Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 174 Christmas is here

The weather was getting colder and colder, and one morning, everyone was delighted to find that it was snowing heavily in the sky.

Many students are looking forward to the arrival of the weekend, because the snow means that the Hogwarts snowball fight is about to start. This year's prize is said to be roasted guinea fowl.

Zhang Xu and the twin brothers walked out of the principal's office. As soon as they left the door of the principal's office, the twin brothers happily discussed non-stop.

After being attacked by a fire dragon a while ago, the Dragon Training Field made great efforts to stabilize the emotions of the people in distress.

Dragon Training Farm paid 500 gold coins for mental damage to each of the three people in distress.

Getting this money was timely for the Weasley Brothers. They encountered difficulties in developing new products, and it was time for them to invest a lot more, and because they had no phased results, it was difficult for them to find Zhang Xu for additional investment.

Recently, twin brother biscuits have become popular among students.

Students from all three schools welcomed the prank snacks, and the twin brothers received a flood of orders.

Now in Hogwarts, from time to time, students can be seen turning into various birds from ostriches to swans after eating a biscuit.

Seeing the good sales momentum of their products and abundant funds, the twin brothers devoted themselves to the research and development of new products with greater enthusiasm.

It's just that everyone's tossing around has greatly damaged the trust between people in the castle, and now no one eats the snacks handed over by others.

Even Zhang Xu was tricked by Gabriel once, and he turned into a penguin after eating the biscuits Gabriel fed.

During dinner one day, Fu Rong said to Zhang Xu: "I don't think I can go on like this."

Zhang Xu: (·_·()?

"Since I came to Hogwarts, I have eaten too much every day." Fleur looked at the hot and delicious stew on the table and said, "My gown can't fit anymore!"

If Zhang Xu said at this time, "Let me help you widen the robe", he would definitely be tied up by Fu Rong and thrown into the lake.

From then on, in order to comfortably put on her gown at the Christmas banquet, Furong lived a life of doing aerobic gymnastics or skipping rope under the supervision of Zhang Xu every night.

As for weight-loss potions and fat-burning magic? Zhang Xu banned Furong from using it on the grounds that it was too harmful to the body.

In terms of diet, Furong has also started to control her eating in moderation, and she no longer eats whatever Zhang Xu gives her.

After having another dinner with Fu Rong, mainly fruit salad and boiled chicken, Zhang Xu and Fu Rong left the cafeteria together.

In the corridor, Ron and Hermione walked ahead, seeming to be talking about dress robes.

Malfoy, who was walking behind them, suddenly exclaimed: "You're kidding, Weasley! Why, did you actually invite that guy to represent Hogwarts at the ball as the warrior's partner? That big toothpaste... ouch... "

(°ε°(☆o==( ̄_ ̄)

"You try to 'mud' one more." Zhang Xu, who was walking behind Malfoy, slapped Malfoy on the back of the head, "Believe it or not, I will punish you to shovel snow in the Forbidden Forest."

Malfoy, who was clutching the back of his head, didn't dare to be angry or speak out, he couldn't afford to offend him.

"You twitching little white cat, why do you want fish, Malfoy?" Hermione said sharply as she took out a dried fish for Crookshanks and handed it to Malfoy.

Looking at the small dried fish that Hermione handed him, Malfoy trembled with anger. The fact that he was turned into a cat was the greatest shame in his life so far.

But he just couldn't take revenge.

After the farce was over, everyone went about their business.

It was Christmas soon, and Fu Rong and Gabriel arrived at Zhang Xu's dormitory early in the morning.

Although Furong could live with Zhang Xu, this is a school after all, and the two of them dare not go too far, so after the first game, Furong would return to the carriage most of the time.

When Sister Furong came in,

Zhang Xu is unpacking the Christmas presents.

Unlike previous years, this year Zhang Xu received a Christmas gift from his family.

In the past, it was inconvenient to send things all the way. This year, Zhang Xu’s father, second uncle and uncle came to Hogwarts to watch the game, so they put the gifts in the embassy by the way, and entrusted the old comrades who are military attaches in the embassy to give them Christmas gifts. Send it to Zhang Xu during the festival.

Zhang Xu's grandfather sent a book of notes he took when he was learning alchemy when he was young, which recorded many tricks of alchemy.

Zhang Xu's grandma sent a dark blue scarf that she knitted herself, which was the same style as the light blue scarf around Furong's neck and the silver-white scarf around Gabriel's neck.

Zhang Xu’s grandpa and grandma brought a guitar, his mother brought a new wand sleeve, his second uncle brought a model of a “nuclear black fish” that had just been decrypted, and his uncle brought a model that could fly around the room. All kinds of mobile Su-27 aircraft models, my cousin sent the conch I picked up in Nansha, my cousin sent a whole set of "Five-Year College Entrance Examination and Three-Year Simulation", my father sent a box of canned food, oranges...

In addition to his family, Mr. Zhao sent a set of the Four Treasures of the Study, which were obviously antiques. Such Four Treasures of the Study were not for ordinary use, but for family heirlooms.

Mr. Qian sent a figure of the SOS troupe who can dance in the troupe.

Dong Niya sent a set of dolls based on Zhang Xu.

Krum also sent a signed figure of himself to Zhang Xu.

The Christmas presents that Zhang Xu prepared for his friends this year are all ink paintings of characters drawn by himself, such as Harry riding on a broomstick and preparing to catch the Golden Snitch, Ron holding a golden egg, Hermione reading a book, sitting Scarlet drinking black tea at the table.

Even Filch, Zhang Xu also drew a picture of Mrs. Norris who was now fattened up and gave it to him.

As for the "Hibiscus Out of Water" that Zhang Xu quietly drew after returning from the bathroom, it was a gift to her a hundred years later.

What Zhang Xu gave her this year was a necklace, which happened to be useful for this Christmas ball.

Zhang Xu and the others had been playing around in the dormitory until noon before going to the cafeteria for lunch.

When the food was served, the corners of Zhang Xu's mouth twitched.

The main course on today's lunch table is turkey, honey roasted turkey, cumin roasted turkey, fried turkey, golden crispy turkey...all turkeys are piled up as far as the eye can see, and there are so many piles of Christmas pudding and Cribbage Wizard Crackers.

Zhang Xu didn't eat much for lunch. He had already obtained Dobby's inside information, and he wanted to save his stomach to eat tonight.

After lunch, Zhang Xu went outside the castle to play snowman fights with everyone.

This is a game brought by the students of Durmstrang. They use magic to build snowmen, and then let the snowmen fight to win.

In the end, all the snowmen on the snow were swept away by Zhang Xu's ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom snowman.

Today, I was cheated by a teammate like a pig. I could make a mistake when I wrote a contract list of materials. At noon, I had to travel more than half of the city to find him to fix it. So there is only one update today.

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