Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 155 Hatchet approaching?

The second day after the selection of the warrior was Sunday. Originally, Zhang Xu and Fu Rong had agreed to wait for her in the dormitory today, but Zhang Xu didn't wait for Fu Rong to show up until it was almost lunch time.

When it was lunch time, Zhang Xu left the dormitory and went to the cafeteria to eat.

When he came to the cafeteria, Zhang Xu found that Fu Rong and Gabriel were already sitting at the dining table.

"What are you up to this morning?" Zhang Xu asked Fu Rong.

Fu Rong didn't answer, just shook her head and smiled without saying a word.

During the meal, Zhang Xu talked to Fu Rong several times, but Fu Rong always looked at him with a strange smile, but didn't speak.

Furong's strange behavior made Zhang Xu feel alarmed.

In a weird atmosphere, a lunch was over.

After eating, Fu Rong took Zhang Xu to the outside of the castle.

Walking to a place by the lake where no one else was around, Furong took out a large bag of bread and handed it to Gabriel.

Gabriel threw the slice of bread into the water, and the slice of bread floated on the surface of the lake for a while, and then a huge tentacle emerged from the water and grabbed the slice of bread under the water.

Fu Rong let Gabriel play by the lake by herself, and then dragged Zhang Xu to sit down under a big tree not far away.

Zhang Xu, who was not sure about the situation, sat down next to Fu Rong, waiting for Fu Rong to speak.

No matter how dull Zhang Xu was at this moment, he would think that Fu Rong had something to say to him.

Unexpectedly, when Fu Rong opened her mouth, Zhang Xu almost jumped up.

"Sister Scarlet came to see me this morning."

Zhang Xu: (ōдō;)

Seeing Furong's calm expression, not looking like she was going to draw a hatchet in the next moment, Zhang Xu felt relieved.

"She chatted with me a lot, and I found that she cares about you very much." Furong said lightly.

"Because my father saved her life before." Zhang Xu said.

"I can't stop watching?" Fu Rong said, "There were two people who saved her back then."

"She also told you about me?" Zhang Xu asked in surprise.

Fleur nodded.

"Oh, I didn't want to hide this from you on purpose." Zhang Xu said with a sigh, "The time converter had a problem, and I happened to encounter that incident by accident. At that time, I couldn't do nothing , I just didn't expect this incident to have such a deep impact on her. Until now, I still have an unreal feeling about the incident at that time."

The long time trip last year still made Zhang Xu feel unreal, just like when he was just born in this life.

"You don't understand a girl's heart." Furong said, "Some people are concerned because of love, but some people love because of concern."


After hearing Fu Rong's words, Zhang Xu was stupefied.

"I mean, she loves you too." Fu Rong said to Zhang Xu with a smile.

"Didn't she fall in love with my dad at first sight? Didn't you tell everyone I was her son when you saw her during the Quidditch World Cup?" Zhang Xu had no choice but to sacrifice his own father in order not to be caught by the hatchet.

"So you have always regarded her as an elder and companion, right?" Fu Rong said, "Although sometimes you would joke with her in a mess, but when you joked, you regarded her as a good friend, right?"

Zhang Xu nodded and said, "She said it for so many years, she has already seen it..."

"That's a lie to you." Fu Rong said, "She just looked away from your father. After all, she knew that she was hopeless not long after that year. Then she put that feeling together to save her, and then disappeared. I don’t see you, and I haven’t heard from you. How can I let go of this kind of relationship for more than ten years? If you suddenly disappear now, in another ten or twenty years, I will always love you Yes."

"Don't say such unlucky words." Zhang Xu pressed Fu Rong's lips with his fingers.

Zhang Xu didn't know what to say anymore. In his previous life, he often saw a lot of "really chaotic things in your circle", but he didn't expect it to be even more chaotic in his life.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Xu said to Fu Rong: "Actually, I can see a little bit,

And she and I both know that under the teasing of fate, I can't respond to her love, because I only have you in my heart. So she and I are trying to avoid it as much as possible, not to set foot in this minefield. "

"Actually, you can respond." Furong said in a low voice.

"What? I'm not that kind of person. If I have you in my heart, I won't provoke others." Zhang Xu said.

Zhang Xu didn't think that he was Long Aotian after living a new life like that, and he could open a harem without any regard for the world.

Although there are many mistresses and mistresses in the society, Zhang Xu is not that interested. And he is a person who wants to mix with the state machine, so he must abide by the rules when doing things.

For Zhang Xu's future life plan, he is no longer satisfied with being a code farmer as before. As the resources behind him increased, his ambitions also rose. While Mr. Zhao was still alive and still able to cover him, he planned to take a step or two ahead, follow the path of others, and leave others nowhere to go.

Last year, in the house he rented in Hogsmeade, he used his laptop for a year to knock out the free instant messaging software. It took only three months to occupy almost half of the computers in universities, institutes and government departments across the country. .

With the help of my family, the company with state participation has also been established, the company has been fully staffed, and Zhang Xu has also completed the company's development plan. I will wait for the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to announce the opening of Internet access services to the public next year, and then I will start working hard. It's been a game.

The career has started, the money future is bright, and there is no need to ask for trouble in life style.

For the love in my heart, Delacour is enough.

If you love too much, your heart can't take it, and your kidneys can't take it either.

At Hogwarts, there are many beautiful girls who want to date Zhang Xu.

If Zhang Xu wants to pick up girls, he can get enough girls for a football team in minutes.

It's just that he's not the kind of animal that thinks from the lower body. When he sees a beautiful girl, he just wants to jump on it.

Zhang Xu has a bottom line in life, everyone can be friends, if you go further, I'm sorry.

Fu Rong was very satisfied with Zhang Xu's answer, and Fu Rong kissed him on the face.

"Tell me about her being cursed." Fu Rong continued, "That curse is very cruel to a woman."

Zhang Xu was surprised, then nodded.

"She said she could get around the curse using the Muggle method," Fleur continued. "I don't think I'd mind if she asked you for help."

At this time, Zhang Xu broke out in a cold sweat. The magic horse mentioned earlier was just a floating cloud, and now is the main part of today's proposition.

"Rich women in Hong Kong pay a lot of money to ask for a child", I saw small advertisements on the streets in my previous life, but I didn't expect it to fall on my head in this life.

"Let's talk about this matter in a few years." Zhang Xu said seriously, "We are still young now, let's discuss this matter in a few years when we are older."

Zhang Xu can only "shelve the controversy" now.

Want to "co-develop"? Don't you think that Zhang Xu didn't see that Fu Rong's hand has reached near her wand?

"I said, aren't you afraid that I will be snatched away in the end?" Zhang Xu said after pinching Fu Rong's nose.

"Why should I be afraid?" Furong said proudly, "I told them, if you want to grab it, just come, I have confidence in you and myself."

In the communication between people, the most feared thing is to be suspicious of each other under the situation of unequal information.

Many things can be easily resolved if we put them on the table together and explain them clearly.

If things are covered up, it is easy to make people think wildly. If the ideas seriously deviate from the reality, then it will cause irreparable misunderstandings.

Just like when Zhang Xu first arrived at Hogwarts, many people thought he was having an affair with Zhang Qiu. Later, the explanation was clear, and the students lost interest in gossip.

As for Snape and Harry, the former is hard to say that he loves you, while the latter has preconceived notions of rebellious teenagers. Even Dumbledore's endorsement of Snape is useless. Zhang Xu doesn't expect to see it in the near future. Until the two of them reconciled.

In a transnational long-distance relationship like Zhang Xu and Fu Rong, if one of them has suspicions about the other, and cannot explain it immediately, an irreparable rift will easily occur.

If Scarlett hadn't gone to Fu Rong to clarify the matter today, Zhang Xu would have gone to Fu Rong to make it clear in the near future.

Although Scarlet's age is slightly lower than the combined ages of Zhang Xu, Fu Rong, and Gabriel, she can't help but look young. It would be a lie to say that Fu Rong has no sense of crisis.

Zhang Xu and Fu Rong chatted for a while, and then they went to the lake to feed the squids with Gabrielle.

Zhang Xu also let out a sigh of relief in his heart, and finally did not usher in the end of the hatchet.

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