Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 186: Silly and Joyful Classmate Harry

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On the second day of the second game, the students went to Hogsmeade to have fun again.

Today, Furong and her girlfriends acted together. Yesterday, Furong's grades were good, so they decided to celebrate today.

Last night, Furong's best friend hid for the whole night, and only recovered this morning.

Therefore, Zhang Xu acted on his own today.

Walking on the path leading to Hogsmeade, Zhang Xu saw Harry Potter with a smirk on his face.

"Good morning, Harry, Ginny." Zhang Xu greeted Harry and Ginny.

"Good morning, Zhang." Ginny greeted.

"Good morning... ha ha... Zhang, how are you... ha ha..." Harry Potter's style of painting today is wrong.

"Today's weather is nice... ha ha... sunny... ha ha... will be a nice weekend... ha ha..." Harry said with a silly face and beaming.

"Harry, do you still remember what to do tomorrow?" Zhang Xu noticed that Harry was a little weird today.

"Remember...haha...our school Quidditch team started practicing together! Hahahaha," said Harry.

Zhang Xu became more and more sure that Harry was a little abnormal today.

If it was someone else, Zhang Xu would only think that that person's head was kicked by Hagrid.

But when Harry suddenly turned into such a silly look, Zhang Xu had to pay attention.

Who knows if this is the method of Barty Crouch Jr. to slowly turn Harry Potter into a mentally retarded classmate.

Magic is amazing, and there is a lot of black magic that can cause irreversible damage to the human brain and soul.

If Harry Potter really becomes a mentally retarded child, Dumbledore must be blackened.

Zhang Xu walked to Ginny's side, pulled Ginny's sleeve and walked a few steps to the side.

"Harry, what's the matter?" Zhang Xu asked, "Why is he so happy? Did you agree to his marriage proposal?"

Answer Zhang Xu's,

It was Ginny, whose face was as red as her hair, who kicked him in the shin.

"He's been like this since early this morning," Ginny said, "I don't know what happened to him last night."

"Did he eat anything strange these two days, or did something strange happen?" Zhang Xu asked again.

"No, he's been normal during this time, he hasn't eaten anything from Fred and George." Ginny said, "A few days ago he found out that he was on the Easter three-school Quidditch roster. He's never been this happy when he's looking for players."

No clues could be found from Ginny, so Zhang Xu came to Harry's side.

"Harry, does your scar still hurt recently?" Zhang Xu asked.

"It doesn't hurt anymore... Haha... I haven't had any nightmares recently." Harry said with a smile.

"Then have you encountered anything special recently?" Zhang Xu asked again, "For example, Professor Moody asked you to do individual exercises."

"No, recently Professor Moody only secretly finds Ron and Cedric for private tutoring in the middle of the night." Harry said, "One night Ron accidentally cut off half of his hair by Professor Moody's spell." ,Ha ha ha ha……"

Moody secretly gave the two of them special training in the middle of the night. At that time, Zhang Xu had stopped looking at the Marauder's Map. No wonder he never noticed it.

For a wizard, it is very simple to get back the long and broken hair, so no one except Harry and the others in the dormitory with Ron knew that Ron almost became bald.

Well, it's a pity that I couldn't see the half-bald Ron, otherwise I could laugh at him for half a year.

Barty Crouch Jr. took the opportunity to collect Ron's hair, and it seems that he is starting to prepare for the next plan.

It might be easier to pretend to be Ron and attack Harry at night than to replace the Goblet of Fire with a Portkey.

Or on a day like today when you go to Hogsmeade and Barty Jr. disguised as Ron grabs Harry and disapparates, everyone cry.

But it's hard to say whether Batty Jr. still has time to carry out his plan.

Zhang Xu saw that Harry didn't look like he had been enchanted by some kind of black magic, and then asked, "Why are you so happy today? Did something happy happen to you?"

"I met Bill yesterday...haha...he said that last year's dividends from the broom shop were calculated...hahahaha...I got a lot of money...hahahaha!" Harry said with a smile, "wait Next time I’m going to Hogsmeade for a big sale! Hahahaha!”

After Zhang Xu heard this, he almost took out a gas tank from his treasure bag and smashed the kid to death.

Zhang Xu thought he was affected by some kind of black magic, but it turned out that this stupid roe deer made a small fortune, and then he was so happy.

Zhang Xu pinched his brows, and found that he was too nervous recently, and started to panic.

Zhang Xu, who felt a little upset, said to Harry: "Harry, although you have a little money, you should save it well and don't spend it recklessly. You will have a long time to spend money in the future. When you graduate Marry Ginny, it costs a lot of money to hold a wedding. When you get married, you should at least prepare a house. Buying a house will cost a lot of money. After buying a house, you also need to buy a car. You can’t buy a used car for a car, at least you have to buy a new car, which will cost money. When you and Ginny have a child, the milk powder and diapers will also cost money. When your child grows up, You have to let your child go to a good kindergarten. A good kindergarten can cost a lot of money. You can’t let your child lose at the starting line. After reaching the age, your child has to go to elementary school. Not cheap. When your child graduates from primary school and is going to Hogwarts, you have to buy robes, wands, cauldrons and textbooks for your child. You can’t let your child use cheap second-hand Come on, it will cost a lot of money. If you have more than one child in the future, the money you will spend will increase exponentially. So, although you have some money now, you have to save it .”

Harry Potter listened to Zhang Xu with a dazed expression, talking about the heavenly scriptures there, the adult's world was still a little far away from him now.

Seeing that Harry was in a daze, Zhang Xu ignored him and started wandering around Hogsmeade by himself.

Zhang Xu rarely had anything to do today, he just wandered around the street.

When Zhang Xu walked around and found that nothing interesting happened, he returned to the house he rented to live the life of a retired veteran cadre.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xu, who was lying soundly asleep on the lounge chair in the lobby, was woken up by the hooting of an owl.

The owl delivered the previous week's newspaper from Muggle society.

"Look at the recent news. The world's first commercial bank, Barings Bank, has collapsed."

Zhang Xu made himself a cup of tea, like a retired veteran cadre, with a newspaper in one hand and a tea mug in the other, and began to read the newspaper.

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