Drifting Towards You

Chapter 926: Stay away from him

Li Xiaoxiao was very hungry. He hadn't had the feeling of eating meat for a long time, and his mouth was hot and hot. He looked at Xie Yunfan curiously and said, "How do you know what I like to eat?"

Xie Yunfan's expression remained unchanged, and said lightly: "What do you think?"

Li Xiaoxiao was stunned, patted his forehead, really stupid, he is a super invincible and powerful hacker, how could he not know.

But then, she felt wrong again, and said angrily: "Are you investigating me?"

Xie Yunfan paused with the chopsticks in his hand, and then resumed as usual: "This is called knowing oneself and knowing the enemy."

"Cut...external force fallacy." Li Xiaoxiao snorted softly.

Seeing that she was not angry, Xie Yunfan returned to normal.

Not long after, Li Xiaoxiao saw that he was almost always pinching herself, and looked up at him. He happened to see that his black-framed glasses were full of mist, and couldn't help but say: "Are you very nearsighted? Do you want to? Take off your glasses? It's all foggy, how did you pick up vegetables?"

Xie Yunfan was silent for a few seconds, then raised his head to meet Li Xiaoxiao's curious and clear eyes.

After hesitating for a moment, he slowly took off his glasses.

The moment he took off his glasses, Li Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment.

The man's eyes have a quirky feeling, but they are unpredictable. They are mostly black and white, so they don't dare to look directly at them for too long.

"You...Xie Yunfan...you look...like..." Li Xiaoxiao stammered.

Xie Yunfan was startled slightly, staring directly at her, suffocating his breathing for a few minutes, waiting for the following.

"It seems...a bit...a bit good-looking." Li Xiaoxiao swallowed her saliva and said, a bit like the beautiful boy in the comics, the kind that exists in the second element.

Taking off his glasses, his bangs moved away a bit, the whole person's feeling was quite different.

Xie Yunfan smiled, his breathing gradually returned to steady: "So do you want to spend time with me?"

Li Xiaoxiao was almost choked by his words, no... isn't it.

Does this Xie Yunfan like himself?

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoxiao felt a little uncomfortable.

Xie Yunfan twisted his brows and tapped Li Xiaoxiao's head with chopsticks: "What do you think?"

Li Xiaoxiao hugged the bowl and hid back for a few minutes: "You...Did you like me? You have a bad heart for me?"

Xie Yunfan left a few black lines on his head: "Who can fancy a foodie like you."

Li Xiaoxiao snorted twice in dissatisfaction, her small face was wrinkled, and she muttered in a low voice, "I don't eat much. Besides, I haven't eaten your rice."

"Why? Can't bear Simo City?" Xie Yunfan turned his words tentatively.

As soon as he mentioned the name, Li Xiaoxiao fainted for a moment: "What a good mention of him."

"Can't mention it?"

Li Xiaoxiao hummed softly: "Have you never heard a word, it is said that everyone has a name in their heart that cannot be mentioned, and there is a past that cannot be touched."

Xie Yunfan's pupils were a little deeper, and he was clearly black and white and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long time, he slowly said: "If Simo City finds it, what are you going to do?"

Li Xiaoxiao whispered: "I don't know either."

"Are you planning to be with him?" Xie Yunfan asked again.

Li Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and said slowly: "No, I won't be with him anymore."

Xie Yunfan's expression eased a little, and he warmly said: "Xiaoxiao, you are not suitable for him."

Li Xiaoxiao flattened his mouth and said aggrieved: "Is it really that inappropriate?"

Li Xiaoxiao did not get an answer, but until she thought he would not speak again, she vaguely heard a very soft voice in the mist: "Xiaoxiao, stay away from him..."

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