Drifting Towards You

Chapter 918: Lu Xiao

Si Mocheng looked at the dim light rising from the horizon, his eyes darkened.

His identity is destined to be unable to go abroad easily. Every time he goes abroad, he must be instructed by his superiors, and he will also be monitored by many foreign governments.

If it's official business, it's easy to handle, especially private business, which is even more difficult.

Now that his own mother is obstructing it, this may be even smaller.

And he knew in his heart that there was something his mother said was right.

Xiaoxiao can understand, and it is precisely because she can understand everything that she walks so decisively.

He also knew that she did not leave a word when she left, nor did she intend to come back.

Therefore, only people like Lu Xiao who are muddled and slutty can bring her back.

Simocheng did not ask Mu Beiting, even if he knew that Su Xiangwan might have known Xiaoxiao's location, but in this circle, many things have rules and boundaries, unless he really can’t find out. He wouldn't talk to Mu Beiting about this kind of matter involving his own mother.

That night.

Yu Tianze successfully obtained the identity that Si Mu had forged for Li Xiaoxiao.

With this level of identity, Li Xiaoxiao successfully passed the security check, arrived in Country M, and even applied for enrollment.

And Lu Xiao also took the flight to Country M for the first time.

Lu Xiao was not a high-ranking officer, but just an ordinary soldier with a name, and his status was so ordinary, so it was not difficult to go abroad.

The next day, early morning.

Su Xiangwan’s sleepy night has not turned up yet. Li Xiaoxiao has already washed up, took her bag and said hurriedly: "I will be late for class at night. I left you a handful of keys. You can go to the cafeteria when you wake up later. Find something to eat."


Su Xiangwan slept in a daze and was still not awake. He and Xiaoxiao squeezed in a bed last night, and the two chatted for most of the night.

This will make sleepy eyelids heavy, and you can't open your eyes at all.

After Li Xiaoxiao looked at her, he turned his head and went downstairs.

But when he walked out of the building, he saw a stubborn, scornful man leaning on a tree trunk downstairs in the dormitory with a cigarette in his mouth.

The man has rough brows and roughness on his body.

The skin is wheatish, and there is a smelly but unspeakable smell in the ruffian, which is quite attractive to women.

The dormitory where Li Xiaoxiao lives is a dormitory for international students, so there are many compatriots like her nearby and many students from other countries. He often keeps his eyes on him when he is going back and forth, and even a little more open, glaring at him. eye.

Li Xiaoxiao stood at the entrance of the building, swallowed saliva, stepped back a few steps, and hid back.

Among these friends of my uncle, few are friendly characters.

But this Lu Xiao, especially.

Li Xiaoxiao hid behind the door of the dormitory, poking his head out from time to time to take a look.

Lu Xiao stayed there like that, as long as she dared to walk out of this door, she would not be able to escape his sight.

Li Xiaoxiao was a little confused, is Uncle back yet?

How could Lu Xiao find this place?

But Aunt Jiang has obviously changed her identity, why would he still find her?

Lu Xiao had been waiting downstairs with a cigarette in his mouth. Not long after, a rather **** foreign woman walked forward. The woman was blond and blue-eyed, wearing a simple T-shirt and jeans, but her figure was very good.

"Hi, sir, are you waiting for your girlfriend?" The woman took the initiative to talk.

Lu Xiao took a breath of cigarette, glanced at her, and scanned her chest: "Waiting for you."

The woman smiled suddenly, seeming to be particularly happy.

Lu Xiao held the cigarette in her mouth, squeezed a big hand on her butt, and smiled wholeheartedly: "It's really touching, it must be very comfortable to dry!"

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