Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 140 I Don’t Want to Write the Title

For the next week, Zhang Xu lived in the hut.

He either plays Quidditch with Harry and the others every day, or practices magic spells such as magic striker, potato peeler, pumpkin smasher, carrot slayer, onion cutter, shadowless, etc. in the kitchen, or chats with Mrs. Weasley Gossip about the parents of various magic families.

In the past few days, Zhang Xu found that Harry seemed to have something to say to him, but Harry always hesitated to speak.

Zhang Xu didn't care about him anymore, Zhang Xu still had a lot of things to worry about.

During the week, Mr. Weasley and Percy were rarely at home.

They both left the house early in the morning before the rest of the family was up, and did not return until long after dinner.

So far, only the investigation on the Dark Mark has made a little progress at the beginning, and there is still no clue about the three skulls that Zhang Xu made.

Under the Dark Mark that day, Ministry of Magic staff found the house-elf Winky of Barty Crouch's house unconscious, holding a wizard's wand in his hand. Soon, the Ministry of Magic found the stunned wand's owner, a Muggle-born wizard, nearby.

All the clues are broken here. After investigation, the owner of the wand is innocent. It is impossible for the Dark Lord to have Muggle-born subordinates.

For a while the investigation hit a dead end.

When Zhang Xu heard Percy talk about these things, he secretly complained that the Ministry of Magic would not check fingerprints. If he had checked the fingerprints on the wand in the first place, maybe it would be over by now.

On the day before his return to Hogwarts, Percy was able to get home from get off work on time for dinner.

"The Ministry was such a mess. I was fighting a fire all week. People kept sending Howler letters, and of course, if you didn't open the Howler right away, it would explode. My desk was all over the place. There were scorched marks, and the best quill was turned into a pile of cinders." Percy complained, "People want compensation for their damaged property, but some people are obviously fishing in troubled waters. Spend the night under a poncho propped up on sticks, yet make a claim for a tent with twelve bedrooms and an en suite Jacuzzi."

Zhang Xu, who was listening to his complaints, said that there was nothing he could do. Who told the British magic society not to issue invoices for shopping?

It was some time after dinner, and the grandfather clock at Weasley's house showed that Mr. Weasley was still at work.

"From the day the mysterious man lost power,

Your dad never needs to work overtime on weekends. said Mrs Weasley, after glancing at the grandfather clock, "now they're going to wear him out." If he didn't come back soon, his supper would be ruined. "

"Hey, Dad thinks he has to make up for what he did the day of the finals," Percy said. "Honestly, it's a little unwise for him to speak in public without asking his department head."

What follows is a debate among the Weasleys about the appropriateness of Mr. Weasley's statement on the night of the riot, with Percy taking a different view from the family. The source of this conflict is that Percy puts his own ass in the Ministry of Magic position, while the rest of the Weasleys take the Weasleys' perspective. As for Rita Skeeter's report, it was the fuse that detonated this contradiction.

Zhang Xu felt that it was time to remind Percy not to bring this kind of work conflict home.

In the following time, everyone is doing their own things.

Harry was cleaning his broomstick, Fred and George were discussing their inventory, and Charlie was watching Ron and Bill play chess.

Hermione sat next to Zhang Xu, and whenever Hermione wanted to say something to Zhang Xu, Zhang Xu handed over the "Standard Spells, Level 4" in his hand, pretending to discuss study issues with her. Zhang Xu didn't want to discuss with her about house-elves now, he didn't have the energy to jump into the trap of "House-elf Liberation Front".

Not long after, Mr. Weasley returned.

Then there's the argument between Hermione and Percy about the house-elf issue.

At this moment, an owl braved the heavy rain and flew into the Burrow and landed in front of Zhang Xu.

After a while of fuss, Zhang Xu took the letter addressed to him from the wet owl.

Zhang Xu opened the letter from home and read it.

The letter was sent by Zhang Xu's father. In the letter, he asked Zhang Xu and Scarlet what the hell they were doing. He has been eating porridge for several days at home now.

Zhang Xu silently put away the family letter sent by his father, took out a piece of parchment, and wrote "This is the case, don't be sad. Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road!", and then took out two packets from the treasure bag Mustard and a few oranges, together with the reply letter, were packed and tied to the foot of the owl who delivered the letter, so that the owl could send them home.

After letting the owl out of the window, Zhang Xu found that the argument between Percy and Hermione started to escalate.

"I think you'd better go upstairs and see if everything is packed!" Mrs. Weasley said, interrupting Percy and Hermione's argument, "Come on, you all..."

Zhang Xu's luggage was packed early in the morning, and all kinds of items were put in his treasure bag. He could start a trip at any time, which made Harry, Ron and the twins very happy. envious.

In their eyes, Zhang Xu's treasure bag that can take out things that can be used at home, travel, murder, and arson at any time is very magical.

They had asked Zhang Xu more than once what was in his bag, but Zhang Xu just smiled and said nothing.

Early the next morning, Mr. Weasley rushed to the Ministry of Magic to deal with an emergency before he had breakfast.

While eating breakfast, Zhang Xu learned about Mad-Eye Moody.

Hearing the news, Zhang Xu began to think while eating breakfast.

Pettigrew Peter has been killed by Zhang Xu, which Zhang Xu has confirmed from Lupine and Black.

In this way, there will be more questions.

First of all, it wasn't Barty Crouch Jr. who attacked Moody last night. It is unknown whether Barty Crouch Jr. attacked Moody on his own without the help of Peter Pettigrew, or in conjunction with others.

Second, whether or not Jackman has returned to England from the forests of Albania. If there is no reply, then the appearance of the Dark Mark that night was done by someone on a whim. If he comes back, then will he recover his body like in the "plot".

Third, if this year's Moody is Barty Crouch Jr. or someone else pretending to be, then do you want to intervene. After all, Furong is participating in this year's Triwizard Contest, so if something goes wrong, it will be a tragedy.

At this time, Zhang Xu's sleeve was pulled by someone, and he turned his head, only to find that Hermione was calling him.

The car called by Mrs. Weasley has arrived, and it's time for everyone to leave for the station.

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