Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2108: You sit down

Xia Feise got off the car, and saw that the cars on the street stopped one after another, congested.

The truck rammed retrograde and directly caused serial accidents. Many cars in front were affected, some of them were serious and some were mild.

The owner and others got off the car one after another, some comforted the wounded, some were busy making phone calls, and some were checking the body of the negotiations.

Most of the spacious roads were blocked in an instant, and vehicles and people were everywhere.

At this moment, Li Mubai was particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

The man who was originally an amazing man would be covered with blood, but he beat the driver on the ground like a fierce one.

The people around turned their heads to look at the situation here, whispering.

When Xia Feise approached, he saw the driver on the ground curled up into a ball with his head covered in blood with his hands on the ground.

Li Mubai still didn't mean to stop, kicking the man's stomach like crazy, his eyes fierce.

Xia Feise's heart tightened, and quickly stepped forward to hold him: "Don't fight, he didn't mean it."

Li Mubai sneered: "Is he accidentally? If he accidentally, I will give you his head!"

He just saw it really, if he said that the truck hit the front car accidentally, but then he slammed the steering wheel to avoid it, but the driver still hit it again.

This is clearly aimed at!

When he finished speaking, before Xia Feise could speak again, Li Mubai kicked the driver's head, his eyes gloomy: "Speak, who sent you to you?"

The driver will have blood on his face, hold his head tightly, and whimper silently.

Seeing him getting more and more ruthless, Xia Feise was really worried that he would kill someone.

Originally, the driver was seriously injured when the accident occurred. Who knows if something went wrong in the first place, so he made up his feet at this time. If it really happened, it would be hard to tell.

"Okay, okay, aren't we all okay." Xia Feise embraced him in front, comforting her warmly.

Li Mubai obviously didn't mean to give up, vowing to ask what happened.

Xia Feise hugged him tightly in front of him and said warmly: "Don't hit him, hit him again and he will die."

She kept getting in front of her and annoyed him. Li Mubai lowered her head and stared at her coldly and said, "Get out of the way."

Xia Feise watched him not let go, and whispered softly: "No, your wounds are open."

Li Mubai looked at her without speaking, his face was ugly.

Xia Feise grabbed his hand and walked in the direction of the car: "Let's go over there and rest for a while."

Li Mubai stood still, and Xia Feise pulled him hard: "Go..."

Li Mubai was dragged away reluctantly by her, and before leaving, he did not forget to glance at the driver on the ground like a warning.

Xia Feise pulled him aside, panting for breath.

"Let me see if the wound on my shoulder is open." As he said, he stretched out his hand to unbutton his clothes.

Li Mubai still had a black face, obviously very upset about what Xia Feishe had just opened him.

Xia Feise couldn't see it. Seeing half of his shirt soaked in blood and pale, she couldn't help but feel anxious.

Regardless of being on the street, she tore open his clothes.

Entering the eyes, the wound on the shoulder really opened again, and the blood flowed down as if it could not be stopped.

"Sit down." Xia Feise said eagerly.

Li Mubai stood still, but took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, intending to light it.

Xia Feise raised her eyes to look at him, and said coldly: "Sit down, I can't reach it!"

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