Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2169: opportunity

What else the teacher said later, she didn't hear it.

All I know is that the URL of the registration website will be passed to their group, and you can check it when you click in.

The training begins, and they will prepare a performance for a TV party recently.

So I started to rehearse a new dance.

Xia Feise practiced for a while, and then felt a faint pain in her ankle again.

Even if she is used to the kind of pain, it is just a habit, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Once the difficulty of the action increases and the duration increases, it will surely multiply its effect, so that she can no longer ignore it.

"Hisei, come with me." The teacher said softly.

Xia Feise recovered, and slowly followed the teacher outside.

The teacher looked at Xia Feise and whispered, "Fise, you have twenty-four this year, right."

Xia Feise nodded.

"Do you have any thoughts on the matter of Criton College this time?"

Xia Feise was silent for a few seconds before whispering, "Teacher, you know my situation."

In fact, after she ran away from Wu's house, she couldn't enter the dance troupe.

After all, the welfare and treatment of the dance troupe are very good, and most of the girls who can enter are also girls with identity backgrounds.

But at the school where she missed, an old gentleman in the enrollment teacher heard about her injury and felt sorry, so he found a leader of the dance troupe and recommended her to him.

After the leader greeted the teacher, the teacher also felt very sorry.

It seems that her experience is somewhat similar to that of the teacher in front of her, so she has always taken care of herself.

Xia Feise has always known this, and has always been grateful.

The teacher sighed softly and said warmly: "Hisei, you are the most gifted student I have ever seen. If you can, I hope you will try it."

Xia Feise was silent and didn't make a sound, a little in a daze.

Can she still dream of dancing?

Can I still chase it?

"If you can't go to a bigger stage in this life, you will always regret it." The teacher said softly.

Xia Feise nodded and said softly, "I'll think about it."

The teacher continued: "I know the injury on your foot, Scarlet. I suggest that you and your leader take a long vacation. Stay at home for the past three months to recover from the injury and don't hold on. Rest is to better meet the challenge. I see it. A lot of time you are trying to support you."

Xia Feise was silent.

Leave for three months.

Will she be unfamiliar without dancing for three months?

Without income for three months, how would she buy medicine for Xia Feijun?

Seeing her hesitation, the teacher didn't say much, patted her on the shoulder and said warmly: "Think about it yourself."

"Thank you." After Xia Feise thanked her softly, she was a little absent-minded.

It felt like a dream once again in a place out of her reach, but she didn't dare to catch it.

At one time, she was full of Gu Yong and enthusiasm, and her eyes seemed to have only dreams.

But now, she seems to be old.

Is she still worthy of dreams?

Throughout the morning, Xia Feise was a little absent-minded, always staring at her ankle in a daze.

She knows that it is not suitable to practice in this state.

So I asked the teacher for a long time off, and took the bus to the beach to relax.

It's still early and the sea is still warm.

Flocks of seagulls flying freely on the sea seem to be extraordinarily free.

The sea breeze came with a salty coolness, and her upset mood gradually calmed down.

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