Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2106: Quite satisfied

For more than half a month, her relationship with him is still harmonious.

He went home a little more frequently, and occasionally sent her to get off work or nightclubs when he had time.

"I'm leaving Xiao Ai first." Xia Fei said warmly.

Fan Xiaoai hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but say: "Bai Se, when will I see your husband's Lushan true face? I'm almost curious to death."

Xia Feise thought for a while, and said warmly: "I have time to ask him."

"Good, good." Fan Xiaoai nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

After the two said goodbye, Xia Feise took the position of the co-pilot. Li Mubai didn't even look at her, and started the car directly.

After the car drove out, Yao Ruoshan stood on the spot and said to Wu Jingyu: "Look, I said she was wrapped up by someone. You still don't believe it. That person never showed up. I don't know how shameful she is, shouldn't you? It's an ugly monster."

Wu Jingyu couldn't help but think of Li Mubai's face, which was gorgeous and exquisite enough to make a woman pale.

Would such a person be ugly?

Oh, no wonder Scarlet loves him.

Regardless of family background or appearance, which woman can refuse such a man.

Wu Jingyu retracted his gaze and said lightly: "Let's go."

When Yao Ruoshan saw that he was not in a high mood, the resentment in her eyes could not help but deepen a bit.

Wu Jingyu's arm was not completely healed, so it was not convenient to drive. Yao Ruoshan didn't like driving by herself, so the two drove together.

After getting in the car, Yao Ruoshan took out her mobile phone and sent a text message, her mouth curled up with a sneer.

On the other side, in a Ferrari.

Xia Feise looked at Li Mubai and said, "Why do you always drive my car?"

Li Mubai turned his head and glanced at her, sneered: "Don't try to clean up, you are all Lao Tzu's!"

Xia Feise slowly said, "But yours is not mine."

Li Mubai chuckled, "What do you want?"

Xia Feise was silent for a few seconds, yes, even if all his belongings were hers, she actually didn't want anything.

Hey, what kind of Jin is she calling him.

She just felt that he was driving the car all day to pick her up in front of the dance troupe, which was a bit too ostentatious.

Xia Feise didn't speak any more, looked out the window and said nothing.

In fact, it would be nice for him to pick her up, at least it is easier to take a car than to drive.

Seeing her silent, Li Mubai glanced at her coldly and said, "Speak."

"I don't want anything, I think my life now is actually pretty good." Xia Feise said warmly.

Li Mubai's eyes were ridiculed, and she felt that she was just hypocritical.

Turning his head to look over, the woman's shadow was reflected on the glass car window.

He could see that her eyes were calm and soft, although she was still a little cold, but satisfied and gentle, people couldn't help but believe that what she said was quite good and true.

Li Mubai withdrew to his lips and was silent for a few seconds.

After a while, Li Mubai slowly said, "That's pretty good? There is nothing dissatisfied with?"

Xia Feise slowly said, "Yes, if my husband could be gentle with me, I would be more satisfied."

Li Mubai chuckled, "Did you hurt you last night?"

Xia Feise didn't speak anymore, and looked out the window, still a little pink on her earlobes.

Yes, she actually didn't expect Li Mubai to be good to her.

She can't afford it either.

But she still hoped that he would also be a little more peaceful, less hostile, and more gentle, so that they would get along more easily in the next few decades.

"Heh, you are really worthless, why can't I see how good your life is now?" Li Mubai mocked.

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