Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2021: long time no see

"How about? In this way, you will also have money to make money, and my risk will be lower. I'm all in this circle, so naturally everyone who has money will make money together." Wang Dongqing said again.

Xu Li shook her head at Xu Yuankai, but Xu Yuankai said nothing.

Xu Li whispered: "Wang Dongqing will know that we have offended the Jun family and the Rong family sooner or later. He may not protect us by that time. He may not take the opportunity to swallow our profits and hand us over to Rong Chen and Jun Chengen. It’s on hand."

Xu Yuankai felt cold, but he hadn't considered this.

Immediately, he looked at Wang Dongqing and said: "Boss Wang, it is true that we have offended the Rong family and the Jun family in Haicheng, so we must go. Your conditions are very attractive, but we need money now. "

Speaking of the Rong family and the Jun family, Wang Dongqing frowned: "Then I will take you this thing, but it is dangerous."

"As the saying goes, do you ask for wealth and insurance? You will consider it again."

The room fell into silence for a while, and after a while, Wang Dongqing said: "500 million, trade now."

Xu Yuankai and Xu Li looked at each other. Five billion is too little. They want to kill the one billion bottom line.

But Wang Dongqing was talking about trading now, which made them hesitate again.

After all, things have changed a lot, as long as they nod their heads now, they can collect money and leave!

Seeing the two of them being silent, Wang Dongqing smiled: "500 million, no, you get out now."

Xu Yuankai didn't say anything, but Xu Li made a decision: "Okay, deal!"

In this way, at least she and Xu Yuankai can get 250 million, enough to escape to a foreign country and live incognito for a few years.

Wang Dongqing immediately asked people to prepare the money, Xu Yuankai's expression was still a bit ugly.

It could have made tens of billions, but now... only two hundred and fifty million are left!

A few minutes later, Wang Dongqing said: "The money is ready, I want to inspect the goods first."

Xu Li nodded, and took out a sealed test tube from the **** her thigh. Xu Yuankai took out the other one from the bag reluctantly. Wang Dongqing's people took some reagents for testing and confirmed that it was correct. , Nodded to him.

Wang Dongqing immediately ordered someone to transfer money to their accounts, and at the same time someone put two test tubes into the password box and sent them out.

Soon, Xu Li and Xu Yuankai's cell phones rang at the same time. Although both felt that there was little money, after checking the numbers, the string of zeros was really zero, and their faces were filled with joy that could not be concealed.

"The money has arrived!" Xu Li said.

Xu Yuankai also breathed a sigh of relief and arched his hand to Wang Dongqing: "The mountains are high and the road is far away, I wish Boss Wang will make a fortune in the future!"

Wang Dongqing said nothing, Xu Yuankai and Xu Li turned around and planned to leave.

Sitting on the back of the chair, Wang Dongqing slowly said with a cigar between his fingertips: "Wait."

The bodyguard immediately stopped the two of them. Both of them were very nervous. Xu Yuankai slowly turned around and said, "What else does Boss Wang have to say?"

"I don't dare to tell, but someone else wants to see you." Wang Dongqing smiled.

"Yes...Who is it?" Xu Yuankai felt uneasy, and had a faint premonition.

Wang Dongqing smiled and said: "You'll know when you see it."

When he finished speaking, Rong Chen walked out of the suite wearing a turtleneck sweater, khaki trousers, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. His eyes fell on Xu Yuankai, and the corners of his lips were cold. Smiling, slowly said: "Xu Yuankai, long time no see."

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