Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 159 Let’s Cook Lamb in a Pot

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On the second day after the selection of the warrior, the Weasley family got the news that Ron became a warrior to represent Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament.

Shocked, joyful, and worried, everyone in the Weasley family had different moods.

They decided to surprise Ron next Hogwarts week and give him a pep talk.

So... Zhang Xu didn't know if Ron was surprised, but Zhang Xu only knew that Ron was definitely frightened.

After Zhang Xu cast the illusion spell on the crowd, he left with Fu Rong and Gabriel.

On the hillside not far from the edge of Hogsmeade village, there is a two-story country house.

The owner of this villa is a distant relative of Neville Longbottom, and they have already moved to other places to settle down, so under Neville's help, Zhang Xu rented this villa as his foothold in England.

Zhang Xu invited several guests to visit today, so he and Sister Furong didn't stay in the village too long and came to the villa.

As soon as they entered the door, Zhang Xu and the others could feel the warmth in the room.

The firewood in the fireplace was burning vigorously, providing enough heat for the floor heating system installed by Zhang Xu throughout the villa.

"Welcome back, Mr. Zhang, the two Miss Delacours." A house-elf appeared in the hall.

"Hello, Dobby." Zhang Xu greeted the house elf while hanging his cloak on the coat hook beside the hall, "The guests will be arriving soon, how is the lunch preparation?"

"Everything is ready, Mr. Zhang." Dobby replied.

Back then, Dobby cheated Harry Potter once in the Quidditch match, and then was knocked unconscious by Zhang Xu with a rock cake in the school infirmary, and was finally taken away by Dumbledore.

After Dumbledore fed Dobby Veritaserum, Dobby confessed to Dumbledore everything he knew.

Dumbledore, who had the evidence in hand, went directly to trouble Lucius Malfoy. As a result, Lucius Malfoy lost his post as a sensible Hogwarts school, and at the same time was forced to let Dobby get his freedom.

With Dumbledore's endorsement, Harry figured out that Dobby didn't come to assassinate him, plus Dobby showed him his intentions,

Later he accepted Dobby as well.

Then, after a while in society, Dobby approached Dumbledore to apply for a job, and finally got a job in the Hogwarts kitchen.

Zhang Xu has no interest in raising a house-elf, and he has no right to let the Hogwarts house-elf take care of the villa for him.

But Dobby, a house-elf who was paid to do things, was different. Zhang Xu hired him to take care of the villa when he was free.

Dobby, who received a part-time job, was also very happy, and the matter of being knocked out by Zhang Xu before was forgotten.

When the time came to eleven o'clock, the door of the villa was knocked one after another, and the guests came one after another. Furong entered the hostess mode and received every guest.

There are four guests today, Cedric, Zhang Qiu, Krum and Tonya.

The three contestants of the Triwizard Tournament gathered in the villa at once.

Originally, Zhang Xu planned to invite Harry's trio, but after making such a move this morning, they didn't have time to come.

After everyone had a round of Quidditch in the living room, it was time for lunch.

Hogsmeade, which is located at a high altitude, is already very cold in November. In such weather, hot pot is of course the most suitable way to treat guests.

According to Zhang Xu's instructions, Dobby prepared a soup base made of lamb bones and fish heads early in the morning, as well as plates of thinly sliced ​​lamb rolls.

This way of eating made Krum feel very novel. He gave up the fork and colander that Zhang Xu had prepared for him, and learned how to use two "Oriental magic wands" to eat.

At the beginning, Krum wondered why there were so many wands on the table, and picked up one to try, but the magic didn't work.

"This is very useful for improving the dexterity of the fingers, which can improve the flexibility when swinging the wand." Krum said while practicing using chopsticks.

At the dinner table, everyone's topic shifted to Hogwarts courses.

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's student representatives have been attending classes with Hogwarts students for some time, and everyone has discovered that the Hogwarts curriculum is different from their own school.

"The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts is really good." Krum said as he unskillfully put a piece of mutton into the pot with chopsticks, "Rummenigge and Schuster I wanted to test his strength, but in the blink of an eye, the two of them were hoisted to the ceiling."

"Professor Moody is the best Auror in the British Ministry of Magic," Cedric said. "Half the cells in Azkaban prison are filled by him."

"It can be seen that he is a very powerful person." Krum nodded and said.

"The Potions class at Hogwarts is really difficult, I think it is the highest among the three schools." Tonya said.

After listening to Tonya's words, Fleur and Krum nodded accordingly.

In the past two years, Snape has become more and more strict with the students.

Especially after he started the work of measuring the active ingredient content of the potion raw materials, now every time before the students prepare the potion in class, they must first measure the active ingredient content of the materials used, and then calculate the actual dosage.

In the past, this aspect could only be accomplished with the experience of wizards.

Coupled with the standardization and diagramming of the potion configuration steps completed by the students of the Pharmacist Association under Zhang Xu's proposal, the mistakes caused by the students' mistakes due to the wrong steps were minimized.

In the case of both hardware and software upgrades, the success rate of potion configuration of students in the classroom has been greatly improved. Snape therefore put forward higher demands on the students.

"However, the "Potions Class Safety Management System" and "Potions Class Self-Inspection Management Regulations" that must be memorized before class are good things," Tonya said, "They can reduce the potion refining process and the alchemy process. dangers in the experimentation of art, and I want to take them back to Beauxbatons."

"That's no problem," Zhang Xu replied, "I can give you two of their brochures later."

These two rules and regulations were drawn up by Zhang Xu and his classmates together, so he can decide whether to teach them to Beauxbaton.

"I'd like a copy too," Krum said. "Potions classes at our school are more dangerous, you know."

"No problem." Zhang Xu replied.

"It's the first time I've seen many of the utensils in the Potions class at Hogwarts," Krum said again, "Although it was a headache to learn how to use them at first, after using them proficiently, they can be configured Potions are more convenient."

Fu Rong also said while simmering the mutton: "Those equipments were introduced from Muggle society. In terms of pharmaceuticals, Muggles have a lot to learn from us. In addition to the most basic measuring cylinders and cups, there are also burettes, pipettes Tubes, separatory funnels, condensers, water baths, microscopes, centrifuges, etc., have made the refining of many potions easier and greatly improved the efficiency."

"I've been to Xu's pharmaceutical factory, and the equipment in the laboratory there is even more magical and advanced." Fu Rong said while serving Gabriel the sliced ​​mutton, "Spectrophotometer, analytical balance, disintegration instrument , Drug dissolution tester, insoluble particle tester, clarity tester, ultraviolet analyzer, polarimeter and other equipment invented by Muggles, it can be said that potions have entered a new era."

Next, Fu Rong explained the basic functions of these instruments to everyone, and they were dumbfounded.

When Fleur introduced these instruments, her expression was the same as Krum's when he was talking about the Quidditch game just now, with his eyes shining.

At the beginning of the summer vacation this year, Zhang Xu had to be busy with the high school entrance examination and other things, so Fu Rong worked for a month in the laboratory of Zhang Xu's pharmaceutical factory during the summer vacation, during which time he used a lot of advanced equipment.

In his previous life, Zhang Xu accidentally wrote down a substance called 1-[4-ethoxy-3-[5-(6,7-dihydro-1-methyl-7-oxo-3-propyl-1h) -Pyrazolo[4,3d]pyrimidine)]benzenesulfonyl]-4-methylpiperazine citrate drug information, after years of hard work in this life, their pharmaceutical factory successfully sold The drug was produced.

Now the "t" pill produced by Umbrella Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. opened by Zhang Jia is well-known at home and abroad, bringing huge profits to the Zhang family. This gave Zhang Xu the confidence to follow other people's path in the future and make others have nowhere to go.

At the same time, in the Umbrella Pharmaceutical No. 6 laboratory, which has invested a lot of money, all of them are world-leading experimental equipment. Even the equipment that is prohibited from being exported to China by foreign countries has been shipped back through non-Muggle means. .

Not to mention Fleur, even Snape didn't want to come out of this laboratory after entering it, and it was Professor McGonagall who tied him out in the end.

Fu Rong, who was good at potions, decided to work on potions after this summer vacation.

Zhang Xu supports this, after all, this is the path she chose. Besides, Fleur, a potions researcher, was better than Fleur, a bank clerk, no.

"Has the Muggle world become so powerful now?" Krum said, "Zhang, what you teach in class is different from what Durmstrang teaches, and I don't even know who to listen to." It's gone."

"The content in my class is based on facts, not nonsense like some people say." Zhang Xu said, "Wizards and Muggles have been separated for too long, and they can no longer keep up with Muggles." Muggles have developed rapidly in the past 100 years. Twenty-five years ago, Muggles were able to send ordinary people to the moon. At the same time, wizards have been Stay where you are."

All the wizards present nodded their heads. Thanks to Zhang Xu's efforts last year, everyone realized what the real Muggle world looks like on the big screen.

Finally, Krum asked again: "Why did Professor Sprout in the herbal class introduce some herbs and severely warn Hogwarts students that these herbs cannot be eaten as food?"

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