzhou suddenly jumped up: "Fuck, when did I say yes?"

All around laughed, Mu Beiting looked at the time and said bluntly: "Guess the boxing, set up and down once."

Immediately, Rong Chen and Li Mubai, Han Che and Mu Chenzhou started guessing.



Within two seconds, there were two unanimous shouts.

Gu Xiangsi looked at Mu Chenzhou and Li Mubai with a smile: "Come on, lie down, boys!"

When the words were over, Gu Xiangsi ran to the live camera and said with a smile: "Don't miss the wonderful thing, the babies are blessed~!"

[Wow, who is this pretty lady! 】

[Call for Miss Sister! 】

[I want to see my husband and husband! 】

Gu Xiangsi only said a word, and then walked away.

Li Mubai and Mu Chenzhou were already steadily wading on the floor at this meeting, two men like flowers, oh no, the handsome and handsome men lay straight on the ground, looking like a mermaid.

Rong Chen and Han Che also took their positions. Rong Chen first took off his glasses, revealing a pair of particularly beautiful eyes, and then put his hands on both sides of Li Mubai, and put his hands on Li Mubai in the air.

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