Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 124 Still no one can be re-elected for 2 years

In the past twenty or thirty years, neither the magical society nor the Muggle society in Britain has stopped.

On the Muggle side, since 1968, more than 3,000 people have been killed in violent conflicts in the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. In 1971, the British government began to implement the "detention without trial" policy in Northern Ireland, while prohibiting processions and demonstrations. After this policy took effect, a total of 342 people were arrested and imprisoned without trial throughout Northern Ireland. On the afternoon of January 30, 1972, British troops opened fire on unarmed demonstrators. No weapons were found on the marchers who were killed or wounded. Moreover, many wounded were hit by armored vehicles, and most of the wounded and dead were shot from behind and behind the head.

On the other side of the magic society, there are double-hole socket men making troubles, and wizards have been living in constant fear of wizards being tortured and killed. Some people even found that their warm home was gone after returning home from get off work, and all that was left was the ruins of walls and walls that were smoking, the corpses of their family members, and the symbol of the Dark Lord floating in the air.

That's why the werewolf's night attack on Hogsmeade village caused great shock in the magical society. Many people feared that after ten years of stability, a new threat would come to them.

When wizards pick up the Daily Prophet at breakfast time, looking at the front-page headline of Minister for Magic Fudge and Hogwarts Headmaster Dumbledore standing together in front of a burnt-out house, makes Many readers were so surprised that they forgot to eat breakfast.

Fortunately for readers, no Hogwarts students or residents of Hogsmeade died or were bitten by werewolves in this incident, and only a few people were scratched by werewolves or injured by falling from broomsticks.

As for the members of the Werewolf Army who participated in the attack, none of the survivors escaped under Dumbledore's own shot, and all of them were captured.

This was the largest attack since the downfall of the Two-Hole Socket Man more than ten years ago. For a while, all the wizards were in danger, for fear that other werewolves would follow and attack them.

When it's time for afternoon tea, this week's new issue of "Youth Magazine" is also in the hands of readers.

The "Youth Magazine" is full of articles about the werewolf attack on the village last night.

As soon as the incident was resolved last night, Percy immediately organized members of the magazine to interview the front-line personnel, and then wrote articles overnight, typesetting and printing overnight.

Seeing Percy's actions, Zhang Xu approached him after bandaging the wound, and the two of them muttered for more than half an hour before they settled on the tone of this issue of the magazine.

Then Zhang Xu found Lu Ping in the Three Broomsticks bar. Lu Ping was sitting on the edge of a wine table, his expression kept changing, and he seemed to be having a psychological struggle.

"Professor Lupine,

Shall we have a drink together? "Zhang Xu sat opposite Lu Ping.

Seeing that the proprietress of the bar was not there, Zhang Xu took out two bottles of Wanli beer, slapped the bottle caps on the edge of the table, and after freezing them with magic, put one bottle in front of Lu Ping and the other in front of himself.

(゜-゜)つ[][]-( ̄▽ ̄)-*yes~bottle~blowing~

After Zhang Xu and Lu Ping took a sip of wine each, Lu Ping's expression softened a little.

"Does Professor Lu Ping have any thoughts on what happened tonight?" Zhang Xu asked.

Lupine stared at the beer bottle in front of him and nodded silently.

Zhang Xu took out a stack of letter paper and a quill and put them on the table, then lifted the beer bottle.

"Drink this bottle of wine, then use the strength of the wine to write out all your thoughts, and then give it to Percy for publication." Zhang Xu said to Lu Ping, holding a beer bottle.

"Werewolves have always been misunderstood and discriminated against. Individual dangerous werewolves are regarded as representatives of the entire werewolf group, and all werewolves like you who are kind and don't want to hurt others have been implicated by them."

"Why don't you take advantage of the treatment of werewolves and the werewolf army this time, and as a werewolf who has received treatment, write out what you think in your heart, and tell everyone what the lives and hearts of most werewolves are like."

After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Ping, who had been silent all this time, sharpened his eyes.

Lu Ping raised the beer bottle and touched the bottle with Zhang Xu, and then the two dried up their respective beers, picked up pens and paper, and buried themselves in writing at the edge of the wine table.

So on the second day, readers of "Youth Magazine" saw that after the article by the Minister of Magic Fudge's assurance that the Ministry of Magic would protect the people and Dumbledore's assurance that werewolves could be cured was an article entitled "Thirty Years of the Same Prejudice" , Discrimination and Cowardice' article.

In the article, Lupine told readers about his personal experience.

Fear of his future life after being bitten by Fenrir Greyback in revenge for his father at the age of four.

The joy of meeting three friends who did not dislike their werewolf status during Hogwarts.

After the mysterious man fell, because he was a werewolf, he encountered various difficulties in life and work, and his mentality at that time.

The excitement when I received an offer letter from Hogwarts last year as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Finally, I was the first person in Hogwarts to receive werewolf treatment and return to normal life.

In the article, Lupine's unyielding character, tenacious will and optimistic attitude are vividly displayed on the paper.

While helping Lu Ping polish the article, Zhang Xu wanted to add a poignant and touching love story to Lu Ping, but he had to give up under Lu Ping's desperate opposition.

Behind Lupin's article is an article written by Zhang Xu titled "There is such a professor in Hogwarts, and the students are shocked!" "The article tells the story of Lupine, the most popular Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in recent years, from the perspective of an ordinary student.

Coupled with the intentional or unintentional mention of Lupine's heroic fighting in the werewolf army battle in other articles later in the magazine, readers began to re-examine the werewolf group.

Immediately afterwards, Luna's "Quick Tune" followed suit, appealing in the magazine to care for the kind werewolf represented by Lupine, and distinguishing the kind werewolf from the evil werewolf represented by Fenrir Gray .

Finally, Minister of Magic Fudge introduced a new policy, which will provide interest-free loans to werewolves who cannot afford the treatment of werewolves. And it was the Ministry of Magic, not Gringotts, who operated the money.

On the second day of the new policy, letters of thanks from werewolves filled Fudge's desk.

After the interrogation of the captured werewolves, the reason why Fenrir Greyback led the werewolf army to attack Hogsmeade was also published in the "Daily Prophet". Their motive was to prevent the werewolves from going to Hogsmeade for treatment , which also proves from the side that the current treatment for werewolves is effective.

For a while, the panic caused by the werewolves attacking the village eased, and the living conditions of those werewolves who did not usually show violent tendencies improved.

At this time, a piece of news shocked the faculty lounge at Hogwarts—Professor Lupine had submitted his resignation to Dumbledore, and he would resign as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts after the end of this semester.

In the faculty lounge, Lupine explained his actions to his colleagues.

"Although the living conditions of some werewolves have improved recently, and there are also treatments for werewolves. However, it is difficult to change the concepts that wizards have formed for a long time."

"The werewolf army's attack on Hogsmeade has frightened many people, and their prejudice against werewolves has become more serious."

"So after I discussed with several other werewolf friends, we will establish a 'Werewolf Care Association', our purpose is to improve the social influence of werewolves, provide help for werewolves who seek treatment, and help the treated werewolves return normal life."

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