Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2072: My wife

Li Mubai said lightly: "If you want to see the female orangutan, turn left when you go out and there is a zoo."

Lu Xiao smiled and scolded: "Fuck you, what I like is beautiful snakes, not female gorillas."

"Is it useful? It is more important to match." Li Mubai handed him a cigarette, mocking.

After a few words, they felt bored, so they didn't continue.

Lu Xiao looked up and saw that there was no smoking ban in the surrounding area, so he lit the fire.

Li Mubai didn't twitch, his slender fingers played casually, with one leg cocked, a little careless.

Before long, the dance ended.

Yao Ruoshan called the curtain call with a perfect gesture, and the people who were watching sporadically all around applauded, and they all seemed to feel good.

The leader in the audience said, "This is Yao Ruoshan, she did a good job. It shouldn't be a big problem if we break in on the whole."

"I also think the jump is good, beautiful and energetic, and the basic skills should be quite solid."

Someone praised them stubbornly and exchanged opinions with the people beside them.

But some people disagreed: "I think there are some problems. Her jumping movements are too fancy, expressive, and a little too hard."

"I think so too. She dances well or well, but it doesn't seem to be integrated with the wrong dance. It makes people think that she wants to express herself."

"Isn't there another one, let's look at it again."

As several people discussed in low voices, the teacher stepped forward to Yao Ruoshan and said: "This time I did a good jump, and the overall coordination is okay. You should take a break first."

Yao Ruoshan showed the best one, and naturally there was nothing unwilling.

Walked to the stage and looked at Xia Feishi with a smile: "If you have trouble with your feet, don't humiliate yourself."

Xia Feise looked at her without speaking, and walked directly beside her.

The teacher warmly urged: "You shouldn't have psychological pressure. You haven't cooperated with everyone before, so it must take more time at the beginning. We can come a few more times."

"Thank you teacher." Xia Fei warmly thanked him.

After Xia Feise took the stage, she stood in the middle position first, surrounded by other companions.

The dance first showed the shape of a slowly blooming peony, and Xia Feishi's position was the flower stamen.

After the flowers bloomed completely, she slowly got up, as if walking out of the flowers.

As the music gradually reached its climax, the entire dance was smoothly connected, as if it had been coordinated many times, and there was nothing to break-in at all.

Some of the leaders in the audience couldn't help but say: "What is this called? I think this one seems better, strong and soft, soft and powerful, and most importantly, it feels very soft. The overall atmosphere is very soft."

"This should be Xia Feise. She has been dancing well, but her foot seems to have been badly injured, so there is some uncertainty."

"I think these two are very good, let's take a look down first."


Several people here were discussing in low voices. On the other side, Li Mubai finally put the cigarette in his mouth and lowered his head to light it.

After that, Taohua's eyes lifted slightly, and she unscrupulously fell on Xia Feise.

Seeing that he had been staring at the little girl leading the dancer, Lu Xiao smiled a little wretchedly: "What, what a good one?"

Li Mubai sneered, watching him arrogantly smiled and said, "My wife."

This time it was Lu Xiao's turn to be stunned, and then he cursed in a low voice: "Fuck your uncle, when did you have a wife!"

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