Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 176 Banquet in progress

In the newly renovated auditorium, students are no longer assigned seats by college as in the past.

The original long tables were gone, replaced by round tables, and the students sat in their own small circles around the round tables.

Zhang Xu looked at the guest seat where he was, and then at the large table behind him. No matter how he looked at it, he felt familiar in today's auditorium.

"What are you looking at?" Fu Rong turned her head and asked Zhang Xu.

"Do you think the layout of the auditorium today is very similar to the wedding banquet at our wedding?" Zhang Xu said.

"Puff" three times, Fu Rong, Dong Niya beside her, and Zhang Qiu who was sitting beside Zhang Xu laughed.

Seeing Cedric who also laughed after hearing Zhang Qiu's report, Dumbledore said to Zhang Xu: "If there is something to make us all happy, Zhang."

Just now Zhang Xu and Fu Rong spoke Chinese, apart from the two of them, only Zhang Qiu and Dong Niya could understand it.

"I mean," Zhang Xu said to Dumbledore, "the layout of the auditorium today is the same as the wedding banquet in Huaxia. Our current guest table is usually where the newcomers and their parents and elders are."

After listening to Zhang Xu's explanation, the three principals, Ludo Bagman and others all laughed.

The young people on the table were all a little embarrassed, except for the thick-skinned Zhang Xu.

After joking, Dumbledore looked at his menu carefully, and then said very clearly to his plate: "Pork chops!"

Immediately the pork chops appeared on a shiny golden plate in front of Dumbledore.

At this time, Zhang Xu was also looking at the menu. There were so many appetizers, main meals and desserts on the menu that he was dazzled.

He thinks this automatic ordering system is very interesting, but it cannot be promoted in China, because the country is too big and there are many accents, so it is easy to cause accidents.

If someone says "water (shuì) dumpling (jiào)" to a plate, it is not known whether there will be a pillow or a bed in the plate.

Speaking of dumplings, Zhang Xu regrets not being able to see dumplings on the menu.

As the saying goes, "Christmas dumplings are all about garlic, and next year's income will be several million", "Christmas reunion eats steamed dumplings, and the whole family is happy and healthy", "Christmas dumplings are not about wine, and the next year will be a struggle"...

In desperation, Zhang Xu had no choice but to order a starter of foie gras, baked snails and oysters.

Zhang Xu dipped the foie gras on the bread, and the taste was like drinking good wine. The faint aroma continued to make people's lips and teeth fragrant.

Then Zhang Xu held the fragrant baked snails with tongs, and picked out the snail meat from the shell with a specially prepared fork with the other hand, eating it was smooth, juicy and extremely delicious.

Then there are raw oysters with a few drops of lemon juice. The fresh lemon juice fully stimulates the best taste of oysters, and the light sweetness immediately fills the whole mouth.

Then Zhang Xu ordered the lobster bisque, which is delicious and thick, and this bisque unexpectedly suits his taste.

The side dish is Scottish smoked salmon, which is smoked in aged whiskey barrels, which adds a touch of aroma to the fresh and tender fish and makes the meat more chewy.

For the main course, Zhang Xu chose roasted venison leg, which was marinated with garlic, thyme, juniper berries, rosemary and pepper, and the taste was tender and soft.

The final dessert was a Christmas tree stump cake in the shape of a tree bark covered with chocolate on a cocoa roll, frosted and decorated with mushrooms made of shortbread.

After drinking and eating, Zhang Xu ordered a cup of black tea and chatted with everyone while drinking.

At the dining table just now, Zhang Xu naturally didn't just concentrate on eating. He chatted with everyone while eating delicious food.

Zhang Xu chatted with several principals opposite him about several other magic schools in the world, especially the Castelo Busche School of Magic located deep in the Brazilian rainforest.

Castelobusche School of Magic is very good at herbalism and magical zoology, Zhang Xu felt very sorry for not being able to go there to see (cháng) all kinds of strange herbs and magical animals.

There is also the Kodos Dorez School of Magic in Russia. Zhang Xu had asked Dongya about this magic school before, but Dongia went to Beauxbaton to study like her own mother. Not much is known about the Doritz School of Magic.

On the contrary, Karkaroff knew something about this mysterious magic school, but due to the regulations there, he could not tell too much information. He only knew that the school was located inside the Arctic Circle.

As for the magic school located on South Iwo Jima, Zhang Xu didn't mention it, because he knew that the school was bombed once fifty years ago.

Meanwhile, Krum is chatting in Russian with Tonya. Both Bulgarian and Russian belong to the Slavic language family, and the two are somewhat close.

But Zhang Xu saw that Donia had a businesslike smile on her face. Krum, who was not very familiar with Donia, couldn't see it, but Zhang, who had studied alchemy and worked hard with her, Xu can still tell the difference.

Back in St. Petersburg, Tonya's smile was much livelier when she teased Zhang Xu than it is now.

When the students had finished their dinner, Dumbledore stood up and told the students to follow suit.

Then with a flick of his wand, some of the tables whizzed away to the walls, leaving a space in between.

He conjured up a high stage, which was attached to the right wall, on which there was a drum kit, several guitars, a lute (harp), a cello and several organs.

Immediately, the Weird Sisters rushed onto the stage together, and the students burst into thunderous applause.

Immediately afterwards, the lights on the table were all extinguished.

All four warriors and their partners rose, and the ball began.

Zhang Xu took Fu Rong's hand and walked into the brightly lit dance floor under the gaze of everyone.

The Weird Sisters played a slow, lilting tune.

On the dance floor, Zhang Xu supported Fu Rong's waist with one hand, and tightly held Fu Rong's hand with the other. The two danced cheerfully.

For tonight's dance party, Zhang Xu practiced with Fu Rong a while ago, so his performance today is very good.

Soon, many people also brought their partners into the dance floor and danced to the music.

On the dance floor, Harry and Ron behaved the same way as the two brothers and sisters, they were all being manipulated by their dance partners in circles.

Not far away, Neville stepped on Hannah's feet several times.

After the song, the auditorium burst into applause again.

Fleur left the dance floor to find Gabriel who followed Neville.

Zhang Xu sat at a table, drinking a glass of butter beer.

Not long after, a girl appeared in front of Zhang Xu who came to dance with him.

I don’t know how to write about Western food, so annoying. The point is that I have never eaten high-end western food. . .

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