Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 167: Each Shows His Skills

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When Fleur got the first golden egg, Cedric, Ron and Krum also came near the fire dragon, ready to find a way to pick up the golden egg.

It is not worthwhile to fight the fire dragon head-on, so Cedric chose to lure the fire dragon away.

Cedric turned the stones on the ground into sheep, and let the sheep wander not far from the Welsh Green Dragon.

The Welsh green dragon in front of Cedric obviously didn't eat breakfast or lunch, maybe even last night's supper.

After staring at the flock for half a minute, the Welsh green dragon decided to turn into a Welsh gray dragon, stood up and walked towards the flock.

The sheep saw a huge animal coming towards them, and ran into the woods in a hurry.

Seeing that the late lunch was about to run away, the Welsh Green Dragon hurriedly chased after him. At this time, the Welsh green dragon didn't realize that these sheep ran a little fast.

Just when the Welsh green dragon ate mutton and ate a mouthful of stones, Cedric, who was lurking near the dragon egg, had already run away holding the golden egg, leaving behind the back of the Welsh green dragon who came back.

At the same time, in front of Ron was a lion dragon lying on the dragon's egg, with the golden egg and other dragon eggs beside it.

Ron hides behind a tree, waving his wand, "Golden eggs fly".

However, the golden egg still stayed in the pile of dragon eggs and did not respond to Ron's Flying Curse.

After coming over for a while, Ron changed another target, "The dragon egg is flying."

At this time, a dragon egg suddenly left Lion Dragon's side and flew towards the big tree where Ron was.

At this moment, the lion dragon lying on its stomach found that one of its eggs was flying into the distance, and immediately got up and chased after it.

Seeing the lion dragon running towards him after the dragon egg, Ron, who was startled, immediately cast a floating spell on himself, and then climbed to the top of the tree on hands and feet.

Fortunately, Shilong only had his own eggs in his eyes, and he didn't find any trace of Ron.

After Shilong picked up the dragon egg on the ground and looked around for a while, he went back holding the dragon egg.

The danger was gone, and Ron on the top of the tree was relieved.

After climbing down the tree, Ron re-selected a location, and used Transfiguration on the ground to conjure up several lion dragon eggs not far away.

Then Ron ran to the other side and cast the spell on the dragon egg again.

This time Ron didn't use the Flying Curse, but a spell that was the opposite of the Flying Curse-the expulsion spell.

The departure of the leaves is the pursuit of the wind or the failure of the tree.

Looking at the dragon egg flying away again, Zhang Xu suddenly thought of this sentence that was quite popular on the Internet for a while in his previous life.

Back then, a girl wrote this sentence on a small note to Zhang Xu, and Zhang Xu replied on it, "The main cause of fallen leaves is the abscisic acid secreted by trees...".

However, the departure of Dragon Egg is Ron's pursuit, and Lion Dragon will not refuse to stay.

Not long after lying down, Shilong saw his egg flying away again, so he had to get up again and chase after it.

After chasing the place where the dragon egg landed, Shilong was dumbfounded.

There was more than one dragon egg on the ground, and several dragon eggs were scattered around.

Shilong walked up to a dragon egg, sprayed fire on the dragon egg, and then the dragon egg exploded with a bang.

Shilong walked to the second dragon egg and continued to spray fire on the dragon egg, but this dragon egg also "boomed".

After the lion dragon breathed fire at the third dragon egg, the dragon egg remained silent.

At this time, the lion dragon picked up the dragon egg on the ground and walked to the next dragon egg.

"What a handsome lightness skill." Zhang Xu said while watching the water screen movie.

I saw Ron cast a floating spell on himself, and when the lion dragon was picking up dragon eggs in the woods, he jumped off a big tree and went straight to the golden egg.

That Ron went two or three meters away in one step, ran to the golden egg, picked up the golden egg and ran away.

When Shilong, who was holding the real dragon egg, returned to the egg nest, he found that there was a local tyrant egg missing in the egg nest, so he kept searching around.

At this time Ron had already run away with the golden egg.

While the audience was cheering for the two Hogwarts warriors to get the first golden egg, Krum also got his first golden egg.

The first dragon Krum encountered was the Heshidia Black Dragon.

Unlike Cedric and Ron's adjustment of the dragon and leaving the nest, Krum chose to face it from the front.

For many creatures, eyes are very fragile, and dragons are no exception.

Reptiles grow the nictitating membrane covering the conjunctiva, which is a kind of translucent eyelid, which can cover the eyeball without affecting the vision, and has the function of protecting the entire eyeball.

The fire dragon, which is also a reptile, naturally has a nictitating membrane. The fire dragon's nictitating membrane can prevent the eyeballs from being damaged by wind and sand when the fire dragon is flying in the air, and at the same time protect its eyes from high temperature damage when the fire dragon breathes fire.

To cast a spell on the dragon's eyes, it is necessary to ensure that the dragon does not close the nictitating membrane when opening the eyelids.

Krum stood in front of the black dragon of Heshidia, and the black dragon stood up, staring at Krum with a pair of big eyes.

Zhang Xu was a bit familiar with this scene, as if he had seen it before when he was traveling.

(#`д′) "What are you looking at?"

(艹盘草#) "Look at you!"

(+`?′) "Try again?!"

( ̄盘 ̄)つ—★ "Try it and try it!"

?(∥*_*) "Ah! My mother's eyes."

In the water curtain movie, the audience saw that Krum suddenly raised his wand, and a spell was shot at the black dragon's eyes.

A few seconds later, the audience heard a black dragon's wailing in the Forbidden Forest.

The black dragon with injured eyes struggled in pain, spewing out flames from its mouth from time to time, its wings fluttered wildly, its tail flicked wildly, and its four feet kept stepping on the surrounding ground.

The dragon egg next to the black dragon was damaged a lot by it, and the golden egg was even stepped into the soil by it.

Krum saw the black dragon start to leave the egg nest, and rushed straight to the golden egg.

Just when Krum was digging the golden egg out of the soil, he suddenly heard a gust of wind behind him.

Krum immediately got down on the ground, and the black dragon's tail swung over him dangerously.

Krum immediately fled from the black dragon's nest by rolling and crawling with the golden egg in his arms.

Viewers were relieved to see Krum flee to safety.

So far, the four warriors have obtained the first golden egg and started to snatch the second golden egg.

The first to find the second fire dragon was the unicorn female knight Fleur.

With the help of the unicorn, Furong can no longer worry about the dangerous animals and plants in the Forbidden Forest, so Furong is much faster than others.

In this regard, neither the referee nor the audience expressed any objection.

The unicorn that came here by its own ability, why not let it ride?

This time, Fu Rong encountered a Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon, which is the smallest among all known dragons, but the fastest flying one.

At the same time, the teeth of the Peruvian Venomodont were highly poisonous.

Seeing this, Zhang Xu also became nervous.

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