Drifting Towards You

Chapter 414: Runaway loli

The girl nodded with a serious look.

Su Xiangwan couldn't help but look at her a lot, but no matter how she looked, she felt that this was just a well-behaved little Lolita.

Yuan Xue seems to have never encountered this kind of situation, but she does not believe that the twenty-year-old girl in front of her is proficient in Taekwondo, Boxing, Judo and Sanda.

"In this way, I will ask two people to come in, can you show it." Yuan Xue said.

"Yes." Mi Li nodded seriously, and was not angry.

After Yuan Xue made a phone call, he quickly called in two bodyguards.

The two strong men who were about 1.8 meters tall, looked at each other without even reaching their shoulders, how they looked like grains of rice from high school students, and stared at each other for a while.

This... Isn't it a mistake?

Let the two of them bully such a cute and cute girl?

After taking a look at the rice grains, the two of them repeatedly confirmed, and finally raised their heads to look at Yuan Xue and said, "Yuan...Sister Yuan? Isn't that wrong?"

Yuan Xue told them confidently: "That's right."

The two big guys, who were nearly 1.9 meters away, swallowed their saliva, looked at the little Lolita in front of them, and shook their fists.

One couldn't help but persuade: "Little sister, we don't want to..."

Little Lori looked serious and bowed to the two of them: "Offended!"

When the words fell, they didn't wait for the two to speak.

Little Lori stepped back a few steps, rushed forward, flipped sideways and kicked a bodyguard in the face.

Su Xiangwan subconsciously averted his gaze, only to feel that his foot was like a movie lens with its own sound effects.

The bodyguard snorted and shook his head. The whole person was dumbfounded.

The two of them were more serious, and watched little Lori become vigilant.

The rice grains rushed forward again at this time, jumped up, embraced a person's neck with both hands, and then kicked his knees heavily on the bodyguard's waist and abdomen.

The bodyguard snorted and bent down, his face full of pain.

But he still grabbed the rice by the wrist with one hand and tried to throw it off from him.

At the same time, another bodyguard tried to squeeze one of her thin legs.

The rice grain let go of one hand, and the other hand gripped the shoulder of the former bodyguard, kicking it horizontally and kicking the other bodyguard's...face.

The bodyguard staggered back a few steps, fell to the ground and knocked over a row of tables and chairs.

The other bodyguard turned his head to look at the little Lolita who had landed steadily, and his face was a bit ugly.

He never thought that he hadn't seen anyone clearly.

A matte fist greeted him unceremoniously with a punch.

The nosebleeds overflowed instantly, and the bodyguard staggered back two steps, before standing still, the grain of rice kicked with a shovel, caught his foot, and threw him to the ground.

'boom! With a loud noise, the huge bodyguard fell heavily on the marble floor.

Su Xiang Wanguang felt pain when he looked at it.

In just a few minutes, the two strong men were all overturned to the ground, embarrassed.

Little Lolita was still holding a mushroom head in a defensive posture. The wind outside the window was blowing her silky hair, and she stood steadily in place.

Su Xiangwan thought, if he were replaced by someone else, he would be extraordinarily cool and handsome at the moment.

But at this moment, I look like a rice-grain classmate of a high school student, and he doesn't seem to have anything to do with the cool and handsome.

Well, Lolita is still that Lolita, just a runaway Lolita!

Yuan Xue was also a little dazed, and cleared her throat and said: "Cough cough... it's okay."

Hearing the sound, the rice grains closed their hands and looked at Yuan Xue.

Yuan Xue asked a few more questions as usual: "Rice, what made people decide to become an actor assistant?"

Classmate Mi Li looked at Yuan Xue and replied seriously: "Because my dad said that actors are all taken advantage of, and their money is best to make."

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