Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1390: So good

The voice is low, unreasonably bewitching, and a little flattering and pitiful.

Su Xiangwan's heart trembled slightly, and he couldn't bear this. His red lips moved lightly, and he whispered, "On the bed."

"Ahhh~ the bride loves the groom~!"

Everyone laughed kindly.

Mu Beiting got the answer, and couldn't help kissing her face again: "Really good."

Su Xiangwan really didn't even dare to lift his head at this meeting, and he didn't understand how he could be such an old husband and wife.

If she got her, several men began to look for them on the bed.

I haven't let go of the pillows at the end of the bed.

After a while, Rong Chen finally felt something strange in the pillow.

The pillow is very soft, although it is not too thick, but hiding a small high-heeled shoe inside is really nothing unusual, even if you touch it, it may not be possible to touch it because of the squeezed cotton.

Seeing that Rong Chen opened the pillowcase and took out the other shoe.

Han Che couldn't help but said, "I just checked it clearly, but I didn't feel it."

Mu Chenzhou also said, "Yes, I checked the pillow just now, but I didn't get it out~!"

Rong Chen said warmly: "My hands are more sensitive."

This is the truth. Since he is a primary school doctor, he operates the finest scalpel and even checks the pulse frequently, so his fingers are extremely sensitive and he can detect foreign objects in the pillow.

After finding both shoes, Mu Beiting squatted halfway in front of the bed, carefully putting the shoes on for her.

Then Xiang Yi walked in wearing a straight suit. The man was still taciturn, but because he had been with Su Xiangwan for the past two years, he was much whiter than before, except for the scar on the brow. gas.

Xiang Yi held a bowl of noodles in his hand and handed it to Mu Beiting.

Su Xiangwan smiled at him, Xiang Yi was in a daze, and then his brows became much gentler.

Mu Beiting calmly blocked him behind him, not allowing Su Xiangwan to look at him again.

Su Xiangwan naturally knew his careful thoughts, and secretly thought: petty ghost.

Xiang Yi is not the best man, she treats him as her maiden, so he cooks this bowl of noodles.

As for the driver of the Yihui wedding car, it is still him.

Although he is always taciturn, in Su Xiangwan's heart, he has always been her family, and in her heart, he is irreplaceable.

Mu Beiting picked up a piece of noodles and fed it to Su Xiangwan's mouth.

Su Xiangwan sat on the edge of the bed and glanced at him, his cheeks blushed a bit, but he opened his mouth to bite his face and ate in.

The noodles were thin and long before they entered his mouth, and Mu Beiting lowered his head and kissed them, grabbing the noodles from her mouth.

"Hey hey hey! The bridegroom fouled!"

"It's the first time I saw Mu Shao this monkey anxious!"

"That's because you haven't seen him and be together late~!"

"Dear kiss, kiss! I can directly give a gift instead of the emcee!"

There are young and handsome guys, and there are dignified and graceful girls, all laughing and teasing.

Su Xiangwan was so annoyed that he stretched out his hand to push him.

Fortunately, he was not too much, leaving her lips with a smile.

In the next second, before Su Xiangwan could react, the whole person was directly hugged by her, and she strode outside.

Walking out of the building, the sky full of rose petals and salutes rang, and the two of them were scattered one after another.

Mu Beiting carefully put Su Xiangwan into the wedding car, and then got on the other side of the car.

Many guests also got on the bus.

A series of black cars drove to the Mu's Manor.

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