Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1395: We also go to play

Mu Yusheng stood on the side, holding a champagne in his hands with Han Che, talking in a low voice.

It looked like Mu Yusheng was asking him about his travels and receipts for more than half a year.

Lu Zhixuan looked after Nian Huluan uneasy, while her brother-in-law and old man were busy socializing.

But Mrs. Mu stood aside, her face dull and unclear.

Mrs. Mu looked at her two great-grandchildren, but she was a little irritable on this happy day.

Since the last time, Su Xiangwan has been cold and warm to her. Although he didn't directly choke with her, he is definitely not close.

She was not close to her even with the two children.

Mrs. Mu felt uncomfortable, but she was a bit wronged, and she didn't know how to change this situation.

Lu Zhixuan walked over and said warmly: "Mom, why don't you go and apologize to Bei Ting and Wanwan, they are not stingy."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Mu's expression changed a little.

She is an elder, how could she apologize to her two grandchildren, how could she have done so.

Lu Zhixuan spoke again: "Mom, right or wrong is regardless of age, think about it."

Lu Zhixuan sighed lightly, without persuading much.

For more than a year, the old lady's thoughts are in her eyes, but the daughter-in-law of other people's family is not good enough, and the mother-in-law has this temperament, and she can only stop it.

Mrs. Mu was silent for a long time before walking towards Su Xiangwan and Mu Beiting with a cane.

The people around the two of them have been missing for a long time, and only a few bridesmaids and groomsmen are still talking.

Seeing the old lady coming, several people were quite winking and avoided.

Su Xiangwan looked at Mrs. Mu slowly and said, "Grandma."

He took the initiative to say hello, but he was not close.

Mu Beiting also just nodded, and didn't mean to say more.

Seeing her favorite grandson looking at herself like a stranger, Mrs. Mu was uncomfortable in her heart.

She never wanted to admit that she didn't like Su Xiangwan except for those factors, but also because she always felt that she had taken away her favorite grandson.

She sometimes felt that even if it was another person, she would still not like it in the end.

The old lady opened her mouth, she wanted to talk, and finally she said: "The thing before...I was wrong."

Su Xiangwan didn't say a word, and Mu Beiting was still just silent.

The old lady was silent for a long while and said again: "From now on you will live your life well, I will not intervene in your affairs anymore."

After that, she turned and left.

Seeing her somewhat rickety back, Su Xiangwan sighed lightly.

I have to say that what the old lady had done before really made her a little sad.

But no matter what, since she has apologized, why should she care about anything.

Mu Beiting retracted his gaze, and took Su Xiangwan in his arms, with a gentle eyebrow: "Late night, do you have any wishes?"

Su Xiangwan looked up at him and said softly: "Yes, I want to be with you all the time."

Mu Beiting smiled slightly: "Okay, then we will always be together."

After the wedding, everyone had a little fun.

The site has been moved from the lawn to the beach by the sea.

This place belongs to Mu's private beach, with soft white sand.

Many people were a little bit drunk. Several bridesmaids and girls took off their shoes and lifted their skirts to fight in the waves. The men also untied their ties and ran into the sea to fight with them regardless of their image.

Su Xiangwan tore off the white gauze from his head, and his long blue silk hair flung away like a waterfall.

She threw off her shoes, held Mu Beiting with one hand, smiled and dragged him to the beach: "Go, let's go play too!"

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