Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2125: Meet

Xia Feise turned her head, only to find that the car was parked in the courtyard of the police station.

She thought it was over, is Yao Ruoshan enough to file a case?

As if seeing through her thoughts, Li Mubai said lightly: "She also arranged the car accident last night."

This time it was Xia Feise's turn to be stunned.

So the car accident last night was really not an accident?

Was Yao Ruoshan instructed?

Just because of a leading position?

Xia Feise fell silent, somewhat unacceptable.

Li Mubai glanced at her and said, "Go in."

Xia Feise nodded slowly, and followed Li Mubai into the police station.

Soon, a special police officer came forward to inquire about the situation.

Xia Feise first recounted Yao Ruoshan's detention in the warehouse, and then briefly recounted the car accident last night.

Because the warehouse is not monitored, she needs to be more detailed.

As for the car accident, because of the surveillance and the driver’s testimony, and Yao Ruoshan bought the driver’s transfer records, she does not need to say too much.

Li Mubai sat leaning on the side and didn't say much.

After the police asked for a long time, he became a little annoyed, and said to Xia Feise: "I'm going out to smoke."

Xia Feise nodded and said nothing.

The police continued to ask: "Don't be nervous, I want to ask if you have any plans for reconciliation? Yao Ruoshan's lawyer just contacted us and is willing to offer you a certain degree of compensation to achieve reconciliation."

Xia Feise was silent for a few seconds before looking at the policeman and slowly said: "If these two incidents are accidents, I am willing to reconcile. But now it seems that both incidents are deliberately hurting people, and I don’t need compensation, either. No reconciliation."

The policeman nodded his head and wrote it down, and then said: "Okay, you can sign the two documents and you can go."

Xia Feise lowered her head to sign, and the police continued: "The other party has hired a well-known lawyer in Haicheng, and he may even contact you privately."

"Thank you for reminding." Xia Feise smiled at him and got up to leave.

Just before leaving, I saw a middle-aged couple hurried in from outside, men in suits and leather shoes, they were handsome, but they were a little blessed in their middle age.

The woman is in good shape, and she can see that she is well maintained, and she is very young.

Xia Feise stood still looking at the woman, in a daze, her brain blank.

When the woman saw her, she was obviously stunned for a moment, and then she was a little bit cramped.

The man on the side seemed to realize that she was wrong, and immediately said, "What's the matter?"

"No... it's okay." The woman hurriedly retracted her gaze, and did not look at Xia Feise again.

Immediately, she followed the man to a police officer and walked quickly: "Hello, I am Yao Ruoshan's father, I want to ask Ruoshan..."

Xia Feise stood still and stared at the back of the two men.

The woman never looked back after she retracted her gaze.

Xia Feise smiled mockingly and turned to leave.

She never expected that it would be like this when she met her biological mother again after nearly twenty years.

She was still young and beautiful, graceful and graceful, and she knew she was doing well at a glance.

She has a new husband, a new family, and a new child.

And she is an unrecognized past.

Xia Feise walked out slowly, and saw Li Mubai leaning against the wall to smoke. He looked like an idiot, a little scornful, but when he raised his eyes, it was amazing to give people the illusion of meeting a fairy.

Li Mubai watched her silently, and Xia Feise slowly walked to him.

Looking at the cigarette in his hand, he asked softly: "Is it easy to smoke?"

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