Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 172: A Cloud Piercing Arrow

Strolling in the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night is something worth bragging about for many Hogwarts students.

As the well-known troublemakers in Hogwarts—the Weasley twin brothers, and the famous good student—Zhang Xu, these three people often meet in the Forbidden Forest at night.

When Zhang Xu and the twin brothers came to the place where the dragons were locked up, the whole place was silent.

The seven fire dragons are all asleep, and occasionally one of the fire dragons makes a fire-breathing sound when it snores.

The busy dragon trainers didn't know where to rest, and there was only one night shift James McGibbon in the whole venue.

After a few pleasantries, James McGibbon took Zhang Xu and the others to the cage where the fire dragons were kept, and let Zhang Xu and the others observe the fire dragons at close range, while introducing some of the characteristics of these fire dragons and some of their usual behaviors. Interesting things.

Through the introduction of James McGibbon, Zhang Xu and the others knew that fire dragons are also picky eaters like children. The most important function of fire dragons is to brush their teeth. A fire dragon with a cold is the most dangerous...

This kind of little knowledge is not found in books, and only those who deal with fire dragons all day will know it.

The four of them walked down a circle and came to the cage of a fire dragon with one eye covered.

"At this moment, the Black Dragon of the Heshidia Islands," James McGibbon introduced to Zhang Xu and the others, "during yesterday's game, one of its eyes was injured by Krum, and it might lose its eyes. Its eyes still need to be repaired for two or three days before they can withstand the cold wind of flying at high altitude."

When walking in front of the Peruvian Vipertooth's cage, James McGibbon was about to continue introducing Zhang Xu and the others, but was interrupted by Zhang Xu.

"Mr. McGibbon, it's getting late. If you want to do something, please hurry up. We have to go back and have supper with our girlfriend." Zhang Xu said.

The twin brothers on the side nodded at James McGibbon at the same time.

James McGibbon was stuck, not knowing what to say for a while.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Zhang." James McGibbon said anxiously.

"If you just want to show us these fire dragons, there's no need to add Living Hell Potion to your colleagues' dinner," Zhang Xu said.

"There are also these fire dragons, as long as they are stimulated, they can all wake up." Zhang Xu continued, "There are also those cages, which seem to be very strong, but the fire dragons can be knocked away with just a few bumps."

At this time, the expression on James McGibbon's face was very exciting, and his originally fair face had begun to turn red.

"Mr. McGibbon, I advise you to tell us who ordered you to do this. After all, Veritaserum is quite expensive. Although Hogwarts is very rich now, it's better to save a little bit." Zhang Xu said again, "And I am quite familiar with the dementors, I can ask them to make you not feel too uncomfortable in Azkaban. So, you should be honest."

"You are really a clever wizard, Mr. Zhang." James McGibbon said with a grim face, "It's a pity that you are going to die here tonight. If you want to blame, I will blame you for moving other people's money bags. "

After James McGibbon finished speaking, he raised his wand and waved it a few times, something exploded in the cage that locked the fire dragon, and the fire dragons that had been sleeping woke up one after another.

The fire dragon whose sleep was disturbed was very irritable and began to become restless.

James McGibbon, who woke up the fire dragon, continued: "Unfortunately, three students planned to approach the fire dragon quietly tonight, but they accidentally opened the fire dragon's cage..."

"Stop!" Zhang Xu interrupted James McGibbon, "Needless to say these excuses, I can make up several in a minute. And the villain died because of talking too much, please talk less."

At this time, the fire dragons began to hit the cages that closed them, and the originally strong cages began to become crumbling.


I invite you to die. ’ cried James McGibbon.

"Do you know what the most powerful spell in Hogwarts is? Mr. McGibbon." Zhang Xu asked with a smile.

"What is it?" James McGibbon asked subconsciously.

"Professor Dumbledore is here!"

Zhang Xu waved his magic wand and fired a red flare into the sky, and then the flare exploded to form a set of patterns and characters.

(丿 ̄д ̄) Pie SOS!

At the same time, the fire dragons broke open the cages that closed them one after another, and rushed towards Zhang Xu and the others.

James McGibbon turned to run, but was stopped by the Weasley brothers.

At this moment, several figures suddenly appeared in the center of the field.


This is Dumbledore taking Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, Snape, Moody, and Scarlett using the headmaster's privilege to Apparate.

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore and the others each found their target.

Dumbledore transformed two tall stone men with Transfiguration, and stopped in front of the Hungarian Horntail.

Professor McGonagall stopped Lion Dragon.

Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick team up to take on the Welsh Green Dragon.

Moody and the black dragon of the Heshidia Islands, who both had one eye, were fighting each other.

Scarlett deals with the Swedish Brachysaurus.

Snape fought Ukrainian Iron Belly.

Zhang Xu pulled out a two-meter-long thick steel rod from his treasure bag, transformed into an Animagus, and swung the iron rod at the head of the Peruvian Venomous Dragon.

The movements in the sky above the Forbidden Forest quickly attracted the attention of the students in Hogwarts Castle.

When Cedric led a group of students to the edge of the Forbidden Forest with wands, two unexpected people stopped them.

"Professor Lupine, what's going on in the Forbidden Forest?" Cedric asked.

"Professor Dumbledore has already brought the other professors in, Mr. Diggory. You have people follow me, Hagrid, Black and Filch to seal off the surrounding area. Don't let anyone who is not Hogwarts go." ’” said Lupine, “and, besides, I’m no longer a professor.”

At this time, the fighting situation in the Forbidden Forest has entered the most intense time.

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Panda Zhang swung the steel stick left and right to greet the Peruvian Vipertooth's mouth, causing it to get stuck in its throat and unable to spit it out, let alone rush forward to bite the panda.

Not long after, the Peruvian Vipertooth was beaten out of the wild, and began to pounce on Zhang Panda regardless of the injury.

For a while, the situation of the giant panda Zhang became dangerous, and wounds from being bitten or scratched by the Peruvian Vipertooth began to appear on his body.

Fortunately, Giant Panda Zhang drank the anti-poison made from the venom of the thousand-year-old basilisk two years ago, and his own permanent anti-poison property is not low.

Zhang Xu's task tonight is to entangle the fastest Peruvian Viper-toothed Dragon, so as not to let it interfere with other professors to deal with other fire dragons.

That's why he gave up his identity as a magnate and turned into a berserker to fight hand-to-hand with the Peruvian Venomous Dragon.

At the same time, Dumbledore wanted to take this opportunity to show off the muscles of Hogwarts to show Beauxbaton and Durmstrang, so that Madame Maxime and Kakalo who thought that Dumbledore wanted to float when he was old Husband recognized the reality, otherwise Zhang Xu would have pulled out 40 fires and "boom boom boom".

Grasping the opportunity of a Peruvian Vipertooth falling to the ground, Zhang Panda, regardless of the black ridge scale on its neck, pierced its buttocks, sat on its neck and slammed it on the head with a steel rod.

When the Peruvian Vipertooth was knocked unconscious, all the horns on its head were broken.

Zhang Xu was the last one to solve his own goal. Not long before that, other professors completed their tasks.

Seeing that work was over here, the Weasley brothers knocked out James McGibbon who was trying to escape, and then captured him.

After Dumbledore bound the dragons with chains as thick as his arms, he led everyone back to Hogwarts Castle.

Under the reflection of the fire in the Forbidden Forest, Dumbledore walked out of the Forbidden Forest with the slightly injured professors.

After getting the news, Madam Maxim and Karkaroff were gathering outside the Forbidden Forest with their students.

Fudge, the British Minister of Magic who hurried over, stood aside with a few Aurors.

People from all three parties wanted to go in to help, but they were all declined by Lupine, and were blocked outside the Forbidden Forest by the students of Hogwarts.

Seeing their headmaster bring the professors back in victory, the Hogwarts students were the first to applaud.

Fudge and the Aurors followed suit.

In the end, Mrs. Maxim and Karkaroff also had to applaud with their students.

After briefly explaining the situation to Mrs. Maxime and Karkaroff, Dumbledore approached Fudge, who listened carefully to Dumbledore's words.

James McGibbon, bundled into dumplings, was handed over to the Aurors.

The tired Zhang Xu didn't stop much, and walked back to Hogwarts Castle by himself, and went to the school infirmary for treatment.

Zhang Xu, who took the medicine amid Madam Pomfrey's nagging, fell asleep in the ward of the school infirmary after drinking a bottle of strange antidote.

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