Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2080: plaything

Yao Ruoshan was very angry, staring at Xia Feise viciously.

Xia Feise smiled at her, her eyes cold.

Because she was determined to be the lead dancer, Xia Feise had to be injured and cooperated twice with everyone.

Fortunately, she simulated every scene of the dance many times in her heart, so the cooperation was not bad.

The teacher felt sorry for her injury, so she let her rest.

Yao Ruoshan became the candidate for the lead dancer, her face was always gloomy and she didn't dance with all her heart, which caused her teacher to chat with her many times in private.

One day was fleeting. After taking a shower, Fan Xiaoai and Xia Feise packed up their things, they walked all the way out and said, "Face, why did you say that Secretary Wang suddenly changed his mind? This attitude is also very contrasting. It's too big."

"He may also have his consideration." Xia Fei said warmly.

"Anyway, as long as it's not Yao Ruoshan, it's maddening her to see how arrogant she is!" Fan Xiaoai said angrily.

At this moment, Yao Ruoshan walked not far behind the two of them, and her face was pale when she heard this.

When Xia Feise walked to the door, she saw a Lamborghini parked across the road.

Fan Xiaoai grabbed Xia Feise's arm with excitement, "Lamborghini Lamborghini, it seems to cost tens of millions!"

When the voice fell, the window of the driver's seat was rolled down halfway, revealing an evil and charming face.

Li Mubai raised his head slightly to her and motioned her to get in the car.

Xia Feise retracted her gaze and looked at Fan Xiaoai and said, "Xiao Ai, I'm leaving now."

Fan Xiaoai was stunned and nodded in a daze.

They are waiting for the bus at the same place, so they should drop by right?

Li Mubai only showed his face before rolling up the car window.

No way, there are art academies and dance troupes in this area. Only when he opened the car window to smoke a cigarette, three women came up to talk.

Fan Xiaoai nodded, and after bidding farewell to Xia Feise blankly, he saw Xia Feise getting on the car.

The boss suddenly opened her mouth.

Xia Feise got that Lamborghini? ? ?

Coincidentally, Yao Ruoshan, who came out with a few others, was also stunned when she saw this scene.

Someone beside her couldn't help but speak: "Is that Xia Scarlet who got in the car just now? I'm not mistaken, right? Isn't she a fair condition? How can she know someone who drives a Lamborghini?"

"Yes, it's a pity that I didn't see who was driving."

"This Xia Feise is not a small one, right? No wonder Secretary Wang suddenly changed his attitude today."

Hearing that, Yao Ruoshan's angry face was blue, staring at the back of the car, her fists hanging beside her were clenched, her nails almost scratching her palms.

Then, she remembered the unspoken rule of being Xia Feise said, squinted her eyes and said, "Although it is possible that the second generation of the rich can be a small opener, it is not guaranteed to be a bald old man with a beer belly. I know that the car is limited to ten in the world. An ordinary small car may not be able to drive that kind of car."

"Unexpectedly, this Xia Feise usually looks high, but he does this kind of business in private."

Yao Ruoshan's eyes became colder, and she sneered: "It's just a plaything for others. Sooner or later, I will get bored with it."


After getting in the car, Xia Feise looked at Li Mubai and said, "Did you go to the rehearsal venue today?"

"En." Li Mubai said lightly.

After hearing this, Xia Feise didn't speak any more.

Yes, if he goes, then he will have so much face.

Otherwise, she really couldn't think of a reason for Secretary Wang's attitude to change so quickly.

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