Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2092: Broke up

After Xia Feise answered, she walked out with him.

As he walked, he said, "Can you give me your bank card number? I will transfer Fei Jun's medicine money to you."

Wu Jingyu looked at her with complicated eyes. After a long while, she said: "Bai Se, do we have to be so clear?"

Xia Feise lowered her eyes slightly and said softly: "Yes."

From the day she decided to break up with him, she had decided to break up with the Wu family.

Wu's father and Wu's mother are indeed good people, and they have given her the most precious feelings and warmth.

But sometimes, some things that don't belong to you just don't belong to you.

Even if you have had it for a while, you will lose it in the end.

Wu Jingyu seemed to want to say something more, but Xia Feise had already turned around and left.

Diagonally opposite the dance troupe's gate, there was a bank. He didn't want to give it, and Xia Feise didn't want to bother with him, so she immediately walked towards the bank.

Wu Jingyu hurriedly followed up: "Scarlet."

Xia Fei said warmly: "We'll talk about what you want to talk about later, I have to go to the bank first."

When the words were over, the signal light turned green, and Xia Feise crossed the road first and walked towards the bank.

Wu Jingyu followed her, silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

Large withdrawals usually require an appointment in advance. Xia Feise explained to the bank manager that he needed urgent use, and finally withdrew more than 200,000 yuan.

In addition to the money in her hand that hadn't had time to save, Xia Feise thought it was almost enough to return it to Wu Jingyu first.

After withdrawing the money, Xia Feise put the money wrapped in kraft paper into a bag.

After looking at Wu Jingyu, he directly handed it over to him and said, "These are 300,000 yuan, and pay back the medicine money for your and my brother."

Wu Jingyu never thought that when she came to the bank, she actually withdrew money to him.

She would rather let him hold 300,000 in cash, and must she draw a line with him like this.

Wu Jingyu's eyes were painful, sad, puzzled, and angry.

Xia Feise retracted her gaze without letting herself look at him again, and said warmly: "Are you still going to talk to me?"

Wu Jingyu looked at him for a long time, and finally got a little hurt and said, "Let's find a place to sit."

"Okay." Xia Feise did not refuse, and then said: "I know there is a hotel next to it, the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, let's go there and sit down."

"En." Wu Jingyu nodded, holding a bag full of money, some injuries.

Xia Feise wanted to remind him whether or not to deposit the money directly, but she thought about it and didn't talk too much.

More than ten minutes later, the two sat on the seats on the first floor of the hotel lobby.

The location is close to the window, the light is very good, the huge floor-to-ceiling windows can see the street view outside, the scenery is very good.

Xia Feise ordered lemonade, and Wu Jingyu ordered coffee.

Neither of them spoke, and the paper bag of money was piled on the table, leaning on the side of the window.

When something came up, Wu Jingyu remained silent, as if he didn't mean to speak.

Xia Feise looked at him and spoke actively: "Jingyu."

Wu Jingyu raised his eyes and looked at her without making a sound.

Xia Feise looked directly at him and slowly said, "Don't pay Fei Jun's medicine anymore. He is my brother, not yours."

Upon hearing this, Wu Jingyu's heart was aching, and her eyes flushed: "Scarlet, who was that man yesterday?"

Xia Feise was silent for a few seconds and then said: "Jingyu, we have broken up. You shouldn't interfere in my life anymore."

Hearing that, Wu Jingyu's emotions became agitated, and his voice was high: "Should you not interfere with your life? Are you being bagged||raised and I shouldn't interfere!"

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