Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1460: Kneel down

The clamor was constant, but she never heard her uncle's voice.

The small hand hanging to his side could not help being clenched into a fist, silently counting the sheep.

There were a few shadows reflected on the wall, but because of the light, she couldn't tell the difference.

The shadow appeared from time to time, causing her heart to be held tightly.

There was a muffled sound of "clang", it seemed that a tube had been compromised, and it fell on her feet with a crisp sound.

Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help but wanted to turn around, to see his situation.

But as soon as she moved, a low voice rang behind her: "Stand up!"

Li Xiaoxiao suddenly looked like a student caught in class, his waist suddenly collapsed straight, and he did not dare to move.

"You...you promise that I won't get hurt." Li Xiaoxiao muttered softly.

I want him to hear, but I'm afraid that he will really be distracted by it.

At this moment, the two sides stuck together have already decided the winner.

Xu Tian looked at the fallen man, his face changed several times, and his gaze at Simocheng became a little more complicated.

He had been watching the whole game just now, and he could see clearly every second.

This man is far more powerful than he thought.

Even in the case of protecting a woman, he didn't suffer too much.

Xu Tian took off his coat and threw it into the hands of one of his subordinates, revealing the fleshy tendons all over his body, and hooked his palm to Simo City, obviously intending to single out.

Li Xiaoxiao's throat tightened, and she looked nervously at the two shadows on the wall. There were only two people right now, and she could clearly tell which one was the younger uncle.

But it will be evening, and the light will change.

The positions of the two fighting each other changed from time to time, and Li Xiaoxiao could see it for a while and could not see it for a while.

I couldn't help but move with my feet, trying to see the shadow on the wall from time to time.

Just as she watched the battle nervously, a low and solemn voice sounded: "You move around again and see how I go back to clean up you!"

Li Xiaoxiao's whole body froze, subconsciously froze in place, not daring to move any more.

It's hard to say that this man has eyes on the back of his head, and he knows everything so clearly.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't dare to move this time, with two small soft hands in front of him, wringing his fingers, worried and nervous.

The two were inextricably fought, but within a few minutes of effort, Xu Tian's proud hand reached out and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

This makes his face a little unsightly.

I thought it was a wolf that needed to be tamed, but I didn't expect that I was not his opponent!

The longer the time, the disadvantage of Xu Tian became more and more obvious.

Finally, with a muffled sound, Xu Tian was severely thrown to the ground, covering his stomach, with a smear of blood spilling on his lips, and his complexion became pale.

Si Mocheng looked at him condescendingly, his eyes cold.

After staring at him for a few seconds, she retracted her gaze and glanced at Tang Ziyan who was hiding in the alley.

Her eyes were faint, she turned around and walked to Li Xiaoxiao's side, holding her little hand and warmly said, "Go."

After getting approval, Li Xiaoxiao quickly turned around, intending to double check whether he was injured.

But before taking a closer look, Si Mocheng stood still.

Li Xiaoxiao was puzzled, and was about to speak, but saw that Xu Tian didn't know when he got up, with an extra gun in his hand, which would be reaching the back of Simo City.

Li Xiaoxiao's pupils shrank slightly, and he never thought that this man would have a gun in his hand.

She closed her mouth tightly and calmed herself down.

Tang Ziyan, who had been in the alley, was also stunned. She didn't expect that she only wanted to teach the two people a lesson, and she would eventually develop to this point.

Xu Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and sneered: "I respect you as a man, but in the face of absolute power, you can't just have skills."

Si Mocheng slowly turned around, his eyes still calm.

Xu Tian sneered, his eyes flashed with perverted pleasure: "Kneel down."

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