Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 129 Drinking and Not Raising Fish

After walking out of his yurt, Zhang Xu began to carefully examine the layout of the entire community.

Nine yurts are arranged in a grid in a 3×3 layout, with a gravel road used as a fire escape in the middle of each grid. There are still street lamps hanging on the side of the gravel road. If you look down from the sky, the whole community looks like a chessboard, with a piece of yurts neatly arranged.

Like Zhang Xu's No. 233 yurt, it is the third yurt in the third row in the second square.

Zhang Xu and Fu Rong strolled to the other end of the community and found that the place was already full of people.

Everyone sat together on the grass in their own small groups, or set up a barbecue pit with skewers of barbecued meat on the charcoal fire, or lit a pile of bonfires, and there were obviously several pieces of beggar chicken wrapped in the fire. Mud.

People gathered together to eat and drink, while watching the people who competed for alcohol in a makeshift arena in the center of the crowd.

On the other side of the ring was a Russian wizard who was also eating and drinking.

Zhang Xu didn't see the staff of the British Ministry of Magic around, so he probably gave up the management of the place.

Walking to the vicinity of the arena and greeting a few acquaintances, Zhang Xu found a flat ground and laid a tarp. Fu Rong took out various snacks, snacks and drinks and put them away. Then Zhang Xu set up a sweet potato not far away. kiln.

After arranging their positions, Zhang Xu and Fu Rong sat down, eating snacks and watching the drinkers on the ring.

Just now Zhang Xu learned that it was just a few acquaintances here gathering together to barbecue and drink, and then the drinking turned into a wine fight.

Under the invitation of friends and companions from both sides, more and more people came to fight wine together, and soon the wine competition between individuals developed into a wine competition between two countries.

Immediately afterwards, the arena was set up, and the rules of the wine fight began to be set.

During the period, the staff of the British Ministry of Magic also came to stop them, but after a series of "Long live the friendship between China and Britain", "Long live the friendship between Russia and Britain", and "Long live the friendship of the Anti-Fascist Alliance", all the staff of the British Ministry of Magic left sideways up. Therefore, the British Ministry of Magic had to give up here.

A table was placed on a one-meter-high wooden platform with ten glasses on each side of the table, all of which were filled with wine.

One person from each country picks up a wine glass and clinks a glass, and drank it in one gulp. After drinking ten glasses and no one pours them down, fill up the wine again and continue the second round until one of them falls down.

Soon one person fell down in the ring, and the winner who had won three games in a row waved his hands and walked off the ring to return to his circle of friends.

The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind, how resounding is the song of victory;

Singing to our dear motherland, from now on we will be prosperous and strong.

Singing to our dear motherland, from now on we will be prosperous and strong.

Across the mountains, across the plains, across the rushing Yellow River and Yangtze River;

The vast and beautiful land is our dear hometown,

The heroic people stand up! Our unity and friendship are as strong as steel.


Human emotions can be contagious, especially in such a passionate chorus.

Even Fu Rong stood up with Zhang Xu, put her arms around Zhang Xu's shoulders, and joined the chorus in jerky Chinese.

At the end of the song, the players from the Russian side came to the stage first.

On stage was a young girl, wearing a traditional Russian Rubach dress, which set off her fiery figure to be more slender and plump.

At this time, cheers erupted from the Russian side, and the young wizards shouted "Tonia" in unison to cheer up the girls on the stage.

At this time, Zhang Xu and Fu Rong both had black lines, because they both knew the young girl on stage. She was Dongia Tumanova whom Zhang Xu met in St. Petersburg, and she was also Fu Rong's roommate and best friend.

When Dong Niya on the stage looked towards him, Zhang Xu knew that something was wrong.

Sure enough, Dong Niya waved to Zhang Xu, and the crowd on Huaxia's side turned their attention to Zhang Xu.

When the two countries are at war, heads can be broken and blood can be shed, but they cannot be cowardly.

Zhang Xu patted Fu Rong's hand wrapped around his arm to reassure her, and then walked onto the ring with his head held high.

There is no nonsense on the wine table, just pick up the glass and do it.

The two faced each other without saying anything. After the referee cleaned and refilled the wine glasses, Zhang Xu picked up the first glass of wine, clinked glasses with Dong Niya and drank it down. Then he turned the glass upside down. Not a drop of wine dripped from the glass.

A glass of vodka is added to the mouth, like a flame entering the mouth, burning down the esophagus and into the stomach.

After putting the first wine glass upside down on the table, Zhang Xu and Dong Niya came to raise the second glass of wine.

( ̄▽ ̄)~ Cheers~( ̄▽ ̄)


Amid the cheers from the audience, Zhang Xu and Dong Niya finished the first round of ten glasses of wine.

Although wizards drink alcohol to mobilize their magic power to soothe the hangover, none of the wizards who drink alcohol are willing to do this. If you want to do this, you might as well just drink tap water.

Zhang Xu still has confidence in his drinking capacity, there is no other reason, but genetics. The Zhang family are all very good at drinking. When Zhang Xu was a child, his family ate during the New Year and holidays, and he was afraid when the family members drank.

After drinking the first round of wine, Zhang Xu didn't feel anything, but Dong Niya, who was opposite him, began to blush.

Soon the second round will begin.

( ̄▽ ̄)~ Cheers~(≥▽≤)


After the second round of drinking, the audience on both sides of the stage began to cheer, encouraging their players.

Only at this time did Zhang Xu's face start to turn red, while Dong Niya's entire face was as red as a ripe apple.

Zhang Xu raised his eyebrows at Dong Niya, and asked her if she still had a drink?

Dong Niya glared at Zhang Xu and raised the third round of wine glass.

(~▽~)~ The first cup~(≧▽≦)




(≈▽≈)~tenth cup~(≌▽≌)

After the third round of drinking, Zhang Xu found that he could drink another round at most. He saw that Dong Niya's body was already shaking from side to side.

Just as Zhang Xu wanted to ask Dongnia if she would continue to drink, she found that her body suddenly tilted and she fell to the side.

Zhang Xu subconsciously walked around the table and supported the fallen Dong Niya.

The wizards watching were silent for two seconds, and then burst into warm applause and booing.

Suddenly, no one knew who made a move, and the audience was full of "carry back" voices.

Although the onlookers in Russia couldn't understand what they were shouting, judging from their expressions, they were basically the same.

Zhang Xu looked at the referee on the ring and found that the referee had disappeared.

Then she looked at Furong, only to find that Furong was eating snacks with her head down.

Zhang Xu broke his heart and hugged Dongnia, who was so drunk. Amid the booing of the crowd, he carried her back to his place, and then stuffed her into the arms of Fu Rong, who was pretending to be eating melons.

It was late at night, and the alchemists who had been making a fuss all night returned to their yurts to rest and recharge their batteries for watching the final tomorrow.

The light from the street lamp beside the gravel road stretched the night watchman's shadow for a long time.

"I don't know which family is so rich and powerful, and the pets they raise are all different." A night watchman said to his partner who came to take over the shift from him.

"What is that family's pet?" Another night watchman asked curiously.

"They actually kept a giant panda as a pet. It was locked outside the door just now, and the panda took a long time to pat the door before it was allowed in. It's so far away, I really don't know how they brought it here."

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