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After returning to the villa and taking a nap, Zhang Xu sat at the table in the restaurant, eating cheese and seafood baked rice that he didn't know whether it should be breakfast or lunch.

Around the dining table, apart from Fu Rong, there were Tonya who brought Gabriel over, and Scarlet who stopped by for a meal.

Not long after Zhang Xu and the others came back in the early morning, Dumbledore sent a letter, asking Zhang Xu and the others to find Sirius Black after lunch today.

The rest of the day today has nothing to do with Fu Rong, so Zhang Xu asked her to play with Gabriel, while he and Scarlet went to find Dumbledore and Black.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Xu and Scarlett left the villa together and walked towards Black and Lupine's residence in Hogsmeade.

There is a house in Hogsmeade that originally belonged to the Black family, and later Sirius Black gave it to Lupine as the office of the "Werewolf Care Association". Now Lupine and Black, who works at Hogwarts' Hogsmeade medical point, usually live here, and Harry and the others will come here to find Lupine and Black on Hogsmeade days.

On the way, Zhang Xu and the others met an angry Harry, Ron and Hermione, and the expressions of the latter two were not very good.

After everyone greeted each other, Zhang Xu learned the reason of the matter from what Harry and Ron said.

Speaking of this matter, Zhang Xu has to bear a small blame, but most of it is the life of Harry's classmate.

The Harry trio had finished lunch and were preparing to come to Hogsmeade just now, and then they met the Malfoy trio on the lawn outside the castle.

The next step is the daily quarrels, drawing sticks and starting fights.

According to Zhang Xu's and Dumbledore's plan, they would then carry out a daily quarrel about Snape's appearance, and then punish Harry to accompany him every night.

Just as Snape was thinking about how to "love" classmate Harry during this time of night, while walking towards the scene of the fight between Harry and Malfoy, Snape suddenly saw Malfoy flying up, as if A large invisible hand grabbed Malfoy by the ankle and lifted him into the air.

Harry, who had learned "Flying the Fuchsia" with Black a while ago, applied this spell to Malfoy today.

Fortunately, it's February and the weather is still cold, and Malfoy is still wearing long trousers under his robe, otherwise the pony students would be gone today.

Snape, who was reminded of unpleasant memories by the scene in front of him, immediately stepped forward and severely punished Harry.

For the next week, Harry would deal with various animal offals in Snape's office after dinner every day.

Zhang Xu shrugged, just get used to this kind of thing.

After the group arrived at the house where Black and the others lived, Harry stepped forward and knocked on the door, and the door opened automatically.

As soon as they walked in, they heard the sound of a man crying from the direction of the living room.

In the living room, the body of Regulus, covered in a white cloth, stands in front of the fireplace.

Black, who was sitting on the sofa, was holding the parchment that Regulus had written to Voldemort with one hand, covering his face with the other hand and crying softly.

Lupine sat beside Black, offering a word or two of comfort from time to time.

Dumbledore sat on another sofa.

After Zhang Xu and the others came to the living room, Harry sat beside Black, and the others also found their own places to sit.

Sensing someone entering the living room, Brett raised his head, looked at several people present with his bloodshot eyes, and said to Zhang Xu and Scarlet, "Thank you."

Dumbledore has already told Black what happened last night.

Black knew that it was Scarlet who found Regulus in the group of corpses, and then Zhang Xu rushed into the group of corpses and snatched Regulus out.

After Zhang Xu asked Black to mourn, he waited for Dumbledore to say something.

Everyone came, but Dumbledore saw that Black's state today was no longer suitable for talking about things, so he proposed to take Regulus's body to the Black family cemetery for burial.

Regulus' funeral was hasty and simple.

Lu Ping and Zhang Xu went to a coffin shop at the corner of Diagon Alley together and bought the most expensive coffin in the shop, then put it in Zhang Xu's treasure bag, and brought it to the cemetery of the Black family through Lu Ping's apparation .

Beside the entrance of the Black family cemetery, there is a small stone house, which is the auditorium used for funeral ceremonies.

Dumbledore and the others who came first did a simple cleaning of the auditorium, and Regulus' body was placed on a table in the center of the auditorium.

In the auditorium, Zhang Xu saw Kreacher, the house-elf of the Black family, who was wounded and bleeding on his forehead.

Kreacher was sitting on a bench in the auditorium at this time, and Hermione was bandaging his wound.

Dumbledore and the others sat on other benches, their expressions very heavy.

When Zhang Xu and Lupin went to Diagon Alley to buy a coffin, after Dumbledore and others came to the auditorium of the cemetery, Black called Kreacher.

When Kreacher saw Regulus' body, he cried like crazy and hit his head on the table.

After Blake stopped Kreacher from self-harming, Kreacher spoke out about what happened more than a decade ago.

It is a story that a man will be silent after hearing it, and a woman will cry when she hears it.

For so many years, Black has always thought that his brother is a stupid idiot. When he finally wanted to quit the Death Eaters out of fear, he was directly or indirectly killed by Voldemort.

What is unexpected is that the younger brother, who was stupid in the eyes of the elder brother, made such a heroic act at the last moment of his life, and finally gave his life for it.

After placing the coffin, Zhang Xu sat beside Scarlet.

At this time, Black was telling Lupine what he knew from Kreacher, and some of the past stories of the two brothers were mixed in the middle.

It is one thing to know something from the "plot", but it is another feeling to hear the whole story from the narration of the person involved, especially when you know more things that others don't know.

Among the few people present, Zhang Xu, Scarlet, and Dumbledore knew that Regulus still had a chance.

On the island in the middle of the lake where Voldemort placed the Horcrux, the potion will not kill people, and the house elves can use apparition.

Regulus, who drank the green potion at that time, could have Kreacher take him and the Horcrux away, and then find a place to heal himself.

But Regulus didn't do this, because he knew that if he did, the Black family would face Voldemort's wrath.

So he chose to sacrifice himself at the last moment.

After Black had recovered, he and Lupine put Regulus in the coffin and went to the cemetery.

In the setting sun, the wizards quickly dug the tomb with magic.

After Regulus' coffin was placed in the tomb, the soil was quickly backfilled, and a new tomb was built in this way.

In front of the grave, there is a tombstone made by Dumbledore himself, which says "here lies a brave warrior".

The mourners stood in front of the tombstone and listened quietly as Dumbledore stood beside the tombstone and read the eulogy in a low voice.

At this time, Zhang Xu remembered a sentence that Lu Xun once said.

"Those who are alive will faintly see a faint hope in the light red blood; the real warrior will move forward even more vigorously."

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